## page was copied from ZATeam/Meetings/20100708 ||<>|| == Meeting Info == Meeting about Ubuntu-ZA August 2010 insert meeting info from Maaz here after the meeting == Agenda == * Review [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20100708#Summary |previous minutes ]] * Upcoming Events: * Ubuntu demo to ~70 kids in TSL on Friday 27 Aug 14:30-16:00 * Anyone is welcome to pitch in, talk to Ben (Sigh on shadowfire) * Global Jam - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/237/detail/ | 27th - 29th August]] * What have we got planned for CT Jam? * What do we have left to do? * Any other offers for talks? * Any other Jams we don't know about? Do they need help? * Posters printing and putting up * UCT and Stellenbosch; do we want to spread the word any further? * Email announcement to clug, sulug, etc. * Car pooling from Stellenbosch, maybe put info on website * Software Freedom Day - 18 Sept * Maverick release party - 10 Oct * Alternate release parties between UCT and Stellenbosch, with the next one at UCT? * Other centers try get hype going. * [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/282/detail/| Geeknic?]] proposed date 21 Nov, Kirstenbosch * Activity in other centers. CPT/Stellenbosch seems semi active try get others involved. * Hop on the bandwagon of the Python courses in Jhb and Durban in 2011 to spark some interest? * Website. Reviews/ Posts == Summary == {{{ [17:04:19] STARTED (drubin) [17:07:58] TOPIC: Previous Minutes (drubin) [17:13:29] AGREED: drubin will post new pic from ubuntu hour (drubin) [17:16:55] TOPIC: Events: Ubuntu Demo (drubin) [17:22:22] AGREED: tumbleweed Will find out about Ubuntu CD's to hand out at Algo circle event (drubin) [17:31:45] TOPIC: global jam (tumbleweed) [17:37:05] AGREED: tumbleweed will organise transparent proxying to LEG (tumbleweed) [17:38:12] AGREED: maiatoday will figure out what to demo and add it to the wiki (tumbleweed) [17:39:08] AGREED: we need to give maiatoday driving meeting access to the bot (drubin) [17:53:17] AGREED: maiatoday will write announcements and send to the appropriate mailing lists (tumbleweed) [17:53:46] AGREED: drubin will add stuff about car pooling to the wiki (with links to website profiles for contact details) (drubin) [17:55:27] TOPIC: Software Freedom Day - 18 Sept (tumbleweed) [18:08:39] AGREED: we kind of like the idea fo an outside event, we want people to be able to use laptops / PCs if they want, we'd like to engage with a wider audience. to be discussed further on th ML (tumbleweed) [18:09:36] TOPIC: maverick release party (tumbleweed) [18:17:13] TOPIC: geeknic (drubin) [18:18:57] TOPIC: other centers (drubin) [18:21:58] ENDED (drubin) }}} == Log == [[http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2010-08-16-17-04-19.html|Complete log of meeting]] ---- ZATeam