<> * When: 22 September 2015 * Where: #ubuntu-za on Freenode. * Website: http://ubuntu-za.org/ * Meeting link: irc://freenode.net/ubuntu-za * IRC Introduction: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat == Agenda == * Meeting chair: '''pieter2627''' * Welcoming and Introduction * Review [[ZATeam/Meetings/20150825#Summary|minutes of previous meeting]] * Plans for 2015 * Get more people to sign the [[https://help.launchpad.net/Signing%20the%20Ubuntu%20Code%20of%20Conduct|Ubuntu Code of Conduct]] * Get more people to apply for [[Membership|Ubuntu Membership]] * Get more people to get [[https://launchpad.net/|launchpad ID's]] * Get more people to [[https://ubuntu-za.org/|join ubuntu-za]] * Get more people to [[https://trello.com/b/GKXXiBxU/ubuntu-south-africa-loco|Join our trello]] * Events * Past Month: * [[http://www.sfd.org.za|Software Freedom Day 2015]] on Saturday, 19 September * Other: * InstallFest in Cape Town at Khayelitsha Bandwidth Barn [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kifest|Group Discussion]] * To be arranged: [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-za/2015-May/011745.html|Ubuntu Hour]], Installfests or other events * InstallFest in Cape Town at Khayelitsha Bandwidth Barn * Upcoming Next Month: * [[https://za.pycon.org/|PyConZA 2015]] happening in October in Johannesburg/Milpark/Wits * Miscellaneous * Ubuntu in the Wild - all happy with using Nikola's gallery feature? * get more involved with lugs to promote ubuntu and foss together * Elect chairperson for next meeting * Next meeting: 27 October 2015 == Summary == {{{ Minutes ======= [18:32:24] STARTED (pieter2627) [18:36:42] TOPIC: Welcoming and Introduction (pieter2627) [18:38:03] TOPIC: Review minutes of previous meeting (pieter2627) [18:42:00] TOPIC: Plans for 2015 (pieter2627) [18:47:16] TOPIC: Events (pieter2627) [19:24:44] AGREED: to start talking about a release party for 16.04 LTS (pieter2627) [19:25:34] AGREED: pieter2627 to mail the list about a release party (pieter2627) [19:25:40] TOPIC: Miscellaneous (pieter2627) [19:33:32] AGREED: pieter2627 to create a list on trello of ubuntu in the wild (pieter2627) [19:33:36] TOPIC: Elect chairperson for next meeting (pieter2627) [19:35:10] AGREED: pieter2627 to chair the next meeting (pieter2627) [19:35:15] TOPIC: Next meeting (pieter2627) [19:36:17] AGREED: next meeting on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 @ 20:30 (pieter2627) [19:36:55] ENDED (pieter2627) Present ======= * Raoul Snyman (superfly) * Gavin Bauer (Cryterion) * Miles Sharpe (Kilos) * Gustav H Meyer (inetpro) * Cryterion_ * jeandre le roux (theblazehen) * MaNI * Pieter Engelbrecht (pieter2627) * Jaco Stroebel (gremble) * kulelu88 (kulelu88) Raw Log ======= [18:32:24] Maaz: start meeting about Ubuntu Monthly Meeting - Sept 2015 [18:32:24] * Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles [18:33:01] Good evening again everyone and thank you for joining our monthly meeting. [18:33:31] As always, Maaz is taking the minutes so please introduce yourself using `Maaz: I am ` eg. [18:33:35] ek hier pieter2627 [18:33:43] Maaz: I am Jaco Stroebel [18:33:43] gremble: Done [18:33:45] Maaz: I am Pieter Engelbrecht [18:33:45] pieter2627: Okay [18:34:01] Maaz I am Miles Sharpe [18:34:01] Kilos: Yessir [18:34:09] * pieter2627 almost thought he was the only one [18:34:31] guess the others have to be pinged [18:34:54] inetpro ping [18:35:10] kulelu88 ping [18:35:19] MaNI ping [18:35:28] gremble ping [18:35:29] Maaz: I am Gavin Bauer [18:35:29] Cryterion: Done [18:35:33] stucomplex ping [18:35:42] pong [18:35:44] Maaz: I am Gustav H Meyer [18:35:44] inetpro: Yessir [18:35:51] sanibonani [18:35:58] hi inetpro [18:36:06] today's meeting agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20150922 [18:36:08] take a quick min to go through it and please feel free to make any last