== Ubuntu-ZA Monthly Meeting for 16 January 2012 == {{{ Convened at 2012-01-16 17:34:34.915533 by kbmonkey in #ubuntu-za on freenode Convened at 2012-01-16 18:58:42.696425 by kbmonkey in #ubuntu-za on freenode }}} === Minutes === {{{ [17:34:34] STARTED (kbmonkey) [17:38:07] TOPIC: Precise release party suggestions (kbmonkey) [17:50:09] IDEA: Wesley and Johan to discuss kzn release party (kbmonkey) [17:52:14] IDEA: bring a newbie friend to the next release party (kbmonkey) [17:53:13] IDEA: maiatoday will start discussion about release party ideas on the mailing list (kbmonkey) [17:57:24] IDEA: have a games showcase at the release party (maiatoday) [17:57:42] IDEA: make the theme for the release party games and newbies (maiatoday) [18:01:40] TOPIC: Linux Certification (kbmonkey) [18:08:26] AGREED: Wesley to kickstart the LPIC studies (kbmonkey) [18:20:22] AGREED: magespawn to help setup a LPIC Q&A IRC schdule (kbmonkey) [18:29:50] TOPIC: Wiki updates (kbmonkey) [18:40:48] IDEA: everyone: document the ubuntu-za wiki (kbmonkey) [18:45:35] TOPIC: Girl Geek Dinners (kbmonkey) [18:54:09] IDEA: GGD on the 26th of every second month (Jan.. Mar..) (kbmonkey) [18:55:53] ENDED (kbmonkey) [18:58:42] STARTED (kbmonkey) [18:58:53] TOPIC: Ubuntu Hour (kbmonkey) [19:04:26] AGREED: superfly to mail the list with ideas for a CT Ubuntu Hour (kbmonkey) [19:05:23] ENDED (kbmonkey) }}} === Present === * Johan Mynhardt (nuvolari) * Raoul Snyman (superfly) * Maia Grotepass (maiatoday) * Greg Eames (magespawn) * Christel (Whizper2me) * POpsr * Wesley Werner (kbmonkey) * Miles Sharpe (Kilos) * Gustav H Meyer (inetpro) * WOLFEYES (WOLFEYES) * ZereF * Mezenir * Neil Oosthuizen (nlsthzn) * highvoltage === Raw Log === {{{ [17:34:34] Maaz start meeting about Ubuntu-ZA IRC meet [17:34:34] * Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles [17:34:39] yo Maaz! [17:35:04] Maaz: I'm pikachu [17:35:04] nuvolari: Sorry... [17:35:22] hehe [17:35:25] Maaz I am Wesley Werner [17:35:25] kbmonkey: Okay [17:35:28] Maaz coffee on [17:35:28] * Maaz washes some mugs [17:35:35] Maaz I am Maia Grotepass [17:35:35] maiatoday: Righto [17:35:38] Maaz, I am Neil Oosthuizen [17:35:38] nlsthzn: Alrighty [17:35:38] Maaz, I am Miles Sharpe [17:35:38] Kilos: Sure [17:35:49] Maaz: I am Johan Mynhardt [17:35:49] nuvolari: Alrighty [17:35:51] Mass I am Greg Eames [17:36:10] Maaz I am Greg Eames [17:36:10] magespawn: Done [17:36:24] Oh happy new years #ubuntu-za just by the by :-) [17:36:24] bakuman, you here? [17:36:56] yes a bit late, but why not. [17:37:02] * nlsthzn also wishes all the best for 2012 :) [17:37:10] same there kbmonkey [17:37:19] likewise to everyone [17:38:07] Maaz topic Precise release party suggestions [17:38:07] Current Topic: Precise release party suggestions [17:38:30] yeah what does everyone want to do? [17:38:50] It's a LTS so a little bit of fanfare would be cool [17:38:59] lots of tequila and install discs? [17:39:05] When is the release? [17:39:20] in APril but I wanted to get some ideas so long [17:39:28] [17:39:28] Coffee's ready for kbmonkey! [17:39:57] With the momentum Canonical is creating with their TV and what not coming I think 12.04 is a very big release and should be done right [17:40:00] [17:40:22] Hola [17:40:23] hi Whizper2me [17:40:31] welcome [17:40:37] * nuvolari whispers to Whizper2me [17:40:48] lo [17:41:07] confluency, highvoltage , kbmonkey *tips hat* [17:41:18] to be honest, I haven't been following this release as closely. Keen to support a release party though [17:41:22] all the others I don't know, hallo :) [17:41:31] hi Whizper2me [17:41:35] I know the parties are for different areas but we can start thinking about what we want to do [17:41:37] hi Whizper2me [17:41:44] hi Whizper2me. would you like to join our irc meeting? [17:42:18] Maybe something bigger than normal. Like they do for SFD. [17:42:20] I'll also make a reminder to myself to remember