This is the '''4th''' meeting of the '''Welsh LoCo Team''', starting at 19:00 BST and finishing at 19:54 BST = Attendance = Please type PRESENT when the meeting starts to indicate who is online and paying attention. '''Active Atendees:''' * ianto * brobostigon * dariusH * markie- * markjones * chippanfat = Minutes = ## link topics by [#target Topic Name] * A summary of the meeting will be placed here after the meeting. Topics will be linked to the topics in the log. = Guide Lines = ##Updated by AusImage to reflect current usage The meeting moderator will ensure key points are discussed. Key points from the Agenda will be noted by {{{[TOPIC] Agenda item}}}. When ideas are put forward to be considered they should be noted by {{{[IDEA] Idea}}}. The meeting moderator will indicate the final state of each topic by {{{[ACTION] Action being taken}}}. This should signify that the topic is discussed and the meeting is moving forward. The meeting moderator will use special tags to start and end the meeting and its recording. Please see [[ScribesTeam/MootBot| MootBot]] for details on specific tags. = IRC LOGS = ## reference topics by inserting }}}[[Anchor(target)]]{{{ before its mention {{{#!irc 18:59 <@ianto> #startmeeting 18:59 < MootBot> Meeting started at 12:59. The chair is ianto. 18:59 < MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] 19:00 <@brobostigon> PRESENT 19:00 <@ianto> Right today's meeting is obviously about the Global Jam event happening on the weekend of the 3rd of October :-) 19:00 * markjones sleeps 19:00 <@brobostigon> yes. :) 19:00 <@ianto> Our venue will be the _new_ Cardiff Central Library 19:00 <@brobostigon> one second, brb. 19:01 <@ianto> markjones: This +is+ logged btw! :P 19:01 <@ianto> I've been out and about scouting Cardiff btw and I've made some notes on how to get there from the train st. and the High Street 19:01 <@ianto> I've got photos and I'll make a guide/map after the meeting 19:02 <@ianto> Firstly, who here is able to attend it? :) 19:03 <@ianto> If you're not able to, still respond so I'm not feeling so lonely 19:04 * brobostigon retuns 19:04 < markjones> no 19:04 <@brobostigon> i can attend remotly. 19:04 < markjones> i'm going to be in Bangor, and trying to arrange something up here 19:05 < dariusH> 4 minutes late :( 19:05 <@ianto> Ocei it doesn't look like anyone persent will be attending in-person, but I'll be forcing chippanfat aka Ethan to come, dariusH will hopefully be coming and well markie- lives in Cardiff, there is no excuse for him :) 19:05 < dariusH> hopefully? you questioning my loyalty? 19:06 <@ianto> Yes and your availability 19:06 < dariusH> It's a weekend, the only problem i have is money, but it's not that much to get to cardiff 19:06 <@ianto> £6.10 return ticket from Neath :) 19:07 < markie-> i might show up 19:07 < dariusH> Might? 19:07 < markie-> yea might 19:07 < markie-> i most likely will 19:08 <@ianto> That's what we want to hear :) 19:08 < dariusH> you must come geek out, what other oppertunity do you get? 19:08 <@brobostigon> i will also try an attend in person, 19:08 <@brobostigon> if i can. 19:08 <@ianto> Anyway of te two present who could be attending, how much experiece do you have in working on Ubuntu especially in lp? 19:09 <@ianto> s/two/three/g 19:09 <@brobostigon> i wonder how much it will cost, to get to cardiff and back. 19:09 <@ianto> brobostigon: Do you have any sort of railcard? 19:10 <@brobostigon> ianto: nope. 19:10 <@ianto> brobostigon: I'll get a quote in a mo 19:10 <@ianto> The other two what about you ^ 19:10 <@brobostigon> ianto: ok, i was just goingto have a look aswell. 19:11 <@ianto> brobostigon: Okay, you'll hae a better idea so go on :) 19:11 <@brobostigon> ianto: alittle experience with LP, not extensive though, 19:11 <@ianto> Btw a "none" response will be just as useful as "über bug fix0r" 19:12 < markie-> ianto: I'm not entirely familiar with packaging, bugging etc and all that, but i was hoping to learn something concerning that at that event 19:12 <@ianto> markie-: Duly noted 19:12 <@ianto> Well I was thinking we could split the day up a bit into sectors of things to work on and geekout things as well 19:12 < markie-> i mean, i could just like starting reading right now and practice, but meh, it'll be fun to be taught in peson 19:12 < markie-> person* 19:13 <@ianto> Such as a Keysigning party, a Karmic hardware testing review, Bug triaging and en_GB translations 19:13 <@ianto> Nothings makes me rage a smuch as seeing an en_US string in a en_GB DE! 19:13 <@ianto> *as much 19:13 <@ianto> :) 19:14 < markie-> that's sounds pretty cool 19:14 <@ianto> Of course depending on the language skills, during the translation part, one half can do en_GB and one half can d cy 19:15 <@ianto> Although I don't think any Welsh speakers will be attending from the responses so far ^ 19:15 < markie-> do we have a room to ourselfs? or isit just out in the open? 19:15 <@ianto> markie-: We're on the top floor, in a quiet area, basically an empty region with like half of a floor where we can hang out 19:16 < markie-> and most importantly will you be bringing change for that coffee machine? 