minute topic suggestions [18:36:34] oops forgot something... [18:36:42] Maaz: topic Welcoming and Introduction [18:36:42] Current Topic: Welcoming and Introduction [18:36:55] Maaz I am jeandre le roux [18:36:55] theblazehen: Okay [18:37:41] hi theblazehen [18:37:45] Maaz: I am kulelu88 [18:37:45] kulelu88: Done [18:37:56] hey Kilos [18:38:03] Maaz: topic Review minutes of previous meeting [18:38:03] Current Topic: Review minutes of previous meeting [18:38:11] the previous meeting's minutes can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20150728 [18:40:18] Maaz: I am Raoul Snyman [18:40:18] superfly: Sure [18:40:24] i made notes to the wrong link previous minutes is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20150825 [18:41:06] i no has issues with it then we will be moving on in a bit... [18:41:42] im fine [18:42:00] Maaz: topic Plans for 2015 [18:42:00] Current Topic: Plans for 2015 [18:42:07] pieter2627: we can always fix it later if necessary [18:42:12] i am only going to give a minute's waiting time for anyone to add something that they might have here [18:42:27] cool [18:42:56] no one spotted the error, so wonder who went to look anyway [18:43:21] * inetpro is way too tired [18:43:22] ok, in the future we would hopefully have more for this topic [18:43:29] so if anyone wants to sign the COC or wants to become a member then speaking to Kilos or superfly would be your best bet [18:43:37] to join our Trello just speak to inetpro and for a launchpad ID just speak up [18:43:53] everyone has too much on their minds to even remember what was agreed on last meeting [18:44:04] nono [18:44:05] I just signed up for the trello (again I think) [18:44:11] inetpro and superfly [18:44:47] Kilos: thought you are a member and not inetpro [18:45:38] lol ya but inetpro had to help me to sign the COC [18:45:53] thats a big job [18:46:09] we have a how to on trello as well [18:46:18] https://help.launchpad.net/Signing%20the%20Ubuntu%20Code%20of%20Conduct for anyone interested [18:46:35] If the guideline got updated to include the posting key to keyserver, then the guideline would be 100% [18:46:39] ty gremble [18:46:49] ah ok, moving on... [18:47:16] Maaz: topic Events [18:47:16] Current Topic: Events [18:47:47] SFD was over the weekend and was quite exciting... [18:47:55] theblazehen do you and gremble have feedback from sfd [18:48:01] i understand that gremble was also there [18:48:17] Yup. [18:48:28] pieter2627: you ended up going as well? [18:48:35] inetpro: yes [18:48:43] nice! [18:48:46] well done [18:49:07] I'm busy with a write-up. Took notes and stuff, so I will host it on the internet somewhere for those that didn't attend to read [18:49:13] we need them in more areas though [18:49:32] here is a quick summary - gremble and theblazehen correct me on errors [18:49:45] Seaparo Phala, the CIO for the Department of Arts and Culture, told us what government is trying to do to increase FOSS usage and he highlighted the 4 FOSS users [18:49:45] as a note, he mentioned a few government departments that make use of FOSS [18:50:24] next, Dave Russell from Microsoft highlighted how they have had FOSS for awhile but it has not received the best of marketing and how they might increase that in the future [18:50:40] > Free as in beer not FOSS [18:51:04] ai! [18:51:07] ^^ that for Microsoft [18:51:12] FOSS with the opening of stuff like .Net Core earlier this year [18:51:37] sounds like old spinning tactics to me [18:51:57] Dr Leti Kleyn from UP highlighted why research should be more open and accessible [18:52:16] Aslam Raffee, the former CIO of the Department of Science and Technology, explained how the copyright amendment bill might go against OSS contribution in SA [18:52:42] Shahn van Zyl mentioned how a company called LSD runs assessments for public companies to help them switch over to FOSS [18:53:01] Tim