<> * When: 27 October 2015 * Where: #ubuntu-za on Freenode. * Website: http://ubuntu-za.org/ * Meeting link: irc://freenode.net/ubuntu-za * IRC Introduction: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat == Agenda == * Meeting chair: '''pieter2627''' * Welcoming and Introduction * Review [[ZATeam/Meetings/20150922#Summary|minutes of previous meeting]] * Plans for 2015 * Get more people to sign the [[https://help.launchpad.net/Signing%20the%20Ubuntu%20Code%20of%20Conduct|Ubuntu Code of Conduct]] * Get more people to apply for [[Membership|Ubuntu Membership]] * Get more people to get [[https://launchpad.net/|launchpad ID's]] * Get more people to [[https://ubuntu-za.org/|join ubuntu-za]] * Get more people to [[https://trello.com/b/GKXXiBxU/ubuntu-south-africa-loco|Join our trello]] * Events * Past Month: * [[https://za.pycon.org/|PyConZA 2015]] happening in October in Johannesburg/Milpark/Wits * [[http://www.meetup.com/Drupal-Pretoria-Arcadia-NGO-gov| DASA]] on the 16th of October * Other: * InstallFest in Cape Town at Khayelitsha Bandwidth Barn [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kifest|Group Discussion]] * To be arranged: [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-za/2015-May/011745.html|Ubuntu Hour]], Installfests or other events * InstallFest in Cape Town at Khayelitsha Bandwidth Barn * Release Party for 16.04 * Upcoming Next Month: * ??? * Miscellaneous * Ubuntu in the Wild * get more involved with lugs to promote ubuntu and foss together * Elect chairperson for next meeting * Next meeting: 24 November 2015 == Summary == {{{ Minutes ======= [18:31:32] STARTED (pieter2627) [18:31:54] TOPIC: Welcoming and Introduction (pieter2627) [18:33:32] TOPIC: Review minutes of previous meeting (pieter2627) [18:35:03] TOPIC: Plans for 2015 (pieter2627) [18:36:03] TOPIC: Events (pieter2627) [18:45:48] TOPIC: Miscellaneous (pieter2627) [19:12:32] TOPIC: Elect chairperson for next meeting (pieter2627) [19:13:48] AGREED: pieter2627 to chair Nov's meeting (pieter2627) [19:14:11] TOPIC: Next meeting (pieter2627) [19:15:58] AGREED: Next meeting is 24 November 2015 @ 20:30 (pieter2627) [19:16:38] ENDED (pieter2627) Present ======= * Raoul Snyman (superfly) * Pieter Engelbrecht (pieter2627) * Charl le Roux (clr_) * Tonberry * Miles Sharpe (Kilos) * Gustav H Meyer (inetpro) * Vin Swart (Vince-0) Raw Log ======= [18:31:32] Maaz: start meeting about Ubuntu Monthly Meeting - Oct 2015 [18:31:32] * Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles [18:31:49] Maaz_ I am Miles Sharpe [18:31:49] Kilos: Okay [18:31:54] Maaz: topic Welcoming and Introduction [18:31:54] Current Topic: Welcoming and Introduction [18:31:55] Evening all and thanks for joining in on our monthly meeting [18:31:55] Please introduce yourselves to Maaz for the minutes using `Maaz: I am ` eg. [18:31:55] Maaz: I am Pieter Engelbrecht [18:31:55] pieter2627: Righto [18:32:20] Maaz_: I am Gustav H Meyer [18:32:20] inetpro: Sure [18:32:21] the agenda for today's meeting can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20151027 [18:32:21] check that nothing is missing and feel free to raise anything you might want to add [18:33:22] * inetpro listening in with one ear [18:33:32] Maaz: topic Review minutes of previous meeting [18:33:32] Current Topic: Review minutes of previous meeting [18:33:32] the previous meeting's minutes is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20150922 [18:33:32] please do not go and read it cause i'm in trouble for forgetting to have done stuff :P [18:33:41] oh my inetpro what you doing [18:33:59] haha pieter2627 [18:34:22] * inetpro busy with some