
 * When: 26 April 2016
 * Where: #ubuntu-za on Freenode.
 * Website: http://ubuntu-za.org/
 * Meeting link: irc://freenode.net/ubuntu-za
 * IRC Introduction: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat

== Agenda ==

 * Meeting chair: '''chesedo'''
 * Welcoming and Introduction
 * Review [[ZATeam/Meetings/20160322#Summary|minutes of previous meeting]]
 * Plans for 2016
  * Get more people to sign the [[https://help.launchpad.net/Signing%20the%20Ubuntu%20Code%20of%20Conduct|Ubuntu Code of Conduct]]
  * Get more people to apply for [[Membership|Ubuntu Membership]]
  * Get more people to get [[https://launchpad.net/|launchpad ID's]]
  * Get more people to [[https://ubuntu-za.org/|join ubuntu-za]]
  * Get more people to [[https://trello.com/b/GKXXiBxU/ubuntu-south-africa-loco|Join our trello]]
  * Ubuntu for Hope - update (Website & Logo) and launch (27 Apr)
 * Events
  * 17th Annual Debian Conference, DebConf16, in Cape Town from 2 July to 9 July 2016
    * Announcement: [[https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2016/03/msg00008.html|Registration now open...]] Friday, 18 Mar 2016
    * Website: https://debconf16.debconf.org/
    * Wiki: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16
    * FAQs: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/FAQs
    * Get feedback on volunteers
  * Past Month:
    * ?
  * Other:
    * InstallFest in Cape Town at Khayelitsha Bandwidth Barn [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kifest|Group Discussion]]
    * To be arranged: [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-za/2015-May/011745.html|Ubuntu Hour]],  Installfests or other events
    * Release Party for 16.04 (DVDs)
  * Upcoming Next Month:
    * ?
 * Miscellaneous
  * Ubuntu in the Wild
  * Get more involved with lugs to promote Ubuntu and Foss together
  * Discuss Ubuntu education project
 * Elect chairperson for next meeting
 * Next meeting: 24 May 2016

== Summary ==



[18:30:21] STARTED (chesedo)
[18:30:30] TOPIC: Welcoming and Introduction (chesedo)
[18:33:59] TOPIC: Review minutes of previous meeting (chesedo)
[18:36:38] AGREED: No one has an issue with previous minutes (chesedo)
[18:36:46] TOPIC: Plans for 2016 (chesedo)
[18:42:26] TOPIC: Ubuntu for Hope (chesedo)
[18:54:16] AGREED: Ubuntu for Hope needs more volunteers like with website (chesedo)
[18:54:31] TOPIC: Events (chesedo)
[18:59:56] TOPIC: Miscellaneous (chesedo)
[19:16:33] TOPIC: DebConf volunteers (chesedo)
[19:25:43] IDEA: Look into the logs to find info on Cpt installFest (chesedo)
[19:32:17] TOPIC: Elect chairperson for next meeting (chesedo)
[19:38:44] AGREED: inetpro or magespawn to chair next meeting (chesedo)
[19:38:57] TOPIC: Next meeting (chesedo)
[19:39:05] AGREED: Next meeting is 24 May 2016 @ 20:30 (chesedo)
[19:39:44] ENDED (chesedo)


* Raoul Snyman (superfly)
* Jan Greeff (Langjan)
* William Kinghorn (williamk)
* Greg Eames (magespawn)
* Karl Fischer (kmf)
* Pieter Engelbrecht (chesedo)
* Name Surname (Kilos)
* Gustav H Meyer (inetpro)
* qwebirc45832
* Jeandre le roux (theblazehen)
* melodie
* Kyle Robbertze (paddatrapper)
* Hiren (magellanic)
* magespaw1
* Jaco Stroebel (gremble)
* late (nlsthzn)
* Greg Senye (rwbx)

Raw Log

[18:30:21] <chesedo> Maaz: start meeting about Ubuntu Monthly Meeting - April 2016
[18:30:21] * Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles
[18:30:26] <inetpro> Maaz: I am Gustav H Meyer
[18:30:26] <Maaz> inetpro: Okay
[18:30:30] <chesedo> Maaz: topic Welcoming and Introduction
[18:30:30] <Maaz> Current Topic: Welcoming and Introduction
[18:30:35] <superfly> Maaz: I am Raoul Snyman 
[18:30:35] <Maaz> superfly: Righto
[18:30:36] <chesedo> Welcome all and thanks for joining in on our meeting this evening
[18:30:38] <gremble> Maaz, I am Jaco Stroebel
[18:30:38] <Maaz> gremble: Righto
[18:30:42] <rwbx> Kilos: i had to go afk to root android phone..