to order the disks this time. sorry about the previous release we missed the disks :( [17:42:25] @kbmonkey the cats think your poi are toys [17:42:59] also there were some ideas at the previous release party in cape town to have some activities to help beginners [17:43:00] Thanks for the invitation kbmonkey :) [17:43:15] Where are the release parties normally held, uni's? [17:43:17] demos or q&a or basic talks [17:43:20] [17:43:24] lol Whizper2me :) [17:43:38] unis or anywhere really, I've had 2 at my house before [17:43:42] Whizper2me, log in with maaz [17:43:53] nuvolari I'll be around that side in April, we can coordinate something? [17:43:55] last time we were at panarottis in canal walk [17:44:14] i like panarottis [17:44:18] when the service is good [17:44:29] kbmonkey: sure! I still have to organize something for here in Ballito [17:44:30] hi POpsr welcome to #ubuntu-za [17:44:31] would be nice to have it someplace with maximum exposure (but then having enough stuff to satisfy the curious) [17:44:33] eat all you can thursday ftw [17:44:35] are you keen on coming here? [17:44:46] Hi [17:44:48] I'm thinking a banner, someplace for exposure like a restaurant [17:44:58] I wouldn't suggest panarottis for a release party again becuase the tables of 6 or 8 people made the group not mingle properly [17:44:58] maximum exposure like grandwest ? [17:45:20] Not sure if you guys have seen some of Randall Ross's blog posts for Vancouver, they know how to party :) [17:45:22] sure nuvolari! [17:45:47] need to check that out nlsthzn [17:46:30] Maybe a local pc shop or internet cafe [17:46:51] They take over a whole restaurant... and with a projector beam one of those smart phone barcode thingies outside so if people scan they go to a special web site for the event that invite them in etc. :) [17:47:15] Qrcode [17:47:22] Sounds good [17:47:31] Interestingly enough... no PC's allowed. [17:47:57] my 2c worth in any case :) [17:48:06] Maaz I am Christel [17:48:06] Whizper2me: Righto [17:48:32] it all sounds good, anybody who wants to jump in and organise, go for it, you don't need an invite or permission ;) [17:48:34] a release party without pc's? that can be dangerous [17:48:41] Maaz: I am Gustav H Meyer [17:48:41] inetpro: Done [17:48:54] * inetpro is late again [17:49:02] Ah, it is thanks to inetpro that I made it tonight :) [17:49:02] welcome inetpro better late than never [17:49:15] sure, I will bug nuvolari with a kzn party ;) [17:49:28] minimum we need is a venue and a time and an external disk with repos [17:49:37] it could be a blanket at the beach [17:49:51] kbmonkey I would like to come done for that if I can [17:50:09] Maaz idea Wesley and Johan to discuss kzn release party [17:50:09] Idea recorded: Wesley and Johan to discuss kzn release party [17:50:19] cool magespawn [17:50:35] Maaz: will you be OK with Ballito? [17:50:35] nuvolari: Sorry... [17:50:41] ag [17:50:50] magespawn: will you be OK with Ballito? [17:50:53] Should be okay [17:50:57] ok I'll send an email on the mailing list to poll people for ideas too [17:50:58] cool [17:50:58] lol [17:50:59] Lol [17:51:04] can we have a demo of the Ubuntu TV at the release party? [17:51:16] Ubuntu TV? [17:51:16] that sounds good inetpro [17:51:40] + 1 [17:51:51] Maaz action maiatoday will start discussion about release party ideas on the mailing list [17:51:51] maiatoday: Sorry... [17:51:53] www.ubuntu.com/tv [17:51:57] bleargh [17:51:59] revisiting a previous idea we had... [17:52:14] Maaz idea bring a newbie friend to the next release party [17:52:14] Idea recorded: bring a newbie friend to the next release party [17:52:26] kbmonkey: tell maaz my action please, I forgot the syntax [17:52:34] sure :) [17:52:35] is ubuntutv like a mediacentre? [17:53:13] Maaz idea maiatoday will start discussion about release party ideas on the mailing list [17:53:13] Idea recorded: maiatoday will start discussion