Crazy huge (or insanely tiny) system font sizes can be caused by incorrect DPI detection, often caused by incorrect monitor EDID information.



How It Works

Your monitor has certain data encoded in its firmware. This data is called the EDID, and it includes the physical dimensions of the monitor. Knowing that, and the current resolution, X is able to calculate the effective Dots-Per-Inch (DPI), which GNOME and other applications use for font sizing.

In theory that should be that. In reality, many monitors lie about their capabilities. Long ago, many monitors didn't give this info at all so we had to make guesses based on the video card (which were almost always wrong.) All of this was so problematic when we first switched to it in Gutsy, that for GNOME we decided to just force everyone to 96 dpi! We'll probably revisit that decision at some point and revert that once we trust monitors a bit more. I think the 96 dpi forcing only applies to the logged in session, so you might still see the issue on the GDM login screen.

Problem: Monitor is lying

The most common cause for crazy huge fonts is that the monitor is mis-communicating its EDID. This issue is more commonly seen on KDE than GNOME.

Usually your /var/log/Xorg.0.log has a section that describes the parsed EDID (search on 'EDID'). For example, here's mine:

(II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DVI-1:E-EDID segment register" registered at address 0x60.
(II) RADEON(0): I2C device "DVI-1:ddc2" registered at address 0xA0.
(II) RADEON(0): EDID vendor "BNQ", prod id 30427
(II) RADEON(0): Using EDID range info for horizontal sync
(II) RADEON(0): Using EDID range info for vertical refresh
(II) RADEON(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
(II) RADEON(0): Modeline "1920x1200"x0.0  154.00  1920 1968 2000 2080  1200 1203 1209 1235 +hsync +vsync (74.0 kHz)
(II) RADEON(0): Output: DVI-1, Detected Monitor Type: 3
(II) RADEON(0): Panel infos found from DDC detailed: 1920x1200
(II) RADEON(0): EDID data from the display on output: DVI-1 ----------------------
(II) RADEON(0): Manufacturer: BNQ  Model: 76db  Serial#: 7709
(II) RADEON(0): Year: 2007  Week: 37
(II) RADEON(0): EDID Version: 1.3
(II) RADEON(0): Digital Display Input
(II) RADEON(0): Max Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 52  vert.: 33
(II) RADEON(0): Gamma: 2.20

Notice the 'Max Image Size', which shows the (correct) physical dimensions. Check to see what it says for yours, and if it is at all correct. Problems that have been seen in the past include incorrect units (mm instead of cm), 0's, and more.

Here an other example with an Intel chipset:

(II) intel(0): EDID vendor "EPI", prod id 55701
(II) intel(0): Setting screen physical size to 360 x 270

Here's an example of one where the monitor lies:

(II) VESA(0): Max H-Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 33  vert.: 21
(II) VESA(0): Supported additional Video Mode:
(II) VESA(0): clock: 71.2 MHz   Image Size:  289 x 21 mm
(II) VESA(0): h_active: 1280  h_sync: 1328  h_sync_end 1360 h_blank_end 1440 h_border: 0
(II) VESA(0): v_active: 800  v_sync: 802  v_sync_end 808 v_blanking: 823 v_border: 0
(II) VESA(0):  LGPhilipsLCD
(II) VESA(0):  LP154W01-TLA1
(II) VESA(0): EDID (in hex):
(II) VESA(0): EDID vendor "LPL", prod id 0
(II) VESA(0):     EDID quirk: Detailed timings give horizontal size in cm.
(II) VESA(0):     EDID quirk: Detailed timings give sizes in cm.

Notice the 289 x 21 mm dimensions -- clearly wrong! But in this case the X server has caught it via a couple quirks.

Two other tools provide EDID dumps:

xrandr --verbose

get-edid | parse-edid  # From the read-edid package

The first command uses the same code for parsing EDID as the X server, while the second uses somewhat different code. So it's helpful to look at both; if they both show the same, then your monitor is probably giving bad EDID; otherwise, it could be a problem with the parser.

In the case that your monitor is giving bad EDID, the team can put in a quirk (workaround) specific to your monitor model. Please see X/Quirks for details on how to file a bug against xorg-server requesting this, the info to include, etc.

Problem: Looks ugly with 96 dpi

While using 96 dpi gives a nice generic default, it's not the right dpi for all situations, and on certain screens it will look downright yucky.

You can determine what X *thinks* the dpi should be via this command:

$ xdpyinfo | egrep 'dimensions|resolution'
  dimensions:    3840x1200 pixels (1038x324 millimeters)
  resolution:    94x94 dots per inch

You can then adjust the fonts in GNOME via System > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts > Details... and then changing the Resolution spinner to that dpi.

On Ubuntu Jaunty and newer, we have changed to use X's detected dpi, so if you're still having a font size problem, see the previous section. In Intrepid and prior we intentionally forced it to default to 96 dpi due to problems with monitors that misreport their EDID.

Problem: Looks ugly without 96 dpi

You may have grown used to the forced 96 dpi setting and simply dislike using the monitor's defaults. Or you may find that some applications or UI layouts that were designed assuming a 96 dpi don't look right when running with the monitor's defaults.

Neither of these situations are X problems really. In the first case, it's a personal preference you're able to change via System > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts > Details....

In the second case, X is giving truthful dpi settings for your hardware, but your applications are simply not designed to accommodate that dpi. In this case you should file bug reports against those wayward applications.

Problem: GDM login screen has wrong dpi

The GNOME 96 dpi default applies to logged in sessions but not to the GDM login screen.

As a workaround, you can add the -dpi option in your gdm configuration:

# /etc/gdm/gdm.conf
name=Standard server
command=/usr/bin/X -br -audit 0 -dpi 96

With Jaunty and newer, we no longer use the forced 96 dpi for the logged in session, so the dpi should be consistent with the GDM login screen. If in Jaunty or newer you have improperly sized fonts on the GDM login screen, see the 'Problem: Monitor is lying' section above.

X/Troubleshooting/HugeFonts (last edited 2009-04-01 08:41:21 by bas12-quebec14-1176165941)