[18:30:44] <magespawn> Maaz I am Greg Eames
[18:30:44] <Maaz> magespawn: Yessir
[18:30:44] <Kilos> Maaz I am Miles Sharpe
[18:30:44] <Maaz> Kilos: Yessir
[18:30:49] <chesedo> Our bot Maaz will do the minutes as usual so please introduce yourselves to him using `Maaz: I am <firstname lastname>` eg.
[18:31:00] <chesedo> Maaz: I am Pieter Engelbrecht
[18:31:00] <Maaz> chesedo: Righto
[18:31:02] <williamk> Maaz I am William Kinghorn
[18:31:02] <Maaz> williamk: Sure
[18:31:08] <paddatrapper> Maaz: I am Kyle Robbertze
[18:31:08] <Maaz> paddatrapper: Yessir
[18:31:23] <theblazehen> Maaz I am Jeandre le roux
[18:31:23] <Maaz> theblazehen: Alrighty
[18:31:28] <rwbx> Maaz: I am Greg Senye
[18:31:28] <Maaz> rwbx: Yessir
[18:31:29] <chesedo> oh and welcome all new commers like paddatrapper rwbx
[18:31:38] <kmf> Maaz: I am Karl Fischer
[18:31:38] <Maaz> kmf: Okay
[18:31:44] <chesedo> Today's meeting agenda can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20160426
[18:31:53] <chesedo> any last minute changes can be suggested now
[18:32:30] <inetpro> welcome paddatrapper!
[18:32:30] <inetpro> anyone else here for the first time?
[18:32:54] <paddatrapper> hey. Thanks!
[18:33:05] <chesedo> all happy with the agenda?
[18:33:05] <rwbx> Yep me...
[18:33:09] <Kilos> Wolfeyes has fallen asleep i think
[18:33:11] <chesedo> inetpro: ^^
[18:33:17] <Kilos> hi melodie 
[18:33:25] <inetpro> chesedo: +1
[18:33:27] <Kilos> join our meeting
[18:33:32] <superfly> Kilos: I can't stay, my phone is keeping mis truoble awake. highlight me if you need me, I'll hear my PC
[18:33:42] <chesedo> inetpro: meaning rwbx is also new
[18:33:44] <Langjan> Maaz: I am Jan Greeff
[18:33:44] <Maaz> Langjan: Sure
[18:33:45] <Kilos> wil do superfly 
[18:33:59] <chesedo> Maaz: topic Review minutes of previous meeting
[18:33:59] <Maaz> Current Topic: Review minutes of previous meeting
[18:34:07] <chesedo> the last meeting's minutes is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20160322
[18:34:08] <melodie> hello Kilos inetpro superfly and everyone! 
[18:34:08] <inetpro> ahh, welcome rwbx as well!
[18:34:16] <melodie> hhow is everybody?
[18:34:17] <chesedo> It might be a good idea to go over it
[18:34:27] <chesedo> hi melodie
[18:34:31] <rwbx> inetpro: Thanks
[18:34:35] <inetpro> always nice to see the new faces, hope you guys stick around
[18:34:35] <Kilos> good ty melodie 
[18:34:38] <melodie> he Kilos !
[18:34:54] <melodie> do you have lugs from Burkina Faso now?
[18:35:09] <chesedo> does anyone have something they want to raise from the last meeting?
[18:35:15] <Kilos> melodie join ##kilos
[18:35:20] <melodie> I sent Ubuntu Malinux there, with someone who develops a culture of spirulina
[18:35:22] <Kilos> meeting underway here
[18:35:40] <kmf> +1
[18:36:38] <chesedo> Maaz: agreed No one has an issue with previous minutes
[18:36:38] <Maaz> Agreed: No one has an issue with previous minutes
[18:36:46] <chesedo> Maaz: topic Plans for 2016
[18:36:46] <Maaz> Current Topic: Plans for 2016
[18:37:11] <chesedo> is there anyone needing help signing up for something or with Ubuntu membership?