about release party ideas on the mailing list [17:53:15] connecting to bring a newbie is have something that would interest a newbie [17:53:23] nuvolari, they plan on making it a TV that will play all your content... running with Unity interface (no more boxes needed) [17:54:13] JabberwockyA19 are you in? [17:54:33] last time you had a great idea to show off some games at parties [17:54:34] Like lg/smasung smart tv? [17:55:08] just saw the video. very appealing [17:55:17] hey kbmonkey I just wanted to get the discussion going about this topic, it's ok if we probably won't resolve too much now [17:55:22] games ? [17:55:27] what kind of games [17:55:29] Maybe have a lan of open arena or the like? [17:55:30] I don't watch TV though, but if it can handle series, im game :P [17:55:57] minecraft :D [17:56:04] Get a few people to play Oil Rush... it is pretty [17:56:10] or minecraft, it is addictive [17:56:10] or counterstrike :P [17:56:38] and all those beautiful humble indie bundle games [17:56:51] most of us can't enjoy high bandwidth luxuries like online tv :/ [17:57:05] love that idea maiatoday ! [17:57:24] maaz idea have a games showcase at the release party [17:57:24] Idea recorded: have a games showcase at the release party [17:57:42] maaz idea make the theme for the release party games and newbies [17:57:42] Idea recorded: make the theme for the release party games and newbies [17:57:46] I bet we can make a nice poster with game screenshots too. people love pictures. [17:58:29] Oh and Unity :p [17:59:01] okay should we work the details on the ML then? [17:59:11] yup [17:59:58] wow, so many ideas in advance. I like this :) [18:00:24] oh, the agenda got shuffled, we skipped the minutes review [18:01:40] Maaz topic Linux Certification [18:01:40] Current Topic: Linux Certification [18:01:53] ping? still online?... [18:02:08] ya too [18:02:11] Just another link to explain Ubuntu TV - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q-pTFEHLC4 check it out later ;) [18:02:19] I just checked the previous meeting and there isn't much to review [18:02:05] yqa [18:02:28] Revisiting our studies, who wants in? [18:02:43] * nlsthzn can't re-visit ... he still has to visit :p [18:02:47] thanks maiatoday! [18:02:56] I do would like to be certified [18:02:58] But I am still keen [18:03:02] okay then so be it nlsthzn [18:03:43] i will study with you [18:03:47] How do you plan on doing this kbmonkey ? [18:03:55] realistically I envisioned this study group would carry on autonomously, [18:04:13] is anybody actively in the process of becoming a LPIC [18:04:34] I want to restart this in the next 2-4 weeks nlsthzn [18:04:49] * nlsthzn is toying with the idea... but as it has no bearing on my work it become harder to motivate the effort and time [18:05:19] I want to go for it to be more proficiant at Linux and be able to help myself more than anything else [18:05:23] No not yet [18:05:27] because if you had someone who is on a mission to become certified to drive it it may help [18:05:45] can it really teach you anything you cant teach yourself ? [18:05:45] yes [18:06:09] and in a shorter time frame (plus you get feedback if you really know what it what) [18:06:26] the lpic is pretty much self study Mezenir. you do get classes based on it, but yes you can teach yourself [18:06:38] Structured learning makes more sense generally [18:07:00] also deadlines do wonders ... [18:07:14] nothing like an exam to make you cram for 2 days [18:07:15] basically it is a glorified collection of linux knowledge guaranteed to make one competent [18:07:18] maiatoday, +1 [18:07:26] ++ [18:07:50] * nlsthzn sees a dead line is needed >.