This is the '''3rd''' meeting of the '''Welsh LoCo Team''', starting at 19:37 GMT and finishing at 20:57 GMT = Attendance = Please type PRESENT when the meeting starts to indicate who is online and paying attention. '''Active Atendees:''' * ianto * brobostigon * arthurL * TonyP * kn100 * The_Toxic_Mite = Minutes = ## link topics by [#target Topic Name] * A summary of the meeting will be placed here after the meeting. Topics will be linked to the topics in the log. = Guide Lines = ##Updated by AusImage to reflect current usage The meeting moderator will ensure key points are discussed. Key points from the Agenda will be noted by {{{[TOPIC] Agenda item}}}. When ideas are put forward to be considered they should be noted by {{{[IDEA] Idea}}}. The meeting moderator will indicate the final state of each topic by {{{[ACTION] Action being taken}}}. This should signify that the topic is discussed and the meeting is moving forward. The meeting moderator will use special tags to start and end the meeting and its recording. Please see [[ScribesTeam/MootBot| MootBot]] for details on specific tags. = IRC LOGS = ## reference topics by inserting }}}[[Anchor(target)]]{{{ before its mention {{{#!irc 19:37 < MootBot> Meeting started at 13:37. The chair is ianto. 19:37 < MootB [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] 19:37 < brobostigon> present 19:37 < ianto> [topic] Intro 19:37 < MootBot> New Topic: Intro 19:37 < ianto> Present 19:37 < ianto> Right first off I just made a little agenda summary on the wiki 19:37 < ianto> 19:37 < ianto> These will be discussion topics for today 19:38 < brobostigon> minute, i will w3m 19:38 < ianto> Right, first off as maany of you do know, we have our forums setup. 19:38 < ianto> What would you like to see in there? 19:38 < ianto> As so far only I and TonyP have posted there 19:38 < kn100> ianto i didnt know they existed 19:38 < TonyP> yep 19:39 < kn100> maybe better advertising 19:39 < ianto> kn100: 19:39 < kn100> thanks you 19:39 < ianto> [topic] Forums 19:39 < MootBot> New Topic: Forums 19:39 < ianto> Oops forgetting stuff as the IRC chair d'oh 19:40 < ianto> Regardless, how many of you utilise the forum normally? 19:40 < kn100> a lot of the time, the search feature is handy when looking for how to do stuff 19:41 < brobostigon> well the forums are there, to discuss anything that could be disccused within ubuntu-cymru, ie anything. 19:41 < TonyP> Not much myself, launchpad for me 19:42 < ianto> Right, so for example what would you want to be discussed in the forums? 19:42 < TonyP> I will monitor our forum though 19:42 < brobostigon> ianto: anything, and everything i suspect can be discussed via the forum. 19:42 < kn100> i think the forums would be best discussing what is happening within the group 19:42 < ianto> P.S. get posting in the intro thread! 19:42 < brobostigon> kn100: and technical questions, 19:43 < ianto> [action] Post in the intro thread 19:43 < MootBot> ACTION received: Post in the intro thread 19:43 < ianto> :) 19:43 < ianto> Right so when new stuff comes up and even stuff that gets discussed inthe meetings 19:43 < ianto> We will relay them onto the forums 19:43 < ianto> We have an interest over there now hopefully :) 19:44 < brobostigon> thats good thinking ianto 19:44 < ianto> Right makes sense, we can use the forums with SFD too (later in the meeting) 19:45 < brobostigon> SFD? 19:45 < ianto> Software Freedom Day 19:45 < kn100> i dont know what to put in my intro post :) 19:45 < brobostigon> :), i just changes to w3m ,to check, 19:46 < ianto> kn100: Do that after :) 19:46 < ianto> kn100: I'll talk you through it if needed ;p 19:46 < brobostigon> so we all post an intro about ourselves to the forum,? 19:47 < kn100> kn100 nah i just posted something short 19:47 < ianto> kn100: Cool enough 19:47 < ianto> brobostigon: Later to acknowledge that we know that it exists! 