[18:38:02] <chesedo> oh kmf +1??
[18:38:30] <paddatrapper> What exactly is Ubuntu Membership?
[18:38:36] <kmf> chesedo: +1 for the agreeing with minutes
[18:38:45] <chesedo> Kilos: ^^
[18:38:50] <Kilos> look at my ip address paddatrapper 
[18:38:53] <chesedo> kmf: oky
[18:39:02] <paddatrapper> Kilos: Ah ok will do
[18:39:22] <Kilos> do you see hosts in your irc client
[18:39:23] <chesedo> lol paddatrapper I think Kilos means his cloak
[18:39:41] <gremble> paddatrapper, It means you get an ubuntu email adress and cloak
[18:39:43] <Kilos> yes sorry i meant my cloak
[18:39:48] <gremble> It also comes with a few other perks
[18:39:58] <paddatrapper> Yeah I see. Cool
[18:40:12] <Kilos> you get a certificate signed by mark
[18:40:16] <gremble> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership
[18:40:16] <paddatrapper> Don't see hosts, but nothing a /whois can't fix
[18:40:24] * chesedo hopes he is not going to fast today...
[18:40:28] <magespawn> and resposibilities and duties
[18:40:55] <Kilos> only if you get pushed into them magespawn 
[18:41:16] <chesedo> paddatrapper: you interested in it?
[18:41:20] <magespawn> please forgive the spelling, i am on my phone
[18:41:26] <Kilos> np
[18:41:49] <paddatrapper> Curious, think I need to get Ubuntu on a couple more devices before I look at it seriously
[18:42:04] <chesedo> paddatrapper: right, np
[18:42:14] * chesedo does not have it either
[18:42:20] <chesedo> so moving on
[18:42:26] <chesedo> Maaz: topic Ubuntu for Hope
[18:42:26] <Maaz> Current Topic: Ubuntu for Hope
[18:42:43] <Kilos> kmf shout
[18:42:45] <chesedo> The launch day for Ubuntu for Hope is tomorrow 10am at Pretoria National Botanical Garden - hope to see some of you there
[18:42:48] <Kilos> hi qwebirc45832 
[18:43:02] <kmf> it's gonna be fun :D
[18:43:13] <chesedo> https://www.facebook.com/events/1085897771430392/
[18:43:13] <chesedo> you can see more at https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/co5cg53j2uoqs1nllma9h1u729s
[18:43:18] <kmf> :D
[18:43:37] <magespawn> cool beans
[18:43:41] <chesedo> kmf: what should one bring with?
[18:43:51] <kmf> picnic things ...
[18:43:57] <magespawn> is there lots of people going
[18:44:11] <kmf> food, something to drink, something to sit on ...
[18:44:30] <chesedo> great, and any entrance fees?
[18:44:37] <williamk> kmf : hope you guys are going to take pics and vids to share with us
[18:44:39] <kmf> magespawn nope just me and chesedo so far ... my family and some friends are also coming
[18:44:59] <Kilos> yes kmf pics are a must
[18:45:00] <Langjan> Looks great, unfortunately I need to go the other way, to Polokwane
[18:45:08] <chesedo> oh and anything for the RP?
[18:45:08] <Kilos> and chesedo a write up
[18:45:34] <chesedo> Kilos: i'll write on a tree, yes :P
[18:45:37] <Kilos> this is an ubuntu-za event
[18:45:37] <kmf> Entrance to the Gardens: 
[18:45:38] <kmf> Adults: R30 - Students: R18 - Children: R14 -Under 6 years: Free
[18:45:55] <Langjan> Pensioners?
[18:46:13] <Langjan> P on a Tree...lmga
[18:46:15] <Kilos> ballies should be free like kids
[18:46:17] <kmf> Langjan not sure ...
[18:46:29] <inetpro> kmf: I would love to be there but unfortunately I can't make it
[18:46:29] <chesedo> what happens on a release party anyway?
[18:46:33] <Langjan> under 60 and over 66
[18:46:34] <chesedo> lol @Langjan
[18:46:43] <Langjan> 6
[18:46:54] <Kilos> 64
[18:46:58] <magespawn> +1
[18:47:05] <Langjan> u6 and O 66
[18:47:14] <Langjan> you still umfaan
[18:47:14] <Kilos> ai!
