* '''Launchpad Entry''': https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/installer-for-windows * '''Created''': 07/6/06 by WouterSchut * '''Contributors''': WouterSchut, Ago, Pedrom (add more here). * '''Packages affected''': [[apt-zip]], [[Cygwin]] (other suggestions)?. This is currently just a concept. ([[WindowsInstaller/Talk]]). == Summary == Design and develop a simple windows installer for Ubuntu that allows the user to install or try out Ubuntu as if it where a simple windows application. It would be an installer and a updater (to update Ubuntu when only a Windows connetion is available in the same or other computer - i.e. at work-). == Rationale == The reality for most potential Ubuntu users is that they've bought their computer with Windows pre-installed and have no idea what an iso file is, how to boot from a cd or what processor he or she uses. This makes it pretty hard for the average user to install or even try out Ubuntu. The installation process should become simpler than a Windows Vista upgrade making Ubuntu the perfect solution for unexpierenced computer users. The whole process should be as painless as possible and non-destructive. The installar could have coLinux as one of the installation options, or maybe as the default installation option, thus allowing to install Ubuntu on a Windows partition. == Use cases == * Richard has just downloaded the iso file, but instead of burning it properly, he copies it on the CD. The CD does not boot. A friend explains him to how to use a burner. He does so but he burns at maximum speed on flimsy medium. The CD does not boot. The friend explains him that he has to try with low speed and another medium. The CD does not boot. The friend asks him to check the boot sequence and explains him how to change the bios settings. Richard is very, very scared, and lets the friends do it. The CD boots but he got the wrong ISO... * Andrew is a long time Windows user, tired of the virusses and the inconsistency he now wants an operating system that "just works". He wants to start working with Ubuntu as fast as posible and any unnecesary or complicated step will make him go back to Windows. * Molly just got a second-hand computer. The computer runs Windows 98 and doesn't have a cd-rom drive. Because she has no experience with computers she needs something simple which she can use to safely browse the internet. Her neighbour was able to get her new broadband connection to work and he wants to upgrade her pc to Ubuntu Linux. * Dave has heard many stories about how easy Ubuntu is and he wants to try it out. He goes to Ubuntu.com where he expects to find an installer which he can download and run just like he did with Firefox. Words like 'cd image', 'iso', 'torrent' and 'mirror' would scare him away. * Tim wants to stick to Windows but he wants a safe way to browse the internet and manage emails, with coLinux he has a very secure environment, after a while he starts to discover additional functionality of the new OS and he ends up using it most of the time, until he decides to make the switch. * Elena has seen Ubuntu at a friend's house and wants to install it, but she does not want to repartition her disk, since she heard that it is a dangerous operation, she uses WindowsInstaller and sets up Ubuntu in the existing windows partition. * Mike likes Ubuntu, but there are a few windows applications he needs to access every day only available on Windows, he would like an environment where he can quickly switch between operating systems. * Anne is evaluating Ubuntu via the live CD, she suddenly remembers she has to send an urgent email, but shed does not know how to set-up the email client in the new system. Under pressure she gets irritated and blames Ubuntu, she reboots, removes the CD and soon forgets about it. Julian is evaluating Ubuntu via coLinux, having to send an urgent email, he simply switches to Windows, when he is done, he comes back to explore the new OS in all relax. == Design == {{{ +-------------------------------------------------+ | Address: http://www.ubuntu.com [Go] | +-------------------------------------------------+ | Download Ubuntu | | --------------- | | 6.06 LTS for Windows PC (x68), English (0.2 MB) | | | | ..other options.. | +-------------------------------------------------+ }}} The default processor/language/host os is retrieved from the users browser. (click 1) Other options should include the server edition, other languages, a full installer (which includes all standard packages), other desktop environments. {{{ +-------------------------------------------------+ | | | Do you want to run or save this file? | | | | Name: Ubuntu 6.06 Setup | | Type: Application, 0.2 MB | | From: download.ubuntu.com | | | | [ Run ] [ Save ] [ Cancel ] | | | +-------------------------------------------------+ }}} The standard Internet Explorer dialog. (click 2) {{{ +-------------------------------------------------+ | | | Do you want to run this software? | | | | Name: Ubuntu%206.06%20Setup.exe | | Publisher: Canonical Ltd | | | | [ Run ] [ Don't Run ] | | | +-------------------------------------------------+ }}} Another standard Internet Explorer dialog. (click 3) {{{ +-------------------------------------------------+ | Ubuntu Linux 6.06 LTS - Setup | +-------------------------------------------------+ | | | Choose type of installation | | | | (o) Standard installation | | ( ) Custom installation | | | | [X] Start downloading neccesary files | | | | [ Back ] [ Next ] [ Finish ] | | | +-------------------------------------------------+ }}} The Ubuntu installer apears, in this example the user clicks 'Finish'. (click 4) The 'Next' button will show more information about the actions which will be performed. The Custom installation allows you to burn a cd, select/deselect packages, install Ubuntu within a Virtual Pc (colinux, vmware player) and to select boot options. Standard it will install itself as a virtual live cd by adding an entry to boot.ini. * Ago: I would use coLinux as default installation, I think it is more useful than the live CD version and you can use it without having to dual-boot, which is a major advantage. If the setup detects problems with the hardware they will be reported after the user clicks 'Next' or Finish'. {{{ +-------------------------------------------------+ | Ubuntu Linux 6.06 LTS - Setup | +-------------------------------------------------+ | | | Download progress | | | | |------------------------------------| 0% | | Eta: 15 minutes | | | | [ Hide ] [ Cancel ] | | | +-------------------------------------------------+ }}} The download progress is shown. If the user clicks the 'Hide' button the download window is minimalized to the system tray, the next window will become visible when the instalation is complete. If the user cancels the download it can choose to delete all installation files or continue the installation later. If the user shuts down the computer the download will automatically start the next time the user logs in. {{{ +-------------------------------------------------+ | Ubuntu Linux 6.06 LTS - Setup | +-------------------------------------------------+ | | | Installation Complete | | | | Restart your computer to load Ubuntu. | | | | | | [ Restart now ] [ Restart later ] [ Cancel ] | | | +-------------------------------------------------+ }}} This window will popup when the download and installation is complete. Cancel gives the user the option to remove Ubuntu and to make sure Windows starts as normal. Because NTFS-writing from Linux is dangerous the ISO is mounted readonly, in the future it should be posible to imidiately run the full version of ubuntu. --> 'Restart Now' (click 5) {{{ +-------------------------------------------------+ | Applications | Places | System | +-------------------------------------------------+ | ''windows icon'' | | [ Start Windows ] | | | | ''uninstall icon'' | | [ Remove Ubuntu Linux ] | | | | ''install icon'' | | [ Install Ubuntu to Disk ] | | | +-------------------------------------------------+ }}} If you return to windows you will find an icon to run Ubuntu Linux. It is of course also posible to choose when the computer starts. == Could have == * coLinux required files (coLinux, cygwin Xserver, nat/network bridge) * Migration Wizard * Transfer Documents to a shared FAT32 partition (might not be required given http://www.linux-ntfs.org/) * ISO Burner * Hardware compatibility test == Related Wiki Entries == * [[InstallationUbuntuFromWindows]] = same idea but needs more work * [[Installation/FromWindows]] = current complicated manual on how to install ubuntu from windows * [[InstallerForWindows]] = wiki page for launchpad entry * [[MigrationAssistance]] = Migration could be integrated into this system == Related Ubuntu Specifications == * [[https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/espresso-for-windows|Espress-for-Windows]] = Specification to have a windows-version of espresso * [[https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/installer-for-windows|Installer-for-Windows]] = Installer for Windows * [[https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-setup.exe|Ubuntu-Setup.exe]] = Similar specification, but with coLinux as default installation == External Links == * [[http://nsis.sourceforge.net/BattleTorrent_plug-ins|BattleTorrent]] = Download via bittorrent? * [[http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/AndLinux|AndLinux]] = Bundling of coLinux, Xming, Linux image, WinTap, Slirp * [[http://instlux.sourceforge.net/|InstLux]] = Windows installer for Linux/Ubuntu * [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/Colinux|coLinux]] = coLinux on SourceForge * [[http://colonist.sourceforge.net/|Colonist]] = Linux installer based on coLinux and LiveCD * [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/dualops|DualOps]] = Bundling of coLinux, Xserver and Tap (seems dead) * [[http://gujin.sourceforge.net/|GuJin]] = PC boot loader which can analyze your filesystems ---- CategoryNeedsExpansion CategoryNeedsExpansion