#title Ubuntu.com Website Localization Project Roadmap <> == Roadmap == * '''OBJECTIVE''': The goal of website localization is to make ubuntu.com recognize a visitors preferred language from their browser and guide them to help in their language provided by LoCo teams. * '''SUCCESS CRITERIA''': Have a final working product to deliver to Canonical for approval and integration into the ubuntu.com website. * '''ACTIONS''': * Mock design of ubuntu.com with localization help. * Gather resources from different LoCo's to provide to users in their preferred language. * Code a script to take the browser defined preferred language, cross-reference it against a list of resources identified by language. * '''BLUEPRINT''': [[https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/website-localization/+spec/website-localization]] * '''DRIVER''': [[LaunchpadHome:chrisjohnston|Chris Johnston]]