[18:47:14] <kmf> Langjan: SA Senior Citizens (with ID): Free Tues
[18:47:35] <Kilos> what is a senior citizen
[18:47:55] <gremble> Old people
[18:47:55] <rwbx> Sounds awesome, maybe another time since, I'm in another province and all..
[18:47:58] <chesedo> kmf: any other news on the project like logo and website?
[18:48:01] <Langjan> one that breaks everything
[18:48:07] <Langjan> Kilos, 
[18:48:14] <Kilos> what age is classed as old man
[18:48:34] <Langjan> 64
[18:48:35] <Kilos> 'over 60
[18:48:39] <Kilos> lol
[18:48:42] <kmf> chesedo ... https://ubuntuforhope.org/
[18:49:09] <chesedo> kmf: nice...
[18:49:50] <Langjan> Great project, perhaps to partner with Volkshulp, they do the same but for oldies
[18:50:13] <kmf> I would like some likes https://www.facebook.com/Ubuntu-for-Hope-1117317621653050/  ;)
[18:50:57] <chesedo> Facebook peeps ^^
[18:51:07] <rwbx> i'll tell a few friends to like and share..
[18:51:56] <chesedo> is there anything else for the project that we need to cover for the meeting?
[18:52:13] <Kilos> kmf done
[18:52:22] <kmf> Kilos: thanks
[18:52:48] <kmf> chesedo: we always needs some more volunteers :) especially for the website 
[18:53:07] <chesedo> kmf, noted...
[18:53:24] <magespawn> kmf i'll have a look and let you know
[18:53:35] * chesedo hoped to do something this week, still have to finish an assignment
[18:53:57] <Kilos> wb inetpro 
[18:54:16] <chesedo> Maaz: agreed Ubuntu for Hope needs more volunteers like with website
[18:54:16] <Maaz> Agreed: Ubuntu for Hope needs more volunteers like with website
[18:54:31] <chesedo> Maaz: topic Events
[18:54:31] <Maaz> Current Topic: Events
[18:54:53] <chesedo> no known events happened last month
[18:54:55] <Kilos> ubuntu for hope release is an event
[18:55:16] <Kilos> and we need to try have some release parties
[18:55:19] <chesedo> kmf: will we still be going the nikola route
[18:55:30] <chesedo> Kilos: yes it is
[18:55:34] <kmf> chesedo: ... you decision 
[18:55:42] <kmf> s/you/your
[18:55:44] <chesedo> kmf:  ok
[18:56:02] <chesedo> magespawn: seems like options are open ^^
[18:56:09] <kmf> aslong as the code is here https://gitlab.com/groups/ubuntuforhope
[18:56:45] <chesedo> superfly: you open?
[18:56:46] <magespawn> cool beans, i will make some time for it
[18:56:53] <rwbx> is the event only gonna be in jhb? are there any plans to move out to other areas or provinces?
[18:57:06] <chesedo> kmf: right
[18:57:20] <Kilos> hopefully it will grow from here rwbx 
[18:57:32] <chesedo> rwbx: we are just starting and hope to grow it
[18:57:45] <rwbx> Kilos: glad to hear that
[18:58:14] <paddatrapper> definitely would be great to see it grow
[18:58:33] <kmf> so if people needs access for the project just request it from kmf chesedo superfly inetpro 
[18:58:34] * chesedo wants to go on to debConf but has to wait for superfly
[18:58:44] <Kilos> chesedo is it nikola and bazaar
[18:59:05] <chesedo> Kilos: it will be nikola and gitlab
[18:59:12] <Kilos> ok
[18:59:14] <chesedo> ... or can be
[18:59:55] <chesedo> will skip debConf until fly is ready...
[18:59:56] <chesedo> Maaz: topic Miscellaneous
[18:59:56] <Maaz> Current Topic: Miscellaneous
[19:00:44] <chesedo> our main thing here is currently the education program from williamk
[19:00:45] <Kilos> hmm... why hasnt tumbleweed joined us
[19:01:11] <chesedo> and kmf also seems to be in the know how of it...