19:16 <@ianto> markie-: You're a local you must know what floor 5 is like 19:16 < dariusH> coffee sounds good 19:16 < markie-> all teh floors look the same 19:16 <@ianto> Oh forgot to say in this meeting, our area has a coffee machine like 3ft form us 19:16 <@ianto> *from 19:17 <@ianto> So how does an idea of perhaps a GPG keysigning party and/or other naturally geeky things sound to you guys? 19:17 <@brobostigon> :) coffee 19:18 < dariusH> I don't have a laptop... 19:18 <@ianto> dariusH: Can't you borrow your mother's? 19:18 < dariusH> 3 desktops but no laptop :/ 19:18 <@ianto> I swear there are like 3 laptops in your house 19:18 <@brobostigon> i could bring both my thinkpad and my ibook g3. 19:19 < dariusH> was 2 laptops 19:19 < dariusH> my sisters gone to uni 19:19 < markie-> brobostigon: will you be making it? 19:19 < dariusH> my mothers laptop battery is a dud, goes off as soon as you unplug it 19:19 <@ianto> dariusH: We'll have power :) 19:19 <@brobostigon> markie-: i am just looking at cost. 19:19 -!- markjones_ [n=markjone@] has joined #ubuntu-cym 19:19 -!- markjones [n=markjone@] has quit [Connection reset by peer] 19:19 < markie-> brobostigon: Sounds good 19:19 -!- markjones_ is now known as markjones 19:19 < markjones> sorry 19:20 <@ianto> No worries ^ 19:20 <@brobostigon> markie-: £44.50 return 19:20 < chippanfat> this is a rough guess. But I tried to ping my server externaly and had no response, would that be to do with firewall built into ubuntu server? I havent really checked if it has in-built firewall like windows does? 19:20 < markie-> brobostigon: affordable? 19:20 < markjones> hmm 19:20 <@ianto> chippanfat: Meeting in progress! 19:21 <@brobostigon> markie-: maybe, 19:21 < chippanfat> sorry dude :) 19:21 < markjones> I can travel down to Carmarthen for free 19:21 <@ianto> chippanfat: Btw you're coming to Cardiff, weren't you? 19:21 < chippanfat> when is it? :) 19:21 <@ianto> Oct 3rd - 4th 19:21 < dariusH> chippanfat: that's probably your router not the server 19:21 < markie-> we should have something like a cym change box, where we can help members finanically to make the events 19:22 <@brobostigon> markie-: i am not working at the moment either, so that is alot of money. 19:22 < chippanfat> dariusH: I've forwarded the services "SFTP, FTP and SSH" 19:22 < markie-> brobostigon: Yea believe me i understand :P 19:22 <@brobostigon> markie-: i see, :( ohwell. 19:22 < dariusH> chippanfat: what router do you have? 19:23 < markie-> brobostigon: but, we might be able to all chip in 19:23 < markie-> ianto: ? 19:23 < markjones> can anybody put me up for a night or two? 19:23 < dariusH> markie-: that's me out, i have £0, still applying anywhere i can 19:23 < chippanfat> Ianto: "I'll come to cardiff dude :) chip in for the fuel and i'll take you there :) 19:23 < chippanfat> Dariush: Netgear 19:23 < dariusH> chippanfat: 19:23 < dariusH> give that a go 19:23 < chippanfat> dariusH: DG834GT 19:24 <@ianto> markie-: Yeah? 19:24 < markie-> ianto: you think you can help brobostigon with his ticket? 19:24 <@brobostigon> ok, can we go back ontopic, 19:24 <@ianto> markjones: I'd be honoured to share my place but I dunno about room, I'll negotiate with some people in-house or other -cym folk ;) 19:25 <@ianto> markie-: Erm... I have just £20 atm so that covers food and train ticket for Cardiff 19:25 < markie-> god we're all so broke 19:25 < markjones> ianto: yeah, ok, i'm able to get as far as Carmarthen on Trawscambria services 19:25 < markjones> that'll take about a day 19:25 < dariusH> i applied to cash converters the other day heh 19:25 < dariusH> anyway, back ontopic :P 19:25 < markjones> oh sh*t 19:25 <@brobostigon> otherwise i can just chipin remotly over voip 19:26 < markjones> (sorry, shouldn't swear) 19:26 <@ianto> markjones: Not advised, still happens ;-) 19:26 <@ianto> Regardless, do youu want to do some other stuff other than just work there? :) 19:26 < markjones> i'll not be able to come down, as my timetable is pretty full 19:27 < markjones> but people are welcome to come up North 19:28 <@brobostigon> ok, so do w have a plan? 19:28 <@ianto> yeah, just trying to see what people would like to add to it :) 19:29 <@brobostigon> well i dont think with train cost, i will be able to atend, so i cant input. 