19:48 < ianto> s/it/the\ forums 19:48 < brobostigon> ianto: ok, i understand, 19:48 < ianto> Right any other topics related to the forums that you guys wanna bring up? 19:48 < brobostigon> nope, ianto 19:49 * ianto is rushing btw if you are wondering ;) 19:49 < brobostigon> why rush? 19:49 < ianto> Otherwise we could be here for 3 hours :9 19:49 < kn100> :O 19:50 < ianto> TonyP: Any input? :) 19:50 < TonyP> not really, but I would like to see more intros 19:50 < brobostigon> ok ianto :) 19:51 < ianto> [topic] New Website 19:51 < MootBot> New Topic: New Website 19:51 < ianto> We currently have a server ready for our website 19:51 < ianto> 19:51 < MootBot> LINK received: 19:51 < ianto> It is a VPS however we don't yet have our domain 19:52 < ianto> We will obtain this (hopefully) next week at UDS thanks to Jorge 19:52 < kn100> ianto are you looking to pay for the domain? 19:52 < ianto> kn100: Ubuntu-eu provides it for free 19:52 < TonyP> i see it works:) 19:52 < ianto> So far the VPS has hardly any web content 19:52 < ianto> However what we do have is 19:52 < kn100>

It works!

epic html code 19:52 < ianto> Which will be 19:53 < ianto> Firstly, what platform would you prefer our site to be? 19:53 < ianto> i.e. Drupal, Django etc 19:53 < ianto> 19:53 < ianto> On that site there are examples of which to use :) 19:54 < ianto> There are awesome Drupal templates available ;) 19:54 < brobostigon> i dont have the design knowledge to suggest anything here. 19:54 < kn100> no comment 19:54 < ianto> 19:54 < ianto> Examples of some templates available for us to use 19:56 < brobostigon> i personally prefer darker themes, easier on my eyes, like 19:56 < ianto> I am seeking volunteer website maintainers to help adminstrate the site if they wish 19:56 < ianto> And someone to fix brobo & The Planet ;) 19:56 < brobostigon> ianto: i can put my name up for that. i have some stuff to learn. 19:56 < brobostigon> though* 19:57 < kn100> ianto 19:57 < kn100> 19:57 < MootBot> LINK received: 19:57 < kn100> thats xoops 19:57 < kn100> it looks great 19:58 < TonyP> i like that too 19:58 < ianto> We have to find a trade-off between adminstrative difficulty and prettiness too ;) 19:58 < brobostigon> there no point in prettiness if its difficult to look after. 19:58 < kn100> yeah 19:59 < kn100> wiki is awesome, 19:59 < kn100> mediawiki 19:59 < ianto> We utilise moin wiki at kn100 19:59 < kn100> yes i see 20:00 -!- The_Toxic_Mite [] has joined #ubuntu-cym 20:00 < kn100> hi thetoxicmite? 20:00 -!- arthurL [] has joined #ubuntu-cym 20:00 < ianto> arthurL: Good to see you 20:00 < The_Toxic_Mite> Hello? 20:00 < brobostigon> ok meeting chaps 20:00 < The_Toxic_Mite> kn100: hi 20:01 < arthurL> Sorry to be tarty to the party. 20:01 < The_Toxic_Mite> I created #ubuntu-sco by accident btw 20:01 < ianto> For those who just joined us, you ought to know thhat we are currently discussing website platforms for 20:01 < The_Toxic_Mite> lol 20:01 < The_Toxic_Mite> arthurL: it's alright 20:01 < ianto> Paying attention to these templates 20:01 < kn100> how easy is xoops to maintain? 20:02 < ianto> kn100: It's alien to me ;) 20:02 < ianto> [idea] Volunteer site maintainers for the website 20:02 < MootBot> IDEA received: Volunteer site maintainers for the website 20:02 < kn100> Id help maintain the site, but i don't know how :) 20:03 < brobostigon> ianto: i put my name forward, also have some parts to learn, on that front, 20:03 < The_Toxic_Mite> kn100: +1 20:03 < The_Toxic_Mite> although I am not welsh, I would like to help maintain it 20:03 < The_Toxic_Mite> :D 20:03 < brobostigon> The_Toxic_Mite: i am not welsh either 20:03 < The_Toxic_Mite> brobostigon: Lol 20:03 < kn100> oh lawd, a person without welsh blood in thier vains in the ubuntu-cym channel? its anarchy i tellz you 20:04 < ianto> kn100: Just watch out for when we get overthrown ;) 20:04 < brobostigon> kn100: my dads family is welsh 20:04 < kn100> oh lawd, its anarchy 20:04 < The_Toxic_Mite> kn100: shut up 20:04 < kn100> :) 20:04 < ianto> Anyway back to the meeting, I enjoy the idea of Drupal as so many other loCos have skinned a template for it already 20:04 < The_Toxic_Mite> xD 20:04 < kn100> Drupal, an example of it? 20:04 < ianto> kn100: ;) 20:04 < arthurL> I also favour Drupal 20:04 < brobostigon> ianto: ok, i dont know enough about drupal to give an opinion, 20:05 < kn100> well looks awesome, so drupal +1 20:05 < ianto> Alright just a little vote to see who likes/is in favour of Drupal, use +1 for yes, 0 for abstain -1 for no 20:05 < arthurL> +1 20:05 < ianto> [vote] Should drupal be used for the stie? 20:05 < MootBot> Please vote on: Should drupal be used for the stie?. 20:05 < MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot 20:05 < MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-cym 20:05 < ianto> *site 20:05 < ianto> +1 20:05 < TonyP> +1 20:05 < MootBot> +1 received from TonyP. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 20:05 < MootBot> +1 received from ianto. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 20:05 < arthurL> +1 20:05 < kn100> +1 20:05 < MootBot> +1 received from arthurL. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 20:05 < MootBot> +1 received from kn100. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 20:06 < brobostigon> +1 20:06 < MootBot> +1 received from brobostigon. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 20:06 < ianto> Heh unanimous decision (excuse my spelling ;) ) 20:06 < ianto> [endvote] 20:06 < MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 20:06 < ianto> Right that is sorted, second point across now, design our own theme or use another LoCo's? 20:07 < brobostigon> a drupal theme, 20:07 < kn100> ianto it depends, how easy is it to theme it? 20:07 < ianto> kn100: I'm not a designer, I can't even use GIMP 20:07 < brobostigon> i favour a darker theme, 20:07 < ianto> i.e. dunno ^ 20:07 < TonyP> For speed use another LOCOs and fork it later 20:07 < arthurL> +1 for darker theme 20:07 < The_Toxic_Mite> How about a coffee-flavoured theme? 20:08 < kn100> i can make images, and icons etc etc, but i have no knowledge in theming drupal 20:08 < brobostigon> easier on eyes 20:08 < The_Toxic_Mite> :P 20:08 < ianto> So sticking with the universal Ubuntu theme is bad in your guys opinion? 20:08 < ianto> That nearly all sites use? 20:08 < ianto> exclusions to kubuntu ofc 20:08 < brobostigon> ianto: i dont laways like it, 20:08 < The_Toxic_Mite> [vote] Should the universal Ubuntu theme be used for the site? 20:08 < MootBot> The_Toxic_Mite, Only the meeting chair can do that 20:08 < kn100> universal ubuntu theme in my oppinion is too generic 20:08 < The_Toxic_Mite> ok mootbot 20:09 < ianto> [Vote] Standard Ubuntu Theme/Colours to be used? 20:09 < MootBot> Please vote on: Standard Ubuntu Theme/Colours to be used?. 20:09 < MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot 20:09 < MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-cym 20:09 < ianto> happy The_Toxic_Mite? 20:09 < ianto> +1 20:09 < MootBot> +1 received from ianto. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 20:09 < brobostigon> -1 20:09 < MootBot> -1 received from brobostigon. 1 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 0 20:09 < TonyP> +1 20:09 < MootBot> +1 received from TonyP. 2 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 20:09 < arthurL> +1 20:09 < MootBot> +1 received from arthurL. 3 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 20:09 < The_Toxic_Mite> ianto: yeah :P 20:09 < The_Toxic_Mite> +1 20:09 < MootBot> +1 received from The_Toxic_Mite. 4 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 20:09 < kn100> -1 20:09 < MootBot> -1 received from kn100. 4 for, 2 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 20:09 < ianto> [endvote] 20:09 < MootBot> Final result is 4 for, 2 against. 0 abstained. Total: 2 20:09 < ianto> Hmm 2:1 outcome 20:10 < The_Toxic_Mite> Ubuntu colours to be used 20:10 < ianto> The two who voted against, why is that? 20:10 < The_Toxic_Mite> ianto: Re-start the poll? 20:10 < kn100> i find the ubuntu colours too generic 20:10 < brobostigon> i prefer darker themes ianto, 20:10 < kn100> i think we need something unique 20:10 < kn100> ubuntus base, but with a more welsh feel 20:11 < brobostigon> kn100: agreed. :) 20:11 < The_Toxic_Mite> kn100: good idea... 20:11 < TonyP> something Welsh? 