< [18:07:53] okay I will mail the list into kickstart again [18:08:32] or maybe challenge each other to checkout an area and present to the others in irc [18:08:32] kbmonkey, what happened to those that already joined you two [18:08:44] * nlsthzn will re-energize some peeps on this side of the world to see who is in :) [18:08:40] 20 i think you said [18:08:26] maaz agreed Wesley to kickstart the LPIC studies [18:08:26] Agreed: Wesley to kickstart the LPIC studies [18:08:55] nlsthzn indeed, a deadline is needed [18:09:19] poke [18:09:47] apologies that was going to be : poke Teepog about the LPIC Wesley, he has indicated some interest before [18:10:00] kbmonkey, is the manual still the same [18:10:12] yes it is Kilos [18:10:24] http://www.linuxcertification.co.za/lpi-study-manual [18:10:33] ok ian wants to join as well [18:10:55] we can work out a flexible deadline, with everyone's schedules, we can perhaps setup recurring deadlines for the work [18:11:11] so here's a suggestion, pick a day of the week and let someone commit to preparing to present a section to the others [18:11:22] the others must prepare so they can ask questions. [18:11:22] that way, newcomers can still meet deadlines, and the rest can revisit old stuff to stay fresh [18:11:31] then the baton is passed on to the next person [18:11:39] Clever idea [18:11:46] that way everyone gets to prepare a section thoroughly [18:11:49] +1 [18:11:57] sounds interesting [18:12:06] and you have free "lectures" [18:12:07] well maiatoday the material is layed out, so I thought everyone works through it themselves. then we meet on irc to ask, discuss and poke another about it [18:12:22] oh I like that a lot too maiatoday ! [18:12:40] yeah I know the material is layed out but you run the risk of flippin through it and saying yeah I know that, and that [18:12:42] Left to my own devices I would be better of going back to DOS [18:12:55] whereas if you have to sortof lecture it you really have to know it [18:13:33] When you learn with the aim to teach you learn more / quicker [18:13:36] maiatoday: where dowe get the learning material? Are there costs involved? [18:13:45] just so I understand maiatoday, you say someone presents a section, like in a classroom? [18:13:51] and it will give structure and a deadline for one person at least and the others can hear/read an explanation instead of reading a manual [18:13:58] yeah kbmonkey [18:14:05] inetpro, there is a free study guide... [18:14:05] inetpro the book is free, a pdf online. I will email the links through on the list [18:14:10] inetpro, http://www.linuxcertification.co.za/lpi-study-manual [18:14:21] ahh, thanks Kilos [18:14:26] [18:14:30] yw [18:14:42] lo ZereF log in to our meet [18:14:45] I could draw up a schedule if ppl will commit to the program [18:14:49] Kilos for the win [18:15:25] inetpro the material suggests CentOS, however is generic enough to apply to most distros [18:15:43] nice of them to provide free material [18:15:48] If you can magespawn, thanks! [18:15:48] they do cover RPM and debs and everything in between [18:16:32] what period between classes would you say? a week? every 2 weeks? [18:16:48] will depend on the size, complexity [18:16:52] How big is the manual? [18:17:28] maiatoday: 4.2MB as far as I can see [18:17:29] let me check.. [18:17:39] oops... magespawn [18:17:55] make it a regular meeting even if you can't cover a whole section in a meeting, so that you get into the habit of keeping going [18:17:57] No I meant chapters etc? [18:18:21] I think it is best for the interested to get the manual and then we plan? [18:18:23] quite big magespawn [18:18:40] lots of info from bios on [18:18:49] The chapters only scratch the surface... need more info then it gives often [18:18:57] I don't have the book with me, but magespawn see inside it, they even show a chart of how many 'points' each section is valued, and how much time is suggested [18:19:09] * inetpro just downloaded it [18:19:17] 329 pages [18:19:41] I'll have a look at the manual and get an educator friend of mine to draw up class material and such [18:19:46] magespawn can we then chat about some schedule via mail then [18:19:54] For sure [18:20:00] awesome :) [18:20:22] Maaz agreed magespawn to help setup a LPIC Q&A IRC schdule [18:20:22] Agreed: magespawn to help setup a LPIC Q&A IRC schdule [18:20:50] I propose we skip the beginning sections on BIOS and legacy hardware [18:21:03] just keep me us updated on here as well... I tend to ignore emails [18:21:22] it may be required, but daunting for newbies. get them stuck and interested in the juice bits, then revisit the technicals. [18:21:35] sure inetpro [18:21:41] Will do maybe set up a page or something. [18:22:00] to that end, I'd risk saying I want to catch up with IRC meets and try for more a month :/ [18:22:30] yay kbmonkey about time [18:22:36] been lonely here [18:22:40] right, I'm glad to still see interest! [18:22:47] * kbmonkey big smiles [18:23:06] * Kilos missed the weenie [18:23:07] kbmonkey: you mean like more than one meeting a month? [18:23:35] yes inetpro, irc meets. [18:23:41] lpi meets should be one a week [18:23:58] the lpi meets still need to be scheduled out [18:24:00] hmm... I guess we should try it [18:24:44] or like mini-meets. like hi/bye action grenade meets [18:24:46] * inetpro will definitely not be able to attend them all [18:25:17] inetpro, you can read logs [18:25:35] Kilos: I like the idea [18:25:42] not required to attend all, just to make regular attempts is the idea :) [18:25:53] most of the course you will understand anyway [18:26:03] magespawn fyi we could try use the ubuntu-za wiki for our schedule [18:26:11] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/ [18:26:23] yup [18:26:32] [18:26:40] lo WOLFEYES [18:26:53] Heya all... [18:27:03] lo WOLFEYES [18:27:04] tell maaz who you are [18:27:11] Maaz minutes so far [18:27:11] Minutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2012-01-16-17-34-34.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2012-01-16-17-34-34.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2012-01-16-17-34-34.html [18:27:42] maaz I am WOLFEYES [18:27:42] WOLFEYES: Alrighty [18:27:46] :) [18:27:46] :-) [18:27:48] not what I wanted Maaz, but thanks he he [18:27:55] grr no fool [18:28:21] kbmonkey do you think we need to check previous minutes? [18:28:28] collating this topic ideas in my head.. [18:28:39] we sortof covered everything in there already [18:28:59] maiatoday I did and apart from previous release party feedback it seems all covered here in some form [18:29:07] snap [18:29:23] I agree, just the ubuntu hour but that's no biggie [18:29:33] okay next... [18:29:50] Maaz topic Wiki updates [18:29:50] Current Topic: Wiki updates [18:30:26] hmm we haven't done any inages [18:30:29] in ages [18:30:30] Unsure what this one entails, magespawn you know? [18:30:37] we should do a monthly report on the wiki [18:30:44] what updates? [18:30:57] the monthly reports are due the first sunday of the month [18:31:06] oooh [18:31:15] I am assuming that's what magespawn meant with the agenda item [18:31:27] maiatoday asked me to help with that but did not see anything to add. Unsure of what to add. [18:31:46] we need to list what we do each month on a wiki page [18:31:47] magespawn: I guess we can get more organised again [18:31:59] but if we don't do anything there is nothing to say :( [18:32:03] there was a report in October [18:32:09] so for this month we have an irc meeting at least [18:32:10] Maybe ppl could mail the list or me directly with things to be included [18:32:25] ok that sounds good [18:32:40] there must be an easier way to post/remember team reports [18:32:41] like updating meeting pages https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings [18:33:10] if I remember I usually ask on the list for events but I think the list mails aren't read that regularly [18:33:41] see sub-pages at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam [18:33:44] I will also ask for things on the list to jog ppls memory [18:33:55] there's a