Haak showed how to use docker and gave a few tips for new and advance users [18:53:14] Henti Smith explained how Bacula, a backup suite, works and highlighted its features [18:53:30] Nevar Fourie how digital contracts can be created using Ethereum - lents somewhat from bitCoin but is for where two items/entities are transfered between parties in a fool proof and open manner [18:53:37] almost done... [18:54:18] Mark Clarke showed the basics of react - a js library [18:54:26] Ross Addis from Redhat talked about the hybrid cloud and reasons for the open cloud [18:55:08] gremble: will you be able to post a link for your summary on the list [18:55:25] mailinglist? Sure [18:55:36] and is anyone interested in a more complete note set? [18:55:37] or paste bin [18:55:41] pieter2627: nice list, thanks for sharing [18:55:51] ty pieter2627 [18:56:03] np [18:56:57] pieter2627: how many people were there? [18:57:40] i would guess 60... depending on how many were behind me [18:57:42] Maybe ~50 to ~70? [18:57:47] yeah [18:58:08] 60 might be overstated also [18:58:19] The turn-out wasn't very good [18:58:24] Yeah :/ [18:58:28] We should work on marketing I think [18:58:29] hmm... [18:58:36] Pretty much no one did key signing [18:58:46] there were train problems as well... some arrived late [18:58:50] more than 50 is not bad though [18:58:52] Just me, and charl Le Roux, the organiser [18:59:25] Needs more advertising [18:59:33] clearly we have work to do for the next one :-) [19:00:17] * inetpro wondering how we can get more people to come [19:00:23] anyone have anything to raise for other events on the agenda? [19:00:24] media [19:00:43] tswane tv and news papers [19:00:49] and fb [19:01:03] Kilos: it was advertised on fb [19:01:11] or whatever your media of choice is... [19:01:33] ok [19:02:19] if each one those a little bit of what he/she can then is will add up i think [19:02:37] yip [19:02:48] so no news for the installfests in cpt? [19:03:16] and no one planning on organizing any new events? [19:03:51] I just have the tlug, but that is not really an event, more of a thing [19:04:21] gremble: tlug? [19:04:40] pieter2627: did the arts and culture guys talk about the DASA event coming in October? [19:04:44] Either TuksLUG or TshwaneLUG. We'll do both. Karl suggested that I link up with him [19:05:25] Inaugural meeting of Drupal users in Government and NGO sector http://www.meetup.com/Drupal-Pretoria-Arcadia-NGO-gov [19:05:37] Kilos: does getting involved mean taking an interest in their events? [19:05:50] inetpro: not that i can remember [19:05:57] glad you got together with kmf gremble [19:06:13] Kilos: involved with lugs that is.. [19:06:23] inna way [19:06:41] you choose what you want to get involved in [19:07:19] tey must has stuff going thats of interet to you [19:07:23] they [19:07:31] i mean under the Misc section we have 'get more involved with lugs to promote ubuntu and foss together' [19:07:58] the plan was that we work together more [19:08:29] even though we are mainly ubuntu we are linux as well [19:08:42] and foss [19:09:27] ok... [19:09:45] who is planning on attending PyCon? [19:09:45] so why let lugs do their thing and we do ours [19:10:09] strength in numbers [19:10:15] Kilos: we are not a lug [19:10:42] ya inetpro but we can work and play with them [19:11:00] kindred spirits so to say [19:11:45] each one has it's own character, oviously anyone can join anywhere else [19:11:57] so that covers events? [19:12:30] pieter2627: no [19:12:44] inetpro: what did i miss? [19:12:53] release party [19:13:00] next release is coming soon now [19:13:19] I think we should start organising something again [19:13:36] at least we can try [19:14:21] ok... what is a release party? [19:14:48] Wily Werewolf getting released on 22 October 2015 [19:15:00] Ubuntu 15.10 [19:15:46] yes, so is the party on the weekend of the