#title #xubuntu-devel: Xubuntu Community Meeting Meeting started by knome at 21:59:57 UTC. Meeting ended at 23:02:02 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2011/xubuntu-devel.2011-11-07-21.59.log.html. == Meeting summary == === Old Business === *Top 10 FAQ for the new website (knome, 22:02:42) *''LINK:'' https://docs.google.com/a/shimmerproject.org/document/d/1HyhsMPDyyN-mRWRujfZX3JuKX9aWFQPWsxMEiJX99gQ/edit?hl=en&pli=1 (knome, 22:05:10) *madnick: Build a lightdm greeter (knome, 22:03:51) *madnick is working on a redesign of the engine, doing UML design, reading docs (knome, 22:06:29) *Ristretto as default image viewer (knome, 22:09:35) *Ristretto has got many updates lately (nearly a complete rewrite) (knome, 22:10:06) *Ristretto has become a lot more stable towards 0.3.0 and at the same time gained new features (ochosi, 22:11:07) *Thumbnailbar problems have been fixed, redesign is in progress (knome, 22:12:33) *Ristretto can display svg (ochosi, 22:14:47) *''ACTION:'' ochosi or madnick to test the bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ristretto with the latest version, and report back (knome, 22:17:53) *"maybe-ubiquity" option (knome, 22:18:24) *Will get back to the issue in the next meeting (knome, 22:19:18) *Ubuntu moving to 5-year release schedule for LTS (knome, 22:19:33) *Xubuntu can choose to have 18 month, three-year, or five-year cycle for Precise. (knome, 22:21:22) *There are now procedures to have Xubuntu designated as an official LTS release. This has the advantage of allowing the cd images to be rebuilt at each point upgrade. (knome, 22:21:37) *https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/ tells us what we must do to maintain official derivative status. (knome, 22:21:52) *https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecognizedDerivatives tells how to become an official derivative, as well as how to gain the LTS designator (last section). (knome, 22:23:48) *''ACTION:'' Developers to read documents in the URLs linked (knome, 22:24:09) *''ACTION:'' knome and charlie-tca to get around together about this (knome, 22:24:30) *Discussion will continue next week (knome, 22:24:39) === Team updates === *Packaging, Development (knome, 22:24:53) *Nothing big this week: xfce4-indicator-plugin fixed in oneiric-updates for some open issues, and micahg did some syncs from debian testing (mr_pouit, 22:26:31) *Bug Triage, Testing (knome, 22:29:52) *all testing will now be coordinated through the QA ISO tracker, including daily testing (charlie-tca, 22:30:20) *New process for images... if you break it, you fix it, and you get 3 hours (charlie-tca, 22:30:43) *we will start our daily testing between 24 and 28 November (charlie-tca, 22:31:09) *Website, Documentation (knome, 22:34:55) *Finishing touches are made for the website (knome, 22:35:14) *Discussion about website content at the developer mailing list, will give people at least a week to share their ideas and drafts (knome, 22:35:57) *''ACTION:'' knome will schedule a sprint for the website content review and update next week (knome, 22:37:37) *Marketing, Artwork (knome, 22:37:53) *madnick works on Plymouth and lightdm to create a nice booting experience; we follow the artistic specification created for Oneiric (knome, 22:38:52) *ochosi has created a dark style for xfce4-datetime-plugin http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-11072011-113830pm.php (ochosi, 22:39:18) *A patched version is available for testing in the shimmer PPA (thanks to mr_pouit). You'll need Greybird from git though. (ochosi, 22:39:53) *New website needs dynamic content, see the message on developer mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2011-October/008004.html (knome, 22:40:34) *Ideas for the new website content, including drafts, should be sent to the developer mailing list, and you can use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Website/Drafts too (knome, 22:42:22) *''ACTION:'' Those interested in helping with themes (testing or anything else), contact ochosi (knome, 22:44:30) === Announcements === *No (other) announcements. (knome, 22:46:12) === Other Business === *Xubuntu brainstorming day/weekend (knome, 22:46:32) *''IDEA:'' Schedule a daay or two for Xubuntu brainstorming, and create the blueprints for the release during those days (knome, 22:55:17) *This should be done before UDS in the next cycles, but since we are already late, we will have to stick with this timeframe (knome, 22:55:42) *''ACTION:'' knome to create a Doodle poll for best days for the majority of contributors so we can see which dates would be the best (knome, 22:56:40) *''ACTION:'' ochosi to build a wikipage around the idea (knome, 22:57:57) *Discussion will continue on the mailing list and the following community meetings after the wikipage and the Doodle poll is set (knome, 22:58:37) *Contributor check (knome, 22:59:32) *''ACTION:'' knome to send an email about this to the mailing list in the following week (knome, 22:59:32) *Meeting times (knome, 22:59:36) *Will be discussed at the next meeting. The next meeting is at Sunday, November 13 at 22UTC. (knome, 23:00:32) *Any other business (knome, 23:00:50) == Action items, by person == * charlie-tca * knome and charlie-tca to get around together about this * knome * knome and charlie-tca to get around together about this * knome will schedule a sprint for the website content review and update next week * knome to create a Doodle poll for best days for the majority of contributors so we can see which dates would be the best * knome to send an email about this to the mailing list in the following week * madnick * ochosi or madnick to test the bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ristretto with the latest version, and report back * ochosi * ochosi or madnick to test the bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ristretto with the latest version, and report back * ochosi to build a wikipage around the idea * everybody * Those interested in helping with themes (testing or anything else), contact ochosi == People present (lines said) == * knome (141) * ochosi (72) * charlie-tca (37) * olbi (29) * madnick (18) * meetingology (11) * micahg (10) * mr_pouit (7) * Unit193 (6) * ubottu (2) * daz1 (1) * beardygnome (1)