report for December for a meeting. [18:34:08] everyone can add on the wiki so really when something happens we could add to the list [18:34:25] then magespawn can just check if it's all there round deadline time [18:34:44] can we make an appeal to list members to visit here as well? [18:35:09] there are many good brains there that dont come here [18:35:11] dunno Kilos people either go on irc or not, and we always invite people on the list to come to irc for the meeting [18:35:25] so January Team Report is due first Sunday of Feb. [18:35:25] ah ty maiatoday [18:35:34] yeah [18:35:38] if we keep going and stay organised people will come automatically [18:35:48] Maybe change the topic regularly for the meetings on orc [18:36:12] True Kilos. I try suggest the web chat to make it easier. maybe they are shy? [18:36:16] I hope to have more time this year for ubuntu too [18:36:17] superfly, welcome [18:36:28] Maaz topic [18:36:28] kbmonkey: Excuse me? [18:36:35] heya superfly :-) [18:37:44] is there an action for this topic [18:37:57] do you have a clearer idea now magespawn? [18:37:58] not yet [18:38:06] Yup [18:38:14] the report is due the first Sun of Feb, maia? [18:38:23] kbmonkey: yes [18:38:34] trying to see the Dec report... taking a while.. [18:38:38] maiatoday: I'd say everyone should try to make renewed attempts to document stuff on the wiki [18:38:39] hi Kilos, WOLFEYES, et al [18:38:49] Maaz: I am Raoul Snyman [18:38:49] superfly: Alrighty [18:38:50] superfly: wb [18:39:01] hi superfly [18:39:11] inetpro: thanks, work meeting till just after 7pm [18:39:14] hey nlsthzn [18:39:26] hi superfly [18:39:28] okay, so then we follow through with our plans, and we email activities for the report [18:39:39] naandsĂȘ maiatoday :-) [18:39:40] hi superfly ! [18:39:44] yo kbmonkey [18:40:10] [18:40:24] magespawn, wb [18:40:26] anyone who doesn't know how to drive the wiki is welcome to ask around and we'll help out as far as possible [18:40:27] magespawn: you didn't miss anything :) [18:40:48] Maaz idea everyone: document the ubuntu-za wiki. [18:40:48] Idea recorded: everyone: document the ubuntu-za wiki [18:40:58] only one agenda item to go woohoo [18:41:20] before the last, any more ideas for wiki updates to action? [18:41:26] Back again [18:41:26] erm, anyone have a link to the previous minutes? [18:41:37] http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2011-10-24-17-37-27.html [18:42:22] and todays agenda http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-za/331/detail/ [18:42:26] maiatoday: uh, no, here they are: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20111219 [18:42:53] urk you're right time machine glitch [18:43:30] * superfly remembers cause it was only himself, tumbleweed and Kilos at that meeting :-) [18:43:41] hehe [18:45:25] thanks for holding the pre-xmas fort Kilos and superfly [18:45:34] now for the geek girls :) [18:45:35] Maaz topic Girl Geek Dinners [18:45:35] Current Topic: Girl Geek Dinners [18:45:35] yw maiatoday [18:45:50] lol [18:46:05] * maiatoday went to a geek girl dinner in ct once [18:46:19] kbmonkey: may I add something to the agenda? I know it's late, but I haven't had an opportunity till now :-( [18:46:27] so tell us more about the Girl Geek Dinner idea... [18:47:11] I'll put all the details on the list but they are looking for sponsor for prizes and goody bages [18:47:35] http://ggdcpt.wordpress.com/ [18:47:38] Girls only dinner with a strpng geek flavour [18:47:45] no it isn't girls only [18:47:50] np superfly [18:47:58] Thats the one [18:48:10] kbmonkey: CT Ubuntu Hour [18:48:29] there were some guys at the one I went to [18:48:58] Thought it was anyway my shop is going to sponsor flash drives for the bags filled with Foss [18:48:59] the geek flavour wasn't that strong either it seemed but maybe it has changed since [18:49:17] ah that's better, last time we got marmelade [18:49:39] Was looking