release? [19:15:53] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/RunningReleaseParty [19:16:14] i have only seen photos of this stuff not what they are... will check the link [19:17:12] so inetpro do you need a vote to see if we will have one, want to check the interest, etc? [19:17:38] somebody should just take the initiative and run with it [19:17:53] arrange a venue and send invites, etc [19:18:11] and we can have it in many locations all at the same time [19:19:12] invite a few friends and make it your own [19:19:47] inetpro: can you get us going with the one? [19:19:48] [19:20:06] eish! [19:20:14] wb Cryterion_ [19:20:47] Lappy dead, going inside so can charge, be back soon [19:20:57] kk [19:21:33] pieter2627: I don't want to commit to anything right now, way too many other things on my plate [19:22:08] no other interest seem to arise... [19:22:09] I just had to mantion so we don't all forget about these basics [19:22:18] mention as well [19:22:47] releases happen every six months, and release parties are kinda fun [19:22:53] can we set out to start planing/shaping the basics details for the next release? [19:23:56] a party for it i mean?? [19:24:14] yeah I think we should at least have a big one for the LTS release in April [19:24:44] Maaz: agreed to start talking about a release party for 16.04 LTS [19:24:44] Agreed: to start talking about a release party for 16.04 LTS [19:25:04] i can mail the list about that tomorrow? [19:25:13] ty [19:25:34] Maaz: agreed pieter2627 to mail the list about a release party [19:25:34] Agreed: pieter2627 to mail the list about a release party [19:25:40] Maaz: topic Miscellaneous [19:25:40] Current Topic: Miscellaneous [19:26:24] we have had the ubuntu-in-the-wild on for awhile now [19:26:35] are all ok if we go ahead and create the ubuntu-in-the-wild page using Nikola's gallery feature? [19:27:50] other than that does anyone have anything else to add for topics under Misc? [19:28:59] * pieter2627 seems to be speaking to himself [19:29:04] lol [19:29:17] superfly: ^^ [19:29:19] no one is arguing with you man [19:29:49] i asked for confirmation not an argument... [19:29:58] lol [19:30:00] hehe [19:30:27] how about putting stuff on the wiki? [19:31:02] inetpro: i guess we can do that... [19:31:23] or on our fb, g+ and or twiiter feeds? [19:31:41] maybe i need to have a list of all the things i have for the next meeting so that we can make a choice.. [19:32:34] time seems to be running out... [19:32:34] * inetpro suggests using trello as a sandbox [19:33:00] ok will create the list there [19:33:32] Maaz: agreed pieter2627 to create a list on trello of ubuntu in the wild [19:33:32] Agreed: pieter2627 to create a list on trello of ubuntu in the wild [19:33:36] Maaz: topic Elect chairperson for next meeting [19:33:36] Current Topic: Elect chairperson for next meeting [19:33:45] +1 for pieter2627 [19:33:55] pieter2627 +1 [19:34:16] pieter2627 yu are doing well [19:34:28] pieter2627: you're doing a great job and I know I may not be available in October [19:34:28] o [19:34:31] inetpro: we can also swap around sometime with africa's meetings if you want [19:34:47] oh ok [19:35:10] Maaz: agreed pieter2627 to chair the next meeting [19:35:10] Agreed: pieter2627 to chair the next meeting [19:35:15] Maaz: topic Next meeting [19:35:15] Current Topic: Next meeting [19:35:38] The next meeting is the 27th of Oct hope to see you all again [19:36:14] pieter2627 ty for stepping up and helping out [19:36:17] Maaz: agreed next meeting on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 @ 20:30 [19:36:17] Agreed: next meeting on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 @ 20:30 [19:36:18] thanks pieter2627 [19:36:26] np Kilos and inetpro [19:36:47] * inetpro calls it a day [19:36:52] good night everyone [19:36:53] that all thanks everyone for attending [19:36:55] Maaz: end meeting }}}