20:11 < arthurL> We could always tweak it later. 20:11 < ianto> kn100: We can achieve that with a standard Ubuntu theme ;) 20:11 < kn100> revote then? :) 20:11 < ianto> [Vote] Standard Ubuntu Themeset to be used with tweaks? 20:11 < The_Toxic_Mite> Ubuntu logo in the colours of the welsh flag, perhaps? 20:11 < MootBot> Please vote on: Standard Ubuntu Themeset to be used with tweaks?. 20:11 < MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot 20:11 < MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-cym 20:11 < ianto> Happy now revoters? 20:11 < The_Toxic_Mite> +1 20:11 < MootBot> +1 received from The_Toxic_Mite. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 20:11 < ianto> +1 20:11 < MootBot> +1 received from ianto. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 20:11 < arthurL> +1 20:11 < MootBot> +1 received from arthurL. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 20:11 < kn100> +1 20:11 < MootBot> +1 received from kn100. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 20:11 < TonyP> +1 20:11 < MootBot> +1 received from TonyP. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 20:11 < brobostigon> +1 20:11 < MootBot> +1 received from brobostigon. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 6 20:12 < ianto> Alright 6:0 20:12 < ianto> [endvote] 20:12 < MootBot> Final result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 6 20:12 < kn100> there we go 20:12 < The_Toxic_Mite> :D 20:12 < ianto> [action] Use standard Ubuntu theme for Drupal but edit it here and there for personal effects 20:12 < MootBot> ACTION received: Use standard Ubuntu theme for Drupal but edit it here and there for personal effects 20:12 < ianto> personal/groupanal? :p 20:13 < ianto> Any other input for the website? :) 20:13 < The_Toxic_Mite> ianto: Ubuntu logo in the colours of the welsh flag 20:13 < arthurL> I've done a few 20:14 < ianto> The_Toxic_Mite: ;) 20:14 < ianto> Our logoo top right 20:14 < arthurL> They're nothing special but I'm hoping to work on them soon 20:14 < The_Toxic_Mite> neat! 20:14 < ianto> arthurL: Can you do a black line around the white circle of friendship block? 20:14 < ianto> To make it true white but stand otu 20:14 < ianto> *out 20:14 < The_Toxic_Mite> damn, I need to find someone that can speak Scots Gaelic 20:14 < arthurL> They'll all need a black line in that case 20:14 < The_Toxic_Mite> for my #ubuntu-sco channel 20:14 < ianto> arthurL: Yeah I know :) 20:15 < arthurL> I can do that 20:15 < ianto> Coolio good to hear 20:15 < kn100> any graphical work, im your man :) 20:15 < arthurL> In fact, I have. I think. 20:15 < ianto> We'll have a logo thread in the forums soon ;) 20:15 < ianto> [action] Logo thread in the forums 20:15 < MootBot> ACTION received: Logo thread in the forums 20:15 < arthurL> What about this logo? 20:15 < MootBot> LINK received: What about this logo? 20:15 < arthurL> The one to the right, that is. 20:16 < kn100> im going to fork that 20:16 < MootBot> LINK received: im going to fork that 20:16 < ianto> Pretty sweet for a logo 20:16 < ianto> But not for a banner 20:16 < ianto> Because the text in the middle is complicated to read 20:16 < arthurL> I have done a banner too :P 20:16 < The_Toxic_Mite> :P 20:16 < kn100> what resolution do you want for the banner? im bored 20:17 < ianto> arthurL: P.S. we have forums now if you're not up to date 20:17 < arthurL> 20:17 < MootBot> LINK received: 20:17 < arthurL> ianto: Oh yeah, noticed the forums 20:18 < ianto> Right logos in new thread when I get around to it (or someone else create the thread) 20:18 < ianto> Any other website input? 