19:30 < dariusH> is food allowed in the library or do we have to go somewhere to eat? 19:30 <@ianto> For aquick recap, bug triage, testing h/w and s/w, key sign, translation 19:31 <@ianto> I recommend that you guys bring a good form of ID if you aren't keysigning 19:31 <@ianto> In case you need a library card 19:31 <@ianto> dariusH: Well there are lots of tables outside 19:31 <@ianto> And you could sneak if you had to 19:32 <@ianto> we are pretty hidden 19:32 <@ianto> But I'm not sure if it is outlawed 19:32 <@brobostigon> ok, for those that cant attend, is a voip + video link possible? 19:32 < markie-> dariusH: they sell food in the machines so i think it most likely is, i eat in there all the time 19:32 <@ianto> markie-: What's your experience in this matter? 19:32 <@ianto> Ahh OK ^ 19:32 <@ianto> Oh yeah, who is actually good with VoIP solutions? 19:33 < dariusH> we 19:33 < markjones> me 19:33 < dariusH> are we having any voip links with other jam events? 19:33 < dariusH> ie or uk? 19:33 <@ianto> It'd be nice and video would be nice too 19:33 <@ianto> But watch out the Birmingham jammers are quite a site :D 19:34 <@ianto> *sight 19:34 < markjones> lol 19:34 < markjones> use Ekiga 19:34 <@brobostigon> is it possible to do two directional, not just outgoing audio and video? 19:34 <@ianto> Last year we used a website hosting both of our feeds 19:34 <@ianto> But there was like a 3 second delay 19:35 < markjones> yeah 19:35 < markjones> there are websites that do that 19:35 < dariusH> what net speeds does the library use? 19:35 <@brobostigon> can we then use skype or something, so i can input from here.? 19:35 < markjones> dariusH: should be about normal ADSL 19:35 < markjones> brobostigon: the websites have chat 19:35 <@ianto> I thought that libraries ran off of the gvt backbone? 19:35 < markjones> some link to IRC 19:36 < markjones> ianto: some do 19:36 < markjones> depends on the Local Authority 19:36 < dariusH> as long as it's not the educational network, that's horribly slow 19:36 < markjones> might be quite quick in cardiff 19:36 <@brobostigon> markjones: i see, ok. am not sure that maybe sufficiant. 19:37 < markjones> brobostigon: sufficient for what? 19:37 <@brobostigon> markjones: for me to be able to provide input. 19:37 <@ianto> chippanfat: What time will you be leaving Neath out of curiosity? 19:37 < markjones> brobostigon: input for what? 19:38 <@brobostigon> markjones: into what you chaps will be doing, 19:39 < markjones> ok, how about one or two machines run a Skype/Ekiga connection 19:39 < markjones> and one runs the webcam/IRC chat 19:39 <@brobostigon> markjones: i dont know, depends on what is possible, and what is needed. 19:41 <@ianto> Right i'll be bringing a webcam 19:41 <@ianto> Second issue for geeks is electricity 19:41 <@ianto> We are permitted to use the library's power supply 19:41 <@brobostigon> thats good. 19:41 <@ianto> Where we are there are just two plugs, I have a 4 power power surge protector extension cable 19:41 <@ianto> and a 3port square plug thing 19:42 <@ianto> Can anyone else assist in the networking of power? 19:42 <@ianto> Oh I should mention, our area has a capacity of 13 people which IMO is more than enough since that is 33% of the lp team :) 19:42 * brobostigon imagines a hydrogen fuel cell. :) 19:42 <@ianto> I did a count earlier... :) 19:43 <@brobostigon> :) 19:44 <@ianto> If only IRC had a nudge feature... 19:45 <@brobostigon> interesting idea. 19:45 <@brobostigon> a flash in irssi? 19:45 <@brobostigon> a sound, a noise? 19:46 <@ianto> Yeah well, I think we have the actual power sorted for 7 people 19:46 < markjones> 19:46 < MootBot> LINK received: 19:47 < markjones> it's the service my friends used, and links to IRC 19:48 <@brobostigon> ok. 19:49 <@ianto> markjones: We'll try using that 19:50 < markjones> ianto: cool :) 19:50 < markjones> i'll use it too 19:50 <@ianto> Alright is there anyything that people would like to add to this meeting? 19:50 <@ianto> I will be creating an OpenStreet map shortly 19:50 < markjones> no, except that i'm now ill :( 19:50 <@ianto> With pictures to email to our team 19:50 <@brobostigon> ubuntu rocks 19:50 <@ianto> :( 19:51 <@brobostigon> i will try to attend, if i can find the money, and save money somewhere else. 19:51 <@ianto> brobostigon: Don't feel that you _have_ to! Just survive first before improving Ubuntu :) 19:52 <@brobostigon> ianto: ok, :) 19:52 <@ianto> Is that now all from you guys? 19:53 <@brobostigon> yes. 19:53 -!- chippanfat [n=ethan@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 19:54 <@ianto> #endmeeting 19:54 < MootBot> Meeting finished at 13:54. }}}