* Event: Rick led an Oct 3 Introduction to Ubuntu workshop at the Rhinelander Public Library. 13 participants!

* Monthly Meeting: Oct 5, 20:00 CDT in #ubuntu-us-wi. This is the rescheduled September meeting. Bad weather Sept 27 caused connectivity problems for some members. (log)

* Event: This month's Milwaukee Ubuntu Hour was scheduled for October 7. CANCELLED - Cheesehead had a conflicting engagement. This event is on first Friday of each month. The next Milwaukee Ubuntu Hour will be November 4.

* Event: This month's Madison Ubuntu Hour was October 15. This event is on the third Saturday of each month, and is hosted by Madison LUG. The next Madison Ubuntu Hour will be November 19.

* IRC Event: Cheesehead led an Ubuntu Open Week session on Brainstorm on Oct 18. (log)

* IRC Event: Cheesehead led a session on testing and using the new hardware testing tool, Ubuntu Friendly, on Oct 18.

* Monthly Meeting: Oct 26, 21:00 CDT in #ubuntu-us-wi. (log)

WisconsinTeam/TeamReports/11/October (last edited 2011-10-28 23:51:55 by adsl-76-230-228-184)