20:18 < kn100> we could archive IRC on it like ubuntu-uk do 20:18 < brobostigon> and stats 20:18 < ianto> kn100: I've requested and I am awaiting -eu to do that 20:19 < ianto> Been waiting two or so months now :( 20:19 < kn100> ahh i see# 20:19 < kn100> s/#/ 20:19 < ianto> brobostigon: When the site is finished I'll add that too :) 20:19 < brobostigon> ianto: :) 20:19 < The_Toxic_Mite> BRB got to go in the bath 20:19 * The_Toxic_Mite is away: I'm busy 20:20 < ianto> For after the meeting 20:20 < MootBot> LINK received: For after the meeting 20:20 < ianto> Anything else to add on the website front before we can move on? :) 20:20 < arthurL> I have nothing to add. 20:20 < brobostigon> same here, nothing 20:21 < TonyP> same here 20:21 < ianto> That's enouggh for a pass then I guess 20:21 < brobostigon> ok 20:21 < ianto> [topic] Membership 20:21 < MootBot> New Topic: Membership 20:21 < ianto> Right here is an idea that some locos use including the Catalan one (Catalann folk are like the Welsh of Spain) 20:22 < ianto> What we can do is offer rewards to those who are active in the -cym community 20:22 < ianto> Posting in the forums, helping users, helping people switch or just help in the mailing lists 20:22 < brobostigon> thats a good idea 20:22 < ianto> What the rewards (so far) will be is an address and their blog to be aggregated to our planet 20:23 < arthurL> I can see it now; "You have been attributed 10 leeks" 20:23 < kn100> HAHAHAHA 20:23 < arthurL> Let's use leeks as a currency 20:23 < ianto> arthurL: Good idea ;) 20:23 < ianto> Like the coffee beans 20:23 < kn100> Thats an awesome idea 20:23 < arthurL> =] 20:23 < brobostigon> hehe, :) 20:24 < TonyP> can i convert my launchpad karma toleeks 20:24 < ianto> Of course anyone will be able to be a member and it'll be a lot less informal than official Ubuntu membership 20:24 < ianto> s/less/more 20:24 < ianto> Never use less and informal at the same time when you mean informal to start with! 20:25 < brobostigon> i agree, it a good idea, i like it, 20:25 < arthurL> +1 20:25 < ianto> Enough info to vote on it or you wanna add more input 20:25 < ianto> Or question it? 20:25 < kn100> vote i thinks 20:25 < arthurL> Looks good enough for a vote to me 20:25 < TonyP> ok 20:26 < ianto> [vote] Have our own form of membership? 20:26 < MootBot> Please vote on: Have our own form of membership?. 20:26 < MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot 20:26 < MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-cym 20:26 < ianto> +1 20:26 < MootBot> +1 received from ianto. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 20:26 < brobostigon> +1 20:26 < MootBot> +1 received from brobostigon. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 20:26 < kn100> +1 20:26 < MootBot> +1 received from kn100. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 20:26 < TonyP> +1 20:26 < MootBot> +1 received from TonyP. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 20:26 < arthurL> +1 20:26 < MootBot> +1 received from arthurL. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 20:26 < ianto> We only have 5 since the scotsman went for his bath 20:26 < ianto> [endvote] 20:26 < MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 20:26 < brobostigon> :) 20:27 < ianto> I'll leave SFD for the forums or discuss it here first? 20:27 < ianto> Software Freedom day 20:27 < kn100> for the forums 20:27 < brobostigon> ianto: what does it involve? 20:28 < ianto> 20:28 < brobostigon> ok, i will have a look later, when we are done. 20:28 < ianto> brobostigon: It can be anything 20:29 < brobostigon> well i have a new chat engine for my website, ipv6 , which a friend designed for me. 20:29 < ianto> I'll add that to our forums later then rather than spending many hours planning atm :p 20:29 < ianto> Or does anyone want to discuss it now? 20:29 < brobostigon> so i can host a freedom chat, untill we find a permenent server 20:30 < arthurL> I think it's more suited to the forums 20:30 < brobostigon> ok, 20:30 < ianto> Or even better a mailing list eh? 20:30 < ianto> [topic] List & Site 20:30 < MootBot> New Topic: List & Site 20:30 < brobostigon> mailing list, :) 20:30 < arthurL> Either or 20:30 < ianto> Might as well add this taht jcastro & another friend will be setting it all up at UDS 20:30 < brobostigon> do we have a mailing list? 20:30 < ianto> In a week or two we will have confirmation of it 20:31 < TonyP> I like mailing lists myself 20:31 < brobostigon> ok, :) 20:31 < ianto> It deserved its own