[[http://www.zekr.org|Zekr]] is an open platform Quran study tool for simply browsing and researching on the Holy Quran. It is a Quran-based project, planned to be a universal, open source, and cross-platform application to perform most of the usual refers to Quran. The main idea is to build an as generic as possible platform to accept different Islamic resources. Zekr is written in Java, on Eclipse platform, and uses SWT as widget toolkit. It works on different platforms, including Windows (2k, XP, Vista), Linux (most important distributions), and Mac. It requires Java 1.4.2 (or newer) == Installing Zekr from Ubuntu Multiverse Repository == * Add extra Ubuntu/Debian repositories using the Software Sources application, which can be found in the menu: '''System -> Administration -> Software Sources'''. Check '''main''', '''universe''', and '''multiverse''' repositories (They are necessary for getting sun-java and some additional fonts and flashplugin). Run the following command to update the your package cache: {{{ sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install zekr sudo apt-get install ttf-sil-scheherazade ttf-farsiweb }}} === Install Quran translations for Zekr === * To install [[http://www.zekr.org/resources.html|extra Quran translations]] available for Zekr, download zekr-quran-translation-[ab]_all.deb from [[http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=128414&package_id=239581|here]] ([ab] is the ISO code of the language). Then Install it by the following command: {{{ sudo dpkg -i zekr-quran-translations-[ab]_all.deb }}} == Upgrading to the Latest Stable version of Zekr and Quran translations == If you like to upgrade to the latest stable version of zekr, which supports Quran Recitation and advanced boolean/regular expression search, follow instructions available [[http://www.zekr.org/wiki/index.php?title=Installation#Ubuntu.2FDebian|here]]. ---- CategoryEducation