== About Me == My real name is '''Alejandro Armesto''' but I prefer you to call me '''Xandru'''. I work as a teacher in a Primary School in Asturies (Spain) so I'm specially interested in educational software. I focus my activities for Ubuntu specially on training courses, conferences and talks on it. I normally work with primary and secondary teachers. == Contact == * [[https://launchpad.net/~xandruarmesto|Launchpad Profile]]. * Email: xandru(at)softastur(dot)org * IRC: xandru_armesto (irc.freenode.net). I'm usually on: * #softastur * #ubuntu-ast You can contact me and track my activity with Softastur and Ubuntu on: * Webiste: http://softastur.org * Blog: http://blogs.altuxa.com/tapaponga/ * Identi.ca: http://identi.ca/xandru * Twitter: http://twitter.com/xandruarmesto == Membership == * Member of '''[[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-ast|Ubuntu Asturian Translators]]''' since 2007-09-08. * Member of '''[[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ast/+members|Ubuntu Asturian Team]]''' since 2009-04-18. * Member of '''[[http://softastur.org|Softastur]]''', a Free Software Community for Asturian language. * Team coordinator on '''[[ http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/ast|GNOME Asturian Team]]'''. * Translator on '''[[http://www.tux4kids.com|Tux4Kids]]''' ([[http://tux4kids.alioth.debian.org/tuxmath/index.php|TuxMath]] and [[http://tux4kids.alioth.debian.org/tuxtype/index.php|TuxType]]) since 2009-12-31 (https://alioth.debian.org/users/xandru-guest/). * Translator on '''[[http://www.tuxpaint.org|TuxPaint]]''' (http://www.tuxpaint.org/developers/). == Activities (sort by date) == * Translations in [[https://launchpad.net|Launchpad]]. * Leading conference about Free Software, Ubuntu and Digital Divide in '''[[http://acurti.es/2ao|Encuentros Internacionales de Juventud Cabueñes 08/International Youth Meetings Cabueñes 08]]''' (from 2008/09/22 to 2008/09/26). * Spreading Ubuntu in Sama de Llangréu '''[[http://docu.softastur.org/Archivu:Install_sama_3.jpg|Photo]]''' (2009/01/16). * Leading conference about Free Software, Ubuntu and Digital Divide in Oviedo/Uviéu University. '''[[http://acurti.es/1ao|Voluntariado tecnológico. Nuevas tecnologías, educación y acción social/Volunteer technology. Technologies, education and social action.]]''' (from 2009/04/13 to 2009/04/20). * Spreading Ubuntu in Xixón/Gijón '''[[http://docu.softastur.org/Archivu:2009_05_17_install_xixon_2.jpg|Photo]]''' (2009/05/16). * Talk on Free Software in Asturies in '''[[http://tertuliapdm.blogspot.com/2010_04_01_archive.html|Tertulia Cultural Pachín de Melás/Cultural Circle Pachín de Melás]]'''. [[http://www.asturies.com/node/8816|Press]] (2010/02/23). * Spreading Edubuntu in Xixón/Gijón '''[[http://acurti.es/RSn|II Xornaes de Llingua y Educación/Second Language and Education Conference]]'''. [[http://acurti.es/TSn|Press]]; [[http://acurti.es/USn|press]]; [[http://acurti.es/VSn|press]]; [[http://acurti.es/WSn|press]]; [[http://acurti.es/Kee|press]] (2010/03/20). * Spreading Ubuntu in Asturian language ([[https://launchpad.net/~ivarela|Iñigo Varela]], Xandru Armesto, [[http://www.academiadelallingua.com/comun.php?seccion=entamu|Ana Cano]] and [[https://edge.launchpad.net/~dpm|David Planella]]). [[http://acurti.es/mhe|Press]] (2010/04/09). * Spreading Edubuntu in the Educational Sciences Faculty, Oviedo/Uviéu University. [[http://acurti.es/0ao|Press]] (2010/04/28). * Training courses for teachers in Oviedo/Uviéu CPR '''[[http://acurti.es/4ao|II Sestaferia del Profesoráu de Llingua Asturiana. Xornaes de Desarrollu Curricular y Didácticu/Second Meeting of the Asturian Language Teachers. Conference on Curriculum Development and Teaching]]''' (2010/06/04). * Training courses in Infiestu. [[http://acurti.es/Xao|Photos]] (2011/02/11; 2011/02/18 and 2011/02/25). * Training course for asturian teachers in Oviedo/Uviéu CPR: '''[[http://acurti.es/3ao|Competencias Básicas en Lengua Asturiana y Aplicación Didáctica de las TIC/Basic Skills in Asturian Language and Teaching IT Aplication]]'''. [[http://acurti.es/aGo|Photo]] (from 2011/03/01 to 2011/03/10). * Spreading Ubuntu in '''[[http://acurti.es/3Io|Asturian Language Courses]]''' in [[http://cmx.es|CMX]] (Conseyu de la Mocedá de Xixón/Xixon Youth Council). [[http://acurti.es/IIo|Photos]] (2011/03/14). * Talk on Free Software in Asturies in '''[[http://ateneuacebal.wordpress.com/|Tertulia Cultural Enrique García Rendueles/Cultural Circle Enrique García Rendueles]]'''. [[http://acurti.es/UOo|Photos]] (2011/03/17). * Leading Conference about Free Software in teaching and Introducing Edubuntu in '''[[http://pre-c1nn.innova.uniovi.es/formacionProfesorado/|Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Oviedo/Uviéu University]]''' (2011/03/29 and 2011/04/01). [[http://acurti.es/k0o|Photos]]. * Spreading Ubuntu in '''[[http://acurti.es/NXp|FNAC]]''' with [[http://ubuntu-ast.org/|Ubuntu-ast]], [[http://softastur.org|Softastur]], [[http://www.asturlinux.org|Asturlinux]] and Mousetrap. [[http://acurti.es/PXp|Press]]. [[http://acurti.es/RXp|Chronicle (english)]]; [[http://acurti.es/tLp|chronicle (spanish)]]. [[http://acurti.es/QXp|Photos]]; [[http://twitpic.com/4rdpz5|more photos]]; [[http://twitpic.com/4rlxzt|and more photos]]. == Future plans == * Training curses for teachers in Asturias/Asturies. * Promote the use of free software in teaching. * Improve the quality and quantity of asturian language in Edubuntu and Ubuntu. * Coordinate translations in Gnome and Launchpad. * Begin a local program for using Free Software in teaching situations. == Testimonials == === By Xuacu === * (ast) Toi d'alcuerdu colos méritos de Xandru, ye un candidatu bonu enforma pal ast-council. * (es) Estoy de acuerdo con los méritos de Xandru, es un candidato muy bueno para el ast-council. * (en) I agree with all the merits of Xandru, he's a very good candidate for ast-council indeed. --- [[LaunchpadHome:xuacusk8]] <>