[19:01:34] <Kilos> williamk paddatrapper and rwbx can tell you more about another guy also doing something similar
[19:01:49] <Kilos> qwebirc45832 welcome to ubuntu-za
[19:01:56] <Kilos> feel free to join in
[19:02:10] * chesedo can last remember something about figuring out which material will be best to use
[19:02:28] <paddatrapper> Well there was a post on /r/SouthAfrica on reddit looking for a way to help underprivileged High School students learn how to program/use linux
[19:02:33] <Langjan> kmf, I invited about 150 FB friends to like ubuntu
[19:02:55] <melodie> Langjan and did they?
[19:03:23] <chesedo> the link - https://www.reddit.com/r/southafrica/comments/4gh9ju/how_to_start_free_program_to_help_underprivileged/
[19:03:24] <Langjan> Ive seen a few come thro
[19:03:43] <paddatrapper> The OP was netscape101, unfortunately I haven't been able to get in contact with him, though several messages through comments and direct messages were left for him
[19:04:05] <Kilos> ty paddatrapper 
[19:04:10] <chesedo> ty for the effort paddatrapper
[19:04:19] <Kilos> hopefullyy we can get them together
[19:04:23] <kmf> Langjan: thanks :)
[19:04:32] <kmf> melodie :D
[19:05:00] <chesedo> yip, i am still trying to wrap my head around it...
[19:05:29] <Kilos> williamk ping
[19:05:37] <melodie> hi kmf 
[19:05:44] <Kilos> you gotta keep  up
[19:06:04] <magellanic> hi all, the cpt installfest, what's the status around that?
[19:06:06] <Kilos> no multitasking meeting times
[19:06:18] <Kilos> hi magellanic 
[19:06:29] <Kilos> you wanna login with Maaz ?
[19:06:40] <magellanic> I can't remember how :D
[19:06:57] <Kilos>   Maaz I am Name Surname
[19:06:57] <Maaz> Kilos: Alrighty
[19:07:03] <nlsthzn> Maaz, I am late
[19:07:03] <Maaz> nlsthzn: Sure
[19:07:05] <Kilos> ai!
[19:07:05] <nlsthzn> :p
[19:07:16] <magellanic> maaz I am Hiren
[19:07:16] <Maaz> magellanic: Alrighty
[19:07:17] <chesedo> magespawn: i have no idea, maybe Kilos or so knows
[19:07:38] <chesedo> sorry magellanic ^^
[19:07:40] <Kilos> knows what
[19:07:44] <Kilos> ah
[19:08:20] <williamk> Kilos : I am still here
[19:08:20] <magellanic> there is an installfest for bandwidth barn mentioned on the agenda, I was just wondering about that
[19:08:32] <Kilos> i havent heard about an installfest down there
[19:08:51] <chesedo> nlsthzn: you might want to overrite your 'i am' as maaz remembers the last one :D
[19:09:17] <chesedo> Kilos: it has been on since last year
[19:09:26] <magellanic> oh hehe
[19:09:27] <rwbx> what's the installfest about, for those of us out of the loop?
[19:09:39] <Kilos> yes but i havent heard of anyone planning it
[19:09:39] <nlsthzn> oh that is fine chesedo ... sometimes I do things on purpose... sometimes...
[19:10:18] <chesedo> oh that sounds like me nlsthzn... though only sometimes... :P
[19:10:27] <nlsthzn> ;D
[19:10:31] <Kilos> rwbx its a get together where peeps can bring pcs and have ubuntu installed for them
[19:10:35] <williamk> rwbx : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_user_group#Installfests
[19:11:13] <superfly> chesedo: sorry, couldn't leave without waking the little lady up, she seems to be settled now though
[19:11:23] <rwbx> Thanks for the info Kilos and williamk..
[19:11:42] <chesedo> magespawn: seems like we might have to go through the logs to get an answer there...
[19:11:55] <chesedo> superfly: right will switch to debConf soon
[19:12:09] <magespawn> chesedo: sorry?
[19:12:19] <chesedo> agh, sorry magellanic again ^^
[19:12:23] <Kilos> lol
[19:12:45] <chesedo> mage<tab> is failling me tonight magespawn
[19:13:14] <magespawn> np 
[19:13:22] <chesedo> Kilos: any update on Lugs involvement?
[19:13:41] <Kilos> very little chesedo 
[19:14:02] <Kilos> lugs seems to be falling apart as well
[19:14:08] <Kilos> or just too busy
[19:14:29] <chesedo> that's understandable
[19:14:41] <Kilos> superfly being second contact do you order the xenial sticks if maia cant
[19:15:00] <Kilos> we need to order soon i think
[19:15:12] <superfly> poke maia
[19:15:14] <Kilos> ill ask maia
[19:15:16] <Kilos> ok
[19:15:40] <chesedo> all ok if we move on?
