Please check the status of this specification in Launchpad before editing it. If it is Approved, contact the Assignee or another knowledgeable person before making changes.


Input hotplug allows hotplugging of input devices, and also adds enhanced support for touchscreens and tablets, through either HAL or D-Bus. This is now the standard mechanism supported by upstream for handling input devices. Once XInput properties are available, it will also permit run-time configuration of devices such as mapping mice buttons and keyboard layouts.

For Intrepid, integrate input-hotplug by default, document its usage, and prototype GUI config tools.


Historically, X probes input devices on X startup, so devices attached subsequently may not function. To overcome this in situations like a laptop with external mouse, the kernel emulates a PS/2 mouse at /dev/input/mice (or /dev/psaux) with events coming from ANY mouse connected to the system. This mostly works, but doesn't handle multi-protocol situations perfectly (other protocols can be translated, but some events can be lost in the process). Can't change speed settings for different mice (laser pointer vs. touch pad, etc.) Doesn't handle multi-mouse buttons. etc. etc.

Without input-hotplug, all input devices need to be configured in xorg.conf, thus adding a new device or reconfiguring a device would require an X restart. Plugging in a wacom tablet to a running computer, for example, doesn't work if the wacom's config isn't in xorg.conf -- and if it is, then warnings are generated in X client apps if it's not present. Input-hotplug's primary motivation is to solve this by allowing devices to be plugged in on the fly, and be detected and automatically configured. It also promises to allow reconfiguration of devices while X is running.

Furthermore, input-hotplug represents a major rearchitecting of the entire input device handling architecture. Over the years, a series of hacks and workarounds were added to Xorg to mitigate some of the issues, but these have caused other issues; for example mice automatically have their protocol converted so one can easily plug in any kind of mouse pretty much, however this results in many mouse features (like extra buttons) to be unavailable. Input-hotplug provides a more holistic solution, rendering these workarounds unnecessary and thus avoiding the various issues they bring.

As well, Input-Hotplug is the accepted and supported mechanism for handling input devices now. Support for the old style of handling input devices is being withdrawn, so we must change over in order to benefit from future Xorg development work. See the Xorg Wiki on XInputHotplug and the XInputSpec for further design details.

This was considered for Hardy but postponed due to a) various unexpected problems cropping up, b) HAL configuration complexity, and c) lack of config/admin tools, which we weren't confident could all be addressed sufficiently for an LTS release. However, most of the dependent code is already in place, and simply requires configuration changes to take advantage of.

We anticipate a large number of Xorg bug reports will be closed once this feature is available: #206649, #57310, #112664, #114469, #134141, #144277, #107876, #42678, #120262, and probably more.

Use cases


For Intrepid we wish to integrate input-hotplug and use it by default if at all possible. This will include investigating/solving critical issues, documenting basic configuration steps, prototyping of GUI config tools, and thorough testing. We'll switch over to input-hotplug configurations early in development so we can maximize the number of testers. Turning it off later (like we did in Hardy) is straightforward so we can do that later if there are problems.

The problem can be divided into two pieces: (A) Everything except keyboards, (B) keyboards. Fedora 9 shipped only with (A). For Intrepid we hope to be able to ship both (A) and (B), but if not will try to fall back to at least doing (A).

The timeframe for this change will be within a few weeks, probably around the time we merge xserver 1.5 (which is pending on the upcoming mesa 7.1 release currently).

1. Switch configuration to evdev [DONE]

2. Incorporate command line configuration tools [DONE]

3. Write Documentation

4. Test Extensively - [DONE] revert keyboard input-hotplugging if it proves too buggy

5. Prototype GUI Tools



The implementation has already been merged to the X.Org 7.3 development branch, and has been available in Ubuntu since Gutsy, but not turned on by default. So to implement this, we mainly need to just switch the configuration settings over. A daemon will probably be needed for applying user pref changes to input properties, however it's expected this work will be done upstream in GNOME, so we only need to integrate it when it becomes available.

Switch configuration to evdev This includes a good bit of keyboard selection logic. It looks if the keyboard layout has been specified in the console configuration (/etc/default/console-setup), and if not selects it from debian-installer/keymap. With this info, it then looks up the corresponding keyboard rules files and keycodes. It also contains a few hardware-specific workarounds. The new way of doing things is to rely on evdev, which is more flexible and a better design, and permits per-user default settings via Xi and XKB requests at login time; it is used by default if no keyboard section is specified in xorg.conf, thus simply needs to be modified to not define keyboard parameters by default, but to instead write them into the x11-input.fdi file if needed (and/or console-setup).

mouse protocol selection: For the mouse protocol we pretty much just need to change DEFAULT_PROTOCOL to be empty in for all of the port types it supports.

other input devices: There are a few devices being carried in the Debian/Ubuntu config files, which should either be dropped or moved upstream.

dexconf: Replace the keyboard and input device settings with use of evdev (or possibly remove these device sections entirely). xserver needs a CoreKeyboard and a CorePointer. If these aren't specified in xorg.conf, xserver will try to auto-find them via /dev/input and create default devices (do not want). So we need the "AllowEmptyInput" server flag set.

FDI files: FDI files are used for controlling how input-hotplug works. As an example, /etc/hal/fdi/policy/11-kb.fdi. This is a way to add properties to a device that match certain criteria. For example, if a device has usb.vendor="wacom", the fdi-file could add a xorg.driver="wacom" property. The daemon that listen to HAL events would use these properties to avoid adding devices the user wants to ignore and load the right driver for wacom tablets etc.

Incorporate Command Line Configuration Tools

There is already an xinput command line tool, it simply needs to be made part of the default Ubuntu installation.

Write Documentation

Documentation will be written in the wiki at, covering the following topics:

Add to X/Config

Add to X/Troubleshooting:

Test Plan

  1.  Select and set up a test machine
  2.  ssh into the test machine from a 2nd machine.  This 2nd machine
      will be used for taking notes, collecting logs, and obtaining
      backtraces as necessary.
  3.  Set up xorg.conf for input hotplug
  4.  Boot test machine
  5.  tail -f /var/log/Xorg.0.log in your ssh window
  6.  For each input device
      a.  Try out its capabilities and compose a baseline list (see {{{xinput


  1. With no input devices attached, reboot test machine
  2. tail -f /var/log/Xorg.0.log in your ssh window
  3. For each input device
    1. Plug device into system b. Verify it was detected in /var/log/Xorg.0.log c. Try out its capabilities and make sure it matches baseline


Test with:

Other things to test:

Prototype GUI Tools

Like with xrandr, while the xinput command line tool provides a mechanism for adjusting input device settings, many users will not consider command line configuration as a viable long term solution. The GUI development is outside the scope of this blueprint, but we will instead focus on prototyping/planning the changes desired, for potential future development if someone else doesn't get to it first.

Most likely, the input-hotplug GUI would simply integrate/extend the existing capplets (Keyboard, Keyboard Shortcuts, Mouse). It may be worth considering merging the Keyboard Shortcuts interface into the Keyboard capplet. Consideration will need to be made into how to handle non-keyboard/non-mouse devices like gamepads and tablets.

Deliverables for Intrepid will include:

Unresolved issues

Multi-pointer-X is being integrated upstream, and it would be nice to have a snapshot of that branch of the X server available for testers to check GNOME application stability with multi-pointer configurations.

For GNOME, does there need to be a daemon integrated into gnome-settings-daemon for reading per-user input device settings from GConf?



X/Blueprints/InputHotplug (last edited 2012-04-14 02:39:21 by static-50-53-79-63)