== Meeting information == * #xubuntu-devel: Xubuntu community meeting, 12 Dec at 19:11 — 20:26 UTC * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-12-12-19.11.log.html]] == Meeting summary == === Items carried on === The discussion about "Items carried on" started at 19:11. * '''Open action items from previous meeting''' (19:11) * ''ACTION:'' knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week * ''ACTION:'' skellat and ali1234 to look at the SRU progress for indicator-sound-GTK2 * Uploaded to saucy-proposed but not accepted yet; will follow up on next meeting === Team updates === The discussion about "Team updates" started at 19:13. * Going to use this as the call for testing schedule http://pad.ubuntu.com/OHGoAbZPji * Image testing: 64 bit - 5 people did 7.3% of all possible tests and for 32 bit - 4 people did 13.2% of all possible tests * Automatic image testing - working for us now, though currently all failing due to the user-session bug, can be seen here https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/All/job/ubiquity_ap-xubuntu_devel_daily-run/ * Package testing - 13/13 Mandatory, 4/5 Run Once, 10/22 Optional - atm 3 people tested packages(these all need further testing calls though) re schedule * Used the contact team members (xubuntu-testers) for testing call last time, 1 person amongst those mentioned above seems new to me * QA team is running now - good forward step this, everyone knows (or should) what each other is working on * Call to be written explaining exploratory testing - these will be reported via packages tracker, but is about people testing when they're using apps rather than to a schedule * gthumb 3.2.5 is now uploaded, a second upload will re-add webapps * Sent "What's New in Trusty" doc proposal email to ML * autopilot tests has a bit of a step forward, looks like we can do some basic testing with the xfce at the moment (checking to see if they open) === Announcements === The discussion about "Announcements" started at 19:18. * '''Changes in Lionel Le Folgoc's leadership positions''' (19:18) * Lionel will step down from the Technical Lead position, but will stay as the Debian Liaison * ''ACTION:'' knome to update the Leaders wikipage === New ang emerging items === The discussion about "New and emerging items" started at 19:31. * '''Alpha participation''' (19:31) * ''Vote:'' Participate in both alphas (+1) or not (-1); team members can vote (Carried) * '''Replacing post installation tests''' (19:34) * Proposal: Replace current post install tests (http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases/1434/info and http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases/1434/info with a single test http://packages.qa.dev.stgraber.org/qatracker/testcases/1569/info . Tests for old optional items to be created and then added to new single test. * '''"What's new" for LTS''' (19:39) * ''LINK:'' https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2013-December/009517.html * '''Other things''' (19:46) * We might be able to re-add pidgin twitter support if https://code.google.com/p/prpltwtr/issues/detail?id=88 get's fixed. there is a bounty worth $5000 dollars (currently) for a fix * ''ACTION:'' ochosi to follow up on xfce 4.12 release with nick and report back * ochosi has been working with eric_the_idiot a few of the missing pieces of Xfce4.12 done * NSchermer said he will try to do more development releases before christmas * ochosi wants "those of you who test trusty already to use the shimmer-daily PPA" * ''LINK:'' https://launchpad.net/~shimmerproject/+archive/daily * '''Schedule next meeting''' (19:57) * testing should focus on Gnome3/Gtk3 apps (e.g. evince), checking whether the theming is fine and whether all icons are there * ''ACTION:'' elfy to chase bluesabre re menulibre * ''ACTION:'' elfy to set up a new vm and get everyone's new bits in so I've got something to look at * ''ACTION:'' - team with new apps to be tested to contact elfy with details * ochosi said "so whoever tests indicators at the moment, also use the shimmer daily PPA please" * '''Schedule next meeting''' (20:26) * Next meeting Thu 19 Dec at 19UTC == Vote results == * Participate in both alphas (+1) or not (-1); team members can vote * Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 6/0/0) == Action items, by person == * ali1234 * skellat and ali1234 to look at the SRU progress for indicator-sound-GTK2 * elfy * elfy to chase bluesabre re menulibre * elfy to set up a new vm and get everyone's new bits in so I've got something to look at * - team with new apps to be tested to contact elfy with details * knome * knome to prepare the website for the desktop of the week * knome to update the Leaders wikipage * ochosi * ochosi to follow up on xfce 4.12 release with nick and report back * skellat * skellat and ali1234 to look at the SRU progress for indicator-sound-GTK2 == People present (lines said) == * knome (145) * ochosi (75) * elfy (61) * micahg-work (35) * meetingology (21) * Noskcaj (13) * pleia2 (12) * Unit193 (11) * ali1234 (10) * jjfrv8 (6) * lderan (5) * skellat (3) * PhoenixSTF (2)