
Differences between revisions 3 and 7 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2017-03-27 02:31:17
Size: 6118
Editor: feng-kylin
Revision 7 as of 2017-03-27 03:45:42
Size: 6710
Editor: feng-kylin
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## page was copied from ZestyZapus/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuKylin
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[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZestyZapus/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuKylinChinese | 中文]] [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZestyZapus/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuKylin | English]]
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= What is Ubuntu Kylin ? = = 优麒麟介绍 =
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The objective of the Ubuntu Kylin project is to create a variant of Ubuntu that is more suitable for Chinese users. We are committed to provide you with a delicate, thoughtful and fully customized Chinese user experience out-of-the-box. For instance, by providing a desktop user interface localized in Chinese and installing common software that Chinese users commonly use by default. Ubuntu Kylin has been a formal member of the Ubuntu family, since [[UbuntuKylin | Ubuntu Kylin]] 13.04. Now, we are working on 17.04. = 发布通告 =
今天,优麒麟开发团队很高兴地宣布发布17.04正式版(版本代号Zesty zapus),而此次发布最让人期待的是,优麒麟将会默认搭载全新的桌面环境——UKUI。UKUI是一款基于MATE的轻量级桌面环境,可用于Linux和其他类Unix分支发行版,使用GTK和Qt开发,内容丰富,界面清爽。多年来,优麒麟研发团队秉承“做最有中国味的操作系统”的理念,希望用匠心打造出既能与时俱进,又能迎合普通大众使用习惯的操作系统,UKUI就是其核心之一。
关于UKUI,更多详情请关注UKUI官网: [[http://www.ukui.org | www.