## page was copied from ZATeam/Meetings/20141028 ## page was copied from ZATeam/Meetings/20140923 ## page was renamed from ZATeam/Meetings/20140928 ## page was copied from ZATeam/Meetings/20140826 ## page was copied from ZATeam/Meetings/20140722 = Monthly Ubuntu-ZA IRC Meeting for 25 November 2014 = Where: [[irc://freenode.net/ubuntu-za|#ubuntu-za]] on Freenode. Meeting link: irc://freenode.net/ubuntu-za Meeting minutes: Next meeting: 23 December 2014 = Welcome = Welcome the room and introduce everyone. = Review previous minutes = http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2014-10-28-18-31-48.txt = Events = * Our LoCo is up for re-verification = PNL - Project New Life = * We need to get new interest in the group * What is happening/media/social exposure * Who do we want to get involved * Simple ways of participating = Elect chairperson for next meeting = Elligible canidates: * Johan "nuvolari" = Next meeting Date = Decide the next meeting date - The 4th Tuesday of the month 23 December 2014