for ideas of what to included [18:49:53] for a flash drive of FOSS I'd consider going again :) [18:50:00] lol [18:50:05] Any android device would be appreciated I am sure [18:50:12] haha [18:50:20] Not that rich [18:50:50] ;) [18:51:37] Guys and girls... it is way past my bed time (besides I haven't slept in 30 hours...) Good night :) [18:51:49] a FOSS flash freebie! [18:51:50] night nlsthzn [18:51:54] todays minutes can go here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20120116 [18:51:54] sleep tight [18:52:20] nlsthzn: good night [18:52:25] thanks for coming nlsthzn [18:52:27] maiatoday, magespawn: anything else you wanna say about the GGD? [18:52:35] Something like that yup also trials of other software and mags etc [18:52:50] okay any actions to add for this topic to wrap up? [18:53:09] nope nothing else [18:53:16] Only that they are on the 26 th of every second month [18:53:35] noted :) [18:53:37] Jan march etc [18:54:09] Maaz idea GGD on the 26th of every second month (Jan.. Mar..) [18:54:09] Idea recorded: GGD on the 26th of every second month (Jan.. Mar..) [18:54:32] a 'note' for maaz would be handy [18:55:41] okay I'm going to call it, bed time for some of you hey? [18:55:53] Maaz end meeting [18:58:42] Maaz start meeting about Ubuntu-za IRC meeting additions [18:58:42] * Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles [18:58:43] lo highvoltage [18:58:53] Maaz topic Ubuntu Hour [18:58:53] Current Topic: Ubuntu Hour [18:59:05] sorry superfly it was a loong day of driving ;) [18:59:14] Well, Stellies is a bit far for me, and that's where most of the action has been. [18:59:26] okay for additions only tell maaz your name if you have something to add [18:59:59] I recently got a netbook, and thought it would be cool to have an Ubuntu hour in Cape Town somewhere, preferably close to public transport, so that folks can access it easily [19:00:17] Maaz I am Wesley Werner [19:00:17] kbmonkey: Sure [19:00:21] probably mid-Feb, on a Saturday [19:00:35] Maaz I am Maia Grotepass [19:00:35] maiatoday: Sure [19:00:47] I'll send out a mail to the list this evening, see if anyone is interested. tumbleweed said he'd likely be able to make it [19:00:50] cool superfly, decide when and I'll try to make it [19:00:54] any location ideas yet superfly ? [19:00:07] Maaz: I am Raoul Snyman [19:00:07] superfly: Done [19:01:17] kbmonkey: No, though I was thinking the Rondebosch area would probably be fairly central [19:01:20] hola highvoltage how you keeping? [19:02:03] but I don't hang around in R'bosch much, so I'll ask the list if they have any ideas of where to meet [19:02:11] kbmonkey: where are you stationed these days? [19:02:16] you could poke the observatory town hall [19:02:44] does obz town hall have internet? [19:03:01] you can do an ubuntu hour without internet [19:03:01] Whizper2me: we want to rather go to a coffee shop, it's more informal, and a number have some sort of Internet access [19:03:11] maiatoday: true :-) [19:03:14] I was in obz for a while superfly but currently on a road trip cross country, not in CT anymore [19:03:24] ubuntu hour without coffee, now that might be tricky :) [19:03:26] kbmonkey: ah, OK [19:03:31] yes, and public presence [19:03:32] mmm coffee shops .... [19:03:44] Whizper2me: good thanks and you? [19:03:58] Whizper2me: do I know you? :) [19:04:06] a little knackered. it was hot today [19:04:16] * WOLFEYES nodz in agreement [19:04:26] Maaz agreed superfly to mail the list with ideas for a CT Ubuntu Hour [19:04:26] Agreed: superfly to mail the list with ideas for a CT Ubuntu Hour [19:04:32] cool :) [19:04:42] thanks for reminding me superfly ! [19:04:42] kbmonkey: excellent, was just about to suggest you do that :-) [19:04:46] Maaz: I am Christel Breedt [19:04:46] Whizper2me: Done [19:05:00] okay additions complete? [19:05:08] Nothing more from me [19:05:09] added agenda item [19:05:23] Maaz end meeting }}}