
This Spec describes the integration of ZeroConf technologies for Dapper


ZeroConf allows computers to communicate on a network without any kind of configuration, additionally it provides for discovery of services, so instead of specifying an IP you can select from a list of advertised servers on the network. This is usefull so that you can simply plug two laptops together and transfer a file or play a network game. It is also useful in situations where you don't know about the other services, such as people to chat to or files to share.

Scope and Use Cases

Home Users

XXX:smurf: Previous versions had a rather large section on corporate uses here.
Please either re-add this section, or mention explicitly that this is out of scope for this spec (why?).


Implementation Plan

Packages Affected

Outstanding Issues


lathiat:Avahi 0.6 has support for wide-area zeroconf; some work was just being done to allow this to be configured on a per-user basis, so we could work with that

lathiat: (on the issue of allocating a zeroconf address to interfaces which also have a real IP address) This is not a design issue at all, the IPv4-LL spec 'strongly recommends' that you only assign a IPv4-LL IP when no other IP is available (on that interface), essentially, theres no point having both a routable and non-routable address, other than when there are existing left-over connections still using that IP from before, see the RFC for a better discussion on that

LucaFerretti2: gnome-vfs supports avahi 0.6 from version 2.13.2 Smile :-) no compatibility layer needed

Dyssident2: service-discovery-applet should be thrown out because it a) doesnt do much b) feels very hackish. perhaps concentrating on improved support in Gnome/Nautilus would be more fruitful.


ZeroConfSpec (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:57 by localhost)