## page was renamed from Xubuntu/Artwork/Karmic <><> ||<>|| = Xubuntu Artwork for Karmic = This place contains previews of the artwork developed for Xubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala, as well as links to access this artwork. == GTK Themes == === Albatross === Albatross is a theme derived from Alvaro (made by James Schriver, who also made most of the changes that brought to Albatross) and intended to be used as a default theme for Xubuntu Karmic. It uses dark grey panels, menus, window decorations and menu bars, with a light grey background and touches of light blue here and there. It is meant to be soft and yet to preserve a decent level of contrast. [[attachment:albatross_karmic_1.png|{{attachment:albatross_karmic_1_tn.png}}]] [[attachment:albatross_karmic_2.png|{{attachment:albatross_karmic_2_tn.png}}]] [[attachment:albatross_karmic_3.png|{{attachment:albatross_karmic_3_tn.png}}]] [[attachment:albatross_karmic_4.png|{{attachment:albatross_karmic_4_tn.png}}]] [[attachment:albatross_karmic_5.png|{{attachment:albatross_karmic_5_tn.png}}]] ''To get this theme: bzr branch lp:xubuntu-artwork'' === MurrinaXubuntu === MurrinaXubuntu is a dark theme created by Pasi Lallinaho. Click thumbnails for bigger images. [[attachment:murrinaxubuntu_karmic_1.png|{{attachment:murrinaxubuntu_karmic_1_tn.png}}]] [[attachment:murrinaxubuntu_karmic_2.png|{{attachment:murrinaxubuntu_karmic_2_tn.png}}]] [[attachment:murrinaxubuntu_karmic_3.png|{{attachment:murrinaxubuntu_karmic_3_tn.png}}]] [[attachment:murrinaxubuntu_karmic_4.png|{{attachment:murrinaxubuntu_karmic_4_tn.png}}]] [[attachment:murrinaxubuntu_karmic_5.png|{{attachment:murrinaxubuntu_karmic_5_tn.png}}]] ''To get this theme: http://emonk.fi/open/xubuntu/9.04%20Jaunty/GTK%20theme/MurrinaXubuntu-0.2.3.tar.gz'' == Icon theme == === Elementary Xubuntu === It looks like we're going to be using the Elementary icon theme. It's beautiful, but there are a few icons here and there that we want to modify, for practical or æsthetical reasons. Here is a non exhaustive list: ||||||'''Icons to change'''||{{attachment:xubuntu-table-logo.jpeg}}|| ||'''Icon name / group'''||'''Reason for change'''||'''Asked by'''||'''Importance'''|| ||start-here || Obviously we want a mouse / xubuntu icon here || SiDi||High|| ||ubiquity || Doesn't fit the rest, important because it's right on the desktop the first time a user boots Xubuntu. || VinNl||High|| ||Terminal || That one looks very different depending on the size. Gnome-brave's one is slightly better ? The icon is too blurry on the window title bar. || SiDi + knome ||High|| ||media-* || https://bugs.launchpad.net/elementaryicons/+bug/437588 || SiDi||High|| ||media-playback-dynamic || This is a request for a new icon, for Exaile's dynamic mode || SiDi||High|| ||Trash || Looks very plastic. Big preference for the gnome-brave / humanity ones but in blue || SiDi|| High|| ||preferences-desktop-theme || It looks weird. Not worse than many other icon themes, just weird || knome||High|| ||stock_xfburn* || Some look outdated / pixellated, they MUST be redrawn || SiDi||High|| ||input-keyboard || https://bugs.launchpad.net/elementaryicons/+bug/433254 || SiDi||Avg|| ||accessories-calculator || https://bugs.launchpad.net/elementaryicons/+bug/434863 || SiDi||Avg|| ||jockey-* || https://bugs.launchpad.net/elementaryicons/+bug/433223 || SiDi||Low|| ||mail-mark-junk || https://bugs.launchpad.net/elementaryicons/+bug/433238 || SiDi||Low|| ||openofficeorg3-* || https://bugs.launchpad.net/elementaryicons/+bug/433249 || SiDi||Low|| ||emblems || https://bugs.launchpad.net/elementaryicons/+bug/442153 || SiDi||Low|| ||applications-games || Doesn't look as beautiful as the others || knome* ||Low|| ||xfce4-mixer|| It would be great to have an icon that looks more like a sound mixer || SiDi ||Very Low|| ||xfwm4|| This icon is quite impersonal too, can we make it look prettier ? || SiDi ||Very Low|| ||image-x || Maybe different images instead of plain PNG/JPG text when previsualisation isn't available|| knome* ||Very low|| ||call-stop || Looks a bit too shiny, and is too much on the bottom of the square (would prefer a diagonal one like call-start) || SiDi||Done|| ||notification-* || We want to use the Human ones since they're complete, sober and monochromatic|| SiDi||Done|| ''To get this theme: http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/art/elementary-Icons-65437279'' ||||||'''New icons'''||{{attachment:xubuntu-table-logo.jpeg}}|| ||'''Name'''||'''Previous'''||'''New'''||'''Comment'''|| ||call-start||[[attachment:call-start-old.tar.gz|{{attachment:call-start-old.png}}]]||[[attachment:call-start-new.tar.gz|{{attachment:call-start-new.png}}]]||Shape stolen from gnome - gplv2 for now|| ||call-stop||[[attachment:call-stop-old.tar.gz|{{attachment:call-stop-old.png}}]]||[[attachment:call-stop-new.tar.gz|{{attachment:call-stop-new.png}}]]||Shape stolen from gnome - gplv2 for now|| == Login Window == == Wallpaper == [[attachment:karmic-wallpaper-final.tar.gz|{{attachment:karmic-wallpaper-final.png}}]] == Boot == === With a throbbler === '''Normal screens''' [[attachment:karmic-xsplash-01.png|{{attachment:karmic-xsplash-01_tn.png}}]] [[attachment:karmic-xsplash-02.png|{{attachment:karmic-xsplash-02_tn.png}}]] [[attachment:karmic-xsplash-03.png|{{attachment:karmic-xsplash-03_tn.png}}]] '''Wide screens''' [[attachment:karmic-xsplash-01-wide.png|{{attachment:karmic-xsplash-01-wide_tn.png}}]] [[attachment:karmic-xsplash-02-wide.png|{{attachment:karmic-xsplash-02-wide_tn.png}}]] [[attachment:karmic-xsplash-03-wide.png|{{attachment:karmic-xsplash-03-wide_tn.png}}]] === With sparkles === '''First Iteration''' [[attachment:karmic-sparkles-01.ogv|{{attachment:karmic-sparkles-01_tn.png}}]] === LiveCD Usplash === [[attachment:usplash_karmic_01.png|{{attachment:usplash_karmic_01_tn.png}}]]