[19:16:33] <chesedo> Maaz: topic DebConf volunteers
[19:16:33] <Maaz> Current Topic: DebConf volunteers
[19:16:59] <chesedo> superfly: any update that you might want to share?
[19:17:42] <chesedo> I know Cryterion and Vince-0 might have signed up for volunteering...
[19:17:50] <superfly> I don't really have much to say other than we need more local sponsors (see if your company is willing to be a Bronze Sponsor - only R20,000), and more local volunteers who can spend time with some admin-y stuff
[19:18:01] <Langjan> Where do I stand in line for a few 16.04 sticks?
[19:18:17] <superfly> we need folks to help with the bursaries team most of all at the moment, I think
[19:18:28] <paddatrapper> What does that entail?
[19:18:29] <gremble> Blegh. I would like to volunteer for DebConf but too far haha
[19:18:31] <superfly> and I'd appreciate a backup for the web team, if anyone knows CSS well
[19:18:33] <Kilos> when they come ill ask for quite a few Langjan 
[19:18:45] <Langjan> thks Kilos 
[19:18:53] <magespawn> anything that can be done remotely superfly ?
[19:19:05] <chesedo> superfly: css... now that is something i would like to help with
[19:19:26] <superfly> magespawn: yes, most of us are currently working remotely
[19:19:29] <magespawn> i can stick my oar in there too
[19:19:30] <chesedo> superfly: is the IRC channel best medium for communication?
[19:19:40] <superfly> chesedo: IRC and mailing list
[19:19:47] <superfly> #debconf-team on OFTC
[19:20:10] <superfly> and debconf-team@lists.debconf.org
[19:20:54] <chesedo> paddatrapper: are you asking about the conf?
[19:21:07] <kmf> superfly ... I brought it with Marketing again today (sponsorship)
[19:21:21] <paddatrapper> Yes, I'd like t help, though CSS is not my stron point
[19:21:23] <superfly> kmf: great!
[19:21:37] <superfly> paddatrapper: can you help out when it's happening? like on the ground?
[19:21:41] <magespawn>  cool beans suoerfly, i will see where i can help
[19:21:48] <kmf> superfly: the CEO is also aware
[19:21:49] <Kilos> Maaz debconf is <reply> #debconf-team and debconf-team@lists.debconf.org
[19:21:49] <Maaz> Kilos: I already know stuff about debconf
[19:21:50] <superfly> I know we'll need volunteers for front-desk, video team, etc
[19:21:59] <Kilos> ai!
[19:22:02] <superfly> kmf: great
[19:22:37] <magellanic> superfly: add me on for on the ground assistance
[19:22:54] <paddatrapper> superfly: I'd be more that happy helping with video - I have 6 years live sound experience and been working video for about the same
[19:23:08] <chesedo> wow, great magellanic
[19:23:12] <superfly> paddatrapper, magellanic: best would be to sign up to the mailing list and tell folks on there
[19:23:14] <chesedo> oh and paddatrapper
[19:23:23] <magellanic> okay will do
[19:23:33] <paddatrapper> will do
[19:23:42] * chesedo sees things there might be coming together... getting excited
[19:25:11] <Kilos> wb rwbx 
[19:25:15] <chesedo> anything that I might have missed for the meeting guys?
[19:25:21] <chesedo> and before I forget
[19:25:41] <Kilos> just one query
[19:25:41] <williamk> superfly : I am going to be in CT visiting my brother, not sure which days I will be able to attend, I have already registered
[19:25:43] <chesedo> Maaz: idea Look into the logs to find info on Cpt installFest
[19:25:43] <Maaz> Idea recorded: Look into the logs to find info on Cpt installFest
[19:25:52] <Kilos> is trello still an item with us
[19:25:58] <rwbx> Kilos: my bad Xorg crashed during system update..
[19:26:13] * inetpro needs a sjambok
[19:26:18] <williamk> When I know which days i will be able to attend, then i will volunteer
[19:26:20] <inetpro> Kilos: waar's daai ding?
[19:26:22] <chesedo> lol
[19:26:30] <Kilos> inetpro you have mine still
[19:26:41] <inetpro> hmm...
