== Meeting information == * #xubuntu-devel: Xubuntu community meeting, 06 Mar at 18:59 — 19:22 UTC * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-03-06-18.59.log.html]] == Meeting summary == === Open action items from previous meeting === The discussion about "Open action items from previous meeting" started at 19:00. * ''ACTION:'' ali1234 follows up on gtk3 indicator status * ''ACTION:'' ali1234 and micahg to follow up on gtk3 indicator stack issues * ''ACTION:'' lderan to create the individual merge proposals for the basic Xubuntu tests * ''ACTION:'' micahg to talk with the DMB and separate -dev from upload rights so we can allow more people to push to xubuntu branches * ''ACTION:'' Noskcaj to be in touch with elfy on xkb-plugin testing * ''ACTION:'' pleia2 starts working on getting the Processes wikipage updated and cleaned === Team updates === The discussion about "Team updates" started at 19:03. * knome worked on the flyer, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing/Projects/Flyers for progress * got a few more translations of the startubuntu flyer http://xubuntu.org/marketingresources/ * ''LINK:'' http://spreadubuntu.org/fi/material/poster/startubuntu-xubuntu-juliste-a4 === Announcements === The discussion about "Announcements" started at 19:07. * UI freeze in a week, Documentation string freeze in two === Agenda === The discussion about "Agenda" started at 19:08. * '''Start the discussion on the technical review for the Strategy Document''' (19:08) * '''12.04 > 14.04 upgrades, removing xscreensaver''' (19:08) * '''Discuss adding the workspace switcher applet to our new panel layout (Rationale)''' (19:09) * 1) we will disable the change-workspace-on-scroll by default * 2) we will make the logout button stand out more in whiskermnu, eg. change it to a "power on/off" icon === Other items === The discussion about "Other items" started at 19:12. * ''ACTION:'' knome to work on the desktop of the week -stuff == Action items, by person == * ali1234 * ali1234 follows up on gtk3 indicator status * ali1234 and micahg to follow up on gtk3 indicator stack issues * knome * knome to work on the desktop of the week -stuff * lderan * lderan to create the individual merge proposals for the basic Xubuntu tests * micahg * ali1234 and micahg to follow up on gtk3 indicator stack issues * micahg to talk with the DMB and separate -dev from upload rights so we can allow more people to push to xubuntu branches * Noskcaj * Noskcaj to be in touch with elfy on xkb-plugin testing * pleia2 * pleia2 starts working on getting the Processes wikipage updated and cleaned == People present (lines said) == * knome (71) * GridCube (16) * meetingology (10) * slickymaster (6) * pleia2 (6) * Noskcaj (2) * ali1234 (1) * brainwash (1) * lderan (0) * micahg (0)