work in the background [18:34:43] clr_ Vince-0 you guys wanna login? [18:35:03] Maaz: topic Plans for 2015 [18:35:03] Current Topic: Plans for 2015 [18:35:03] the drill for this is short unless someone has something to say for its topics [18:35:09] Maaz_: I am Raoul Snyman [18:35:09] superfly: Righto [18:35:26] Maaz: I am Vin Swart [18:35:26] Vince-0: Alrighty [18:35:47] oom clr_ ? [18:36:03] Maaz: topic Events [18:36:03] Current Topic: Events [18:36:29] Has anyone attended PyCon or DASA? [18:37:09] pieter2627: not me [18:37:18] everyone snowed under looks like [18:37:26] haha [18:37:47] would have liked to go to DASA [18:38:27] then any news for the other events - install Fest, Ubuntu hour [18:39:11] Ubuntu 15.10 has been released [18:39:14] ^^ [18:39:35] if anyone has anything about the 16.04 Release Party then now would be a good time [18:39:52] has anyone upgraded yet? [18:40:25] * pieter2627 wanted to on the weekend - but things... [18:40:38] ami is security becoming more of an isue [18:40:52] maaz: I am Charl le Roux [18:40:52] clr_: Yessir [18:40:56] many security updates [18:41:20] pieter2627: I upgraded my work PC today. No problems. [18:41:21] [18:41:26] Plasma 5.4 is yum yum [18:41:28] * inetpro willing to wait some more before attempting to upgrade [18:42:12] ah ok, good to hear [18:42:36] but I'm using Kubuntu, not Ubuntu, so slightly different. [18:42:44] superfly: you using yum in place of apt? :-) [18:43:10] hahaha [18:43:24] i had to think about that [18:43:25] Plasma 5.4 comes with the Application Dashboard instead of Kicker (the K-menu), and it makes life so much better. It's a bit like Unity's launcher. [18:43:56] sounds interesting [18:44:11] I upgraded to 15.10, did a clean install as a matter of fact, and I am very happy [18:44:35] inetpro: then again, I'm a bit of a keyboard junkie. vim is my IDE of choice [18:44:38] the newer kernel solved some of my hardware issues with my laptop [18:45:36] vim ftw! [18:45:37] i'll go over to the next topic as we cont. talking about upgrade... [18:45:48] Maaz: topic Miscellaneous [18:45:48] Current Topic: Miscellaneous [18:45:54] I run ubuntu. Thought I could upgrade from 14.04, but that broke my system completely, so I had to reinsall [18:46:10] oh my [18:46:40] backed up /home hopefully [18:46:52] apparently you need to upgrade release by release [18:47:00] yes [18:47:08] yes, /home on another disk [18:47:10] only lts to lts works [18:47:29] that is interesting [18:47:57] oh, almost forgot anyone know of events for the upcoming month [18:48:02] right, I saw that, but then the upgrade tool allowed me to upgrade from 14.04 to 15.10, and I was.... Ok it must be possible then [18:48:16] lol [18:48:28] now you know [18:48:57] I normally end up doing a fresh install in any case, I prefer that [18:49:09] * pieter2627 never jumped a version... [18:49:18] i do clean installs everytime [18:49:24] fly upgrades [18:50:08] shall i cont. with the other Misc? [18:50:09] So, I saw someone mentioned ubuntu install fests, and meetups etc. do have them? [18:50:18] yip [18:50:42] we used to clr_ but everyone too busy now [18:51:00] ha ok [18:51:22] well the meeting is about organizing them too if i'm correct [18:51:33] correct [18:51:52] how about linuxconza [18:52:00] or linuxfestza [18:52:11] even australia have them, why not us [18:52:36] don't we need a linux conference in south africa [18:53:21] inetpro comment? [18:54:06] SFD was last month, how would a linuxcon differ? [18:54:10] closest you're gonna get is sfd ya [18:54:17] obsidian is getting involved [18:54:23] and its well organised [18:55:30] well, SFD is supposed to