
Ubuntu should distribute updates as Xdeltas. SUSE does this, and it is very efficient in terms of bandwidth.


Allowing faster updates for users. Lowering burden on Ubuntu archives.

Use cases

John has just installed his new Ubuntu Y.MM, after receiving his CDs. Unfortunately, because of the postal services, he receives them about two-three months after the release. He decides to install Ubuntu, and when the system checks for updates, he is horrified that he has to download >100MB of updates, not mentioning the fact that he also requires a lot of non-free content to make his PC fully operational: codecs, drivers. He: a) gives up on Ubuntu b) decides to neglect security and only install the packages he needs, without performing any update


Reduce bandwith consumption, both for the users and for the Ubuntu servers and mirrors. Allow for faster updates and better spreading of security fixes.



Follow SUSE's implementation. It is in place at least since SUSE 9.3 (the last version I used).


Not sure, but shouldn't be too much. Most likely a problem of implementation server-wise, and developers getting used to the system.

Data preservation and migration

The initial migration would be difficult, but very much worth it. The next LTS should definitely implement such an update system.

Outstanding issues

BoF agenda and discussion

Please see this too: Interesting points of view on the actual implementation.

CategorySpec Wishlist.

Xdelta (last edited 2008-08-06 16:22:00 by localhost)