litttle topic even if it was just IT IS FINALLY BEINGDONE post ;) 20:31 < brobostigon> agreed ianto 20:31 < ianto> [Topic] Merchandise 20:31 < MootBot> New Topic: Merchandise 20:32 < ianto> Right -cym lp members will know that I've been giving out freebies lately 20:32 < ianto> Such as case stickers, paper stickers and discs 20:32 < ianto> Given out near 100 discs and 40 or so stickers 20:32 < ianto> case stickers ^ 20:32 < brobostigon> wow, :) 20:33 < arthurL> Golly, didn't think you'd give that much out 20:33 < ianto> But I've been emailing and they have permitted us to have -cym exclusive merchandise too 20:33 < TonyP> great 20:33 < ianto> I've been speaking to a local t-shirt manufacturer right here in this village and we can get t-shirts for £6 20:33 < ianto> And special mp3 hoodies too ;) 20:33 < brobostigon> ianto: thats good news, i rememer you telling me about that afew weeks ago, 20:33 < ianto> Unsure of the hoody cost atm 20:33 < arthurL> Wych! 20:34 < brobostigon> ubuntu-cym collar pins? 20:34 < ianto> In reality the cost of the T-shirt is £5 but as long as you guys agree, we can keep a log of purchases (exlcuding names and addresses) and use that extra £1 to -cym related stuff 20:34 < ianto> and keeping a log of purchases too 20:34 < ianto> i.e. VPS bills 20:35 < brobostigon> ianto: like a donation? 20:35 < ianto> Or renting a place for vfenues 20:35 < arthurL> Me likes 20:35 < ianto> brobostigon: Donation where you recieve a product too :) 20:35 < arthurL> It's more like a tax 20:35 < brobostigon> ianto: yep, :) 20:35 < ianto> Yeah UAT 20:35 < ianto> Ubuntu Added Tax 20:35 < arthurL> Lawld 20:35 < brobostigon> ucat, ubuntu-cym added tax 20:36 < ianto> Of course some people may see this as a bad move 20:36 < ianto> So I'd like to see what you guys think ;-) 20:36 < brobostigon> ianto: agreed, some might, 20:36 < brobostigon> i think it is a good idea, 20:36 < arthurL> ++; 20:37 * brobostigon bangs his head on the table, at seeing what his mum just put on the tv, :( 20:37 < ianto> Of course we can't all do this with one man, too much chance of corruption ;). We will need a treasurer too 20:37 < ianto> Or secretary 20:37 < brobostigon> thats definatly a good idea. 20:38 < arthurL> Agreed. 20:38 < brobostigon> and freely published 20:38 < arthurL> It *must* be someone who we can trust 20:38 < arthurL> and it *must* be transparent 20:38 < ianto> It *can't* be me ;) 20:38 < kn100> i will be the treasurer :p 20:38 < brobostigon> that makes sense ianto 20:38 < kn100> ;) 20:38 < ianto> kn100: Heh slow down you've only been here two days ;) 20:39 < arthurL> We could do a vote for the treasurer like we did for the POC 20:39 < kn100> i dont want to be the treasurer mate, i was being sarcastic 20:39 < TonyP> good idea 20:39 < ianto> Yeah that's a possibility but it has to be someone _reliable_ 20:39 < arthurL> And good with money 20:40 < brobostigon> i will not put myself down for that job. 20:40 < ianto> That rules out half of the team then ;) 20:40 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-cym: Total of 17 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 17 normal] 20:41 < ianto> Is there anyone who'd like to volunteer however? 20:41 < arthurL> Yo. 20:41 < kn100> ianto i think you are best for the job 20:41 < ianto> kn100: Can't ;) 20:42 < kn100> cant? 20:42 < kn100> or wont 20:42 < kn100> :) 20:42 < ianto> Admittedly I know the person doing the job personally but I am already PoC so I can't be treasurer too 20:42 < arthurL> Division of labour and all that 20:43 < ianto> So arthurL has volunteered as a possible person? :) 20:43 < arthurL> Yeah. 20:43 < brobostigon> i will not volunteer 20:44 < ianto> First though we need ot confirm that we think it's a good idea before getting a person to do it ;) 20:44 < brobostigon> its a good idea. 20:44 < ianto> [vote] Have -cym branded merchandise with a treasurer to handle monies? 20:44 < arthurL> We have to prove that it's necessary 20:44 < MootBot> Please vote on: Have -cym branded merchandise with a treasurer to handle monies?. 