promote foss software. Linuxcon should be for business etc. etc. Like a proper conference. Like the MyBroadband conference [18:56:40] we just need people who are willing to step up and start arranging these events [18:57:48] should the ubuntu community arrange a linuxcon, or is this were Kilos's idea of getting involved with LUG's get into play? [18:57:57] that is where the challenge lies. A lot of these around the world grew from the local lug meetup into something bigger [18:58:50] i think working with lugs is a good way [18:59:13] Kilos: has this interaction lugs from us taken off yet? [18:59:16] we all linux so why the apartheid [18:59:55] I agree, it must be all inclusive [18:59:59] some of the durbs peeps were interested and jozilug but i see none of them here [19:00:07] get corporate sponsors, vendors, a venue, a schedule [19:00:17] Vince-0 is here from durbs [19:00:21] oh and a committee [19:00:22] * pieter2627 thinks this might be a good thing to start the interaction [19:00:28] i forgot to mail wwk [19:02:19] will we try this to improve the lug interaction? (quick vote pls) [19:02:27] Vince-0 can you chat to the durbs guys for us please [19:02:52] prob is we work here and they use G+ [19:03:20] so we need someone on both platforms [19:03:35] can't we sort the probs after the plan of action... [19:03:56] whatever works [19:04:16] a few here will probably be able to help [19:05:03] Kilos: can you contact the know lugs to see if they are keen? [19:05:26] Vince-0 is here from dbnlug [19:05:44] i forget who the jozilug guys were [19:05:57] ive had a slack 2 months [19:05:58] and gremble is at tuks lug [19:06:12] there were 3 of them here 3 months ago [19:06:42] so will you take the task for the month? [19:06:43] Vince-0 ^^ [19:07:13] haha ill need 4 more weeks of mostly sleeping i think [19:07:41] ai, inetpro you up for it? [19:07:57] :P [19:08:02] lol [19:08:26] Vince-0 and gremble are the guys to get to help [19:08:35] they are insiders in the lugs [19:08:58] i will mail wwk in durbs again though [19:09:02] Vince-0: could you contact the others if Kilos gave you missing details? [19:09:28] pieter2627: unfortunately no [19:09:36] * pieter2627 looking for a o/ here [19:10:38] * inetpro has too many forks in hands to handle [19:11:19] that seems to cover lugs involvement [19:11:25] * pieter2627 know the feeling [19:11:28] now for what i forgot - to create that Ubuntu-in-the-wild list on trello. will do it this month... [19:11:55] oh my [19:12:07] can I move to next topic? [19:12:13] ive totally even forgotten about trello [19:12:16] yes [19:12:32] Maaz: topic Elect chairperson for next meeting [19:12:32] Current Topic: Elect chairperson for next meeting [19:12:56] * Kilos votes for pieter2627 [19:12:56] so anyone up for chairing the next meeting [19:13:01] +1 for pieter2627 [19:13:01] * pieter2627 still in [19:13:34] can you manage it pieter2627 [19:13:42] we need you [19:13:48] Maaz_: agreed pieter2627 to chair Nov's meeting [19:13:48] Agreed: pieter2627 to chair Nov's meeting [19:14:01] yay ty [19:14:01] Kilos: yes [19:14:11] Maaz: topic Next meeting [19:14:11] Current Topic: Next meeting [19:14:29] Next one seems to be 24 Nov right? [19:14:45] * pieter2627 wonders what happens in Dec [19:15:17] i think we have an ealy one if needed [19:15:27] early [19:15:47] ah ok [19:15:48] only if there is something needs discussing [19:15:58] Maaz_: agreed Next meeting is 24 November 2015 @ 20:30 [19:15:58] Agreed: Next meeting is 24 November 2015 @ 20:30 [19:16:13] 22 dec should be fine [19:16:19] thanks all for joining hope to see at the next one [19:16:38] Maaz: end meeting }}}