[19:26:45] <chesedo> Kilos: you trying to get past the cleanup?
[19:26:50] <Kilos> your friend hibana hid it
[19:27:17] <Kilos> nope chesedo is trello still a thing with us
[19:27:34] * chesedo thinks we will need something to stay organised with tasks and ideas
[19:27:37] <Kilos> does anyone still use it
[19:27:50] <inetpro> sorry guys... instability issues here
[19:27:51] <Kilos> just asking
[19:28:31] <Kilos> inetpro ice pack to the back of the head helps
[19:29:04] <chesedo> we may actually be able to have our g+, twitter ,etc events more on time if we did... as i keep forgeting about them
[19:29:54] <Kilos> then we must use it
[19:30:04] <Kilos> its just rusting my pc here
[19:30:05] <chesedo> yip...
[19:30:28] <Kilos> poke the pro
[19:30:36] <Kilos> he is getting slack
[19:31:04] <chesedo> Kilos: you still going to clean it up?
[19:31:14] <Kilos> clean what up
[19:31:17] <Kilos> trello?
[19:31:19] <chesedo> trello
[19:31:28] <Kilos> oh my
[19:31:37] * chesedo sees time is moving past
[19:31:40] <Kilos> inetpro ping
[19:31:47] <Kilos> fixit
[19:31:58] <chesedo> moving on while we sort it
[19:31:58] <melodie> trello is expensive for bandwitdth, Kilos you don't have much bandwidth yet, right?
[19:32:17] <chesedo> Maaz: topic Elect chairperson for next meeting
[19:32:17] <Maaz> Current Topic: Elect chairperson for next meeting
[19:32:18] <Kilos> yes melodie 
[19:32:28] * Kilos votes chesedo
[19:32:53] <chesedo> Kilos: chesedo won't be attending... have exam next day...
[19:33:07] <Kilos> oh my
[19:33:07] <chesedo> ... unless the schedule changes
[19:33:17] <Kilos> inetpro +1
[19:33:29] <Kilos> he is the backup
[19:33:47] <Kilos> and always the fly
[19:33:59] <chesedo> inetpro or superfly: you open for next meeting chair?
[19:34:14] <chesedo> and as a last resort there is Kilos :P
[19:34:17] <superfly> negative
[19:34:53] <Kilos> nope i cant sit in the hotseat
[19:35:00] <Kilos> bum too sensitive
[19:35:10] <Kilos> inetpro then
[19:35:15] <chesedo> hmm, ok... maybe someone wants to give it a go?
[19:35:37] <Kilos> put down inetpro 
[19:35:49] <chesedo> gremble theblazehen magespawn ^^
[19:35:57] <Kilos> he has a month to organise things so he has timne
[19:36:17] <chesedo> Kilos: maybe in a bit...
[19:36:39] * chesedo goes to check what he said in last meeting
[19:36:40] <kmf> +1 for chesedo 
[19:36:41] <gremble> I am not even good at attending meetings. Nevermind chairing. That will be a no from me, thanks/
[19:36:44] <magespawn> it has been awhile
[19:36:54] <Kilos> lol
[19:37:06] <Kilos> oh ya magespawn 
[19:37:55] <chesedo> magespawn: you up for it.. unless pro takes?
[19:38:02] <kmf> ... +1 for inetpro 
[19:38:16] <magespawn> i will be moving and starting a new job in between, i will be the second
[19:38:27] <Kilos> +1 for inetpro 
[19:38:30] <chesedo> brr ok
[19:38:44] <chesedo> Maaz: agreed inetpro or magespawn to chair next meeting
[19:38:44] <Maaz> Agreed: inetpro or magespawn to chair next meeting
[19:38:57] <chesedo> Maaz: topic Next meeting
[19:38:57] <Maaz> Current Topic: Next meeting
[19:39:05] <chesedo> Maaz: agreed Next meeting is 24 May 2016 @ 20:30
[19:39:05] <Maaz> Agreed: Next meeting is 24 May 2016 @ 20:30
[19:39:25] <chesedo> and that's it... thank you all for attending
[19:39:39] <chesedo> and sorry for running late
[19:39:41] <kmf> awesome
[19:39:44] <Kilos> ty for chairing chesedo excelent job
[19:39:44] <chesedo> Maaz: end meeting