20:44 < MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot 20:44 < MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-cym 20:44 < ianto> +1 20:44 < MootBot> +1 received from ianto. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 20:44 < arthurL> +1 20:44 < MootBot> +1 received from arthurL. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 20:44 < brobostigon> +1 20:44 < MootBot> +1 received from brobostigon. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 20:44 < TonyP> +1 20:44 < MootBot> +1 received from TonyP. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 20:44 < kn100> +1 20:44 < MootBot> +1 received from kn100. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 20:45 < ianto> [endvote] 20:45 < MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 20:45 < ianto> Coolio that is decided upon 20:45 < ianto> I'll write something up and do a lp vote later 20:45 < brobostigon> ok, 20:45 < arthurL> Wych 20:45 < ianto> [action] Explain to the rest of the team and setup a vote 20:45 < MootBot> ACTION received: Explain to the rest of the team and setup a vote 20:45 < ianto> [topic] Misc. 20:45 < MootBot> New Topic: Misc. 20:46 < ianto> In other news we have team reports in a new format 20:46 < ianto> 20:46 < ianto> Report In progress = current month being compile, complete = last full month and past ones are the past 20:47 < kn100> i wonder if heddlu de cymru will change to ubuntu 20:47 < ianto> kn100: They haven't replied in 2months 20:47 < ianto> Gawd people hate me ;) 20:47 < ianto> First off they rejected the mail as a virus since I emailed with a PGP signature 20:47 < ianto> One of the good points of my mail ^ 20:47 < arthurL> Hurr, they kind of deserve their computer systems to get raped. 20:47 < kn100> oh man... they rejected a pgp signature 20:48 < ianto> arthurL: +1 20:48 < kn100> hey, heres my entry to the ubucym logo 20:48 < kn100> 20:48 < MootBot> LINK received: 20:48 < arthurL> Sweeet 20:48 < kn100> based it off the original one 20:48 < kn100> added a little informality 20:48 < arthurL> I like the type used for "Cymru". 20:49 < kn100> thanks :) 20:49 < kn100> its Purisa with a little modification 20:49 < arthurL> I have also toyed with the idea of a dragon in the middle of the logo too but I couldn't get it to work. You've pulled it off well. 20:49 < kn100> thanks :) 20:50 < arthurL> Try a daffodil :P 20:50 < kn100> or a LEEK! 20:50 < kn100> theres an idea 20:50 < arthurL> Try both 20:50 < arthurL> I think I'll give it a go too. 20:50 < ianto> Well we have a thread for that ;) 20:51 < ianto> Anything else people have issues with or like to add input to for the team? 20:51 < arthurL> Not me 20:51 < TonyP> me neither 20:51 < brobostigon> nope 20:52 < ianto> Alright then folks, thanks all for attending 20:52 < ianto> Oh another thing 20:52 < ianto> We will have an IRC time set in the forums 20:52 < ianto> for meetings 20:53 < brobostigon> please ellaborate, i am not sure what you mean ianto 20:53 < ianto> We will have a thraed to decide upon a good time for IRC meetings 20:53 * The_Toxic_Mite is back (gone 00:33:51) 20:53 -!- gneel [] has joined #ubuntu-cym 20:53 < brobostigon> ianto: ok, good idea, 20:53 < ianto> gneel: Hoi ;) 20:54 < kn100> gneel you missed the fun 20:54 < kn100> and arthurL i just tried both, came out rubbish 20:54 < gneel> Ah yes. I turned up last week thinking that's when the meeting was... 20:54 < kn100> :) 20:55 < ianto> Case 'n point regarding a thread on the topic ^ 20:55 < arthurL> kn100; looks like I'll win that competition then ;) 20:55 < kn100> :) 20:55 < gneel> I realised last week that I was 7 days early. Then forgot about tonight... 20:56 < ianto> gneel: Ah don't worry we're about to close unless someone wants to add anything else? 20:56 < ianto> gneel: Logs available shortly 20:56 < brobostigon> ianto: yes mention, meeting times in topic, 20:56 < brobostigon> always, 20:56 < ianto> Alright this is finally the end of the meeting :) 20:57 < ianto> #endmeeting 20:57 < MootBot> Meeting finished at 14:57. }}} ---- CategoryScribesTeam CategoryTemplate