## Page is outdated and really unused, any objection to deletion from the subscribers? -Williamts99 == Things that chase me away from Ubuntu / Linux == This page is for users to document what drove them back to where they came from, be it Linux, BSD or Windows. We're interested in finding out what is keeping you from making the switch too. If there are things that you need to work before you can call Ubuntu your main OS, things that hinder you in getting your work done, or things that are making you less productive, please raise the issue here. == Guidelines == Please do not rant, discuss issues you have with Ubuntu or with Linux in general. Individual problems with packages should be filed in either Bugzilla {https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/) or Malone for Universe packages (https://www.launchpad.net/malone). If you are reporting a specific problem, please link to the apropriate bug report. As always, please try to be to the point, and observe the Code of Conduct(http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct). Issues can be frustrating, but "that stupid package doesn't do it ?!?!?!" doesn't help much. == General Issues == For those things you simply "hate" about Ubuntu. General areas in which the distribution lacks. Things that you need to see improved before you will love Ubuntu completely. Think of issues like RestrictedFormats, Wireless Networking, and hardware support. === Compatibility with MS Office, ease of use === The reason I thought up this page, which I hope will be used by more people in the future, is the following: *'''MS PowerPoint support''' As a student, I have teachers posting lecture sheets in pdf and ppt, rosters, exersizes and assignments in .pdf and .doc, worksheets using heavy scripting in .xls. The .ppt file that my roommate wanted to check, her first-year, first-lecture sheets made OpenOffice2 hardlock. ([[http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/14919|bug #14919]]). While I can live with and understand the lack of excel-specific scripting in OpenOffice Calc, Rock-solid functionality for .doc, .pdf and .ppt is an absolute must. - by HiddeBrugmansould <---- Fixed *'''Printing multiple sheets to a page'''At the moment, using Ubuntu Breezy, I am unable to print multiple lecture sheets to a page using any convienient method, and especially evince is missing functionality that is costing me time. - by HiddeBrugmans <---Fixed -> '''reply:''' I've been using psnup and pdfjam at the commandline. It's not so bad, but I would be happier if evince implemented all its print options -> '''reply:''' I notice the last comment was from Breezy, are you still having problems with this in Dapper? JonathanJesse *'''First use guide'''There is no "migrating to linux/ubuntu/gnome guide" at first run. - DuncanLithgow -> '''reply:''' what do you feel about UserDocumentation? That has three problems: (1) it uses the word "user", (2) it uses the word "documentation", and (3) it's hidden in a Web site somewhere. -> '''reply:''' A couple of things to answer this question: (1)Have you checked out help.ubuntu.com? It is more visible and all of the manuals that are either in Yelp (Ubuntu) or KHelpCentre (Kubuntu) are located there. (2) How would you rate the documentation in Dapper? I know that is best that we have in Kubuntu ever (3) We are working on a migration guide that is currently at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingFromWindows and will be included in some form in Edgy -- JonathanJesse *'''No IBM Client Access program to connect to AS/400 for work.''' There is a Red Hat RPM available at http://www-03.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/access/linux/ however I cannot get it work in Ubuntu. -> '''reply:''' Would telnet be sufficient? It works for me for everything but function keys greater than 12. *'''Tied into the .NET Framework and Active Directory for several products at work''' ->'''reply:''' .NET Framework is replicated by mono, Active Directory can be accessed via samba, what specifically are the limitations *'''Frustration with Evolution and the Exchange connector''' -- cannot get it to function correctly. ->'''reply:''' this should change in the future, look at the openchange project. *'''pdf printing difficult to setup <--Installed by default *'''griffing radioshark shows up as an audio device not a v4l device *'''liferea crashes and doesn't handle a large number of feeds <---Works *'''evolution has no support for httpmail hotmail access -> '''reply:''' freepops can fetch mail from Yahoo, Hotmail and others and forward it to a local mail address which can be added to Evolution. There is no Wiki page for it at the moment though *'''vpn hard to setup (must config ppp and use the terminal to use) *'''palm sync doesn't sync addressbook pictures, and tom tom street maps *'''ppc has no flash support *'''no integrated music store with rhythmbox -> '''reply:''' Perhaps links to public domain and creative commons music and video could be put somewhere *'''no ocr software <----Available in the repositories *'''no software comparable to garageband *'''can not stream audio from airamericaradio.com <----works *'''No driver for atheros 802.11n chipset in macbooks == Specific bugs == For those bugs that bug you most, specific to a program, things that are wrong or missing on a smaller scale. === Bug List === || Problematic package || Description || Bug link||Status of Bug ||