== Meeting information == * #xubuntu-devel: Xubuntu community meeting, 28 Nov at 16:00 — 16:45 UTC * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-11-28-16.00.log.html]] == Meeting summary == === Items carried on === The discussion about "Items carried on" started at 16:01. * '''Open action items from previous meeting''' (16:01) * ''ACTION:'' knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week * ''ACTION:'' micahg to talk to barry about python2.7/3 situation * ''ACTION:'' micahg to upload whiskermenu to xfce PPAs * Done, whiskermenu is in the archive for trusty. * '''Strategy Document reviewing''' (16:04) * ''LINK:'' https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2013-November/009413.html * ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Processes * ''Vote:'' Approve proposed Strategy Document (+1) or not (-1); members of -team can vote (Carried) * motion not carried. one more week to review. * '''Something about wallpapers''' (16:19) * The wallpaper contest has been running for a short while, but we already have quite a few accepted submissions: * ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Trusty/CommunityWallpapers/Accepted * ''ACTION:'' knome and pleia2 to give the wallpaper contest some publicity in social media again * '''Strategy Document reviewing''' (16:26) * ''Vote:'' Approve the proposed changes to the Strategy Document (+1) or not (-1, please argument) (Carried) === Team updates === The discussion about "Team updates" started at 16:31. * ochosi and knome have been working with the wallpaper contest * knome and Unit193 have been looking at docs translations * whiskermenu is backported for P, Q, R, and S in ppa:skellat/tests for those who wish to try it * pleia2 completed triaging website bugs this week * elfy has been working with organizing QA for the T cycle * whiskermenu is backported in the Xfce 4.10 PPA * pleia2 put out a call for VM-based tests to determine our actual minimum requirements * Xfce 4.10 PPA backport was done by mr_pouit * you can translate the docs at: https://translations.launchpad.net/xubuntu-docs (note that several changes and additions are going to land later this cycle) * Out of vUDS-1311, we may have the opportunity to ask local communities to "adopt a package" for work or testing during this cycle. LoCo Council hasn't fully set this up yet, though. * after discussion with ochosi, we dropped light-locker and added xfdesktop to the documentation blueprint === Announcements === The discussion about "Announcements" started at 16:39. * '''There is a new Launchpad team ~xubuntu-qa''' (16:40) * this team has currently only a social meaning, being the subteam from which people who contributed to QA can ultimately be approved to -team (per the SD) * if you think you should be a member in this (moderated) team, poke elfy. === New ang emerging items === The discussion about "New and emerging items" started at 16:41. * '''Meeting time reviewing''' (16:41) * '''Schedule next meeting''' (16:45) * Next meeting: Thu 5 Nov, 19UTC == Vote results == * Approve the proposed changes to the Strategy Document (+1) or not (-1, please argument) * Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 5/0/1) == Action items, by person == * knome * knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week * knome and pleia2 to give the wallpaper contest some publicity in social media again * micahg * micahg to talk to barry about python2.7/3 situation * micahg to upload whiskermenu to xfce PPAs * pleia2 * knome and pleia2 to give the wallpaper contest some publicity in social media again == People present (lines said) == * knome (104) * meetingology (32) * ochosi (23) * micahg (22) * GridCube (19) * skellat (18) * pleia2 (15) * jjfrv8 (7) * ali1234 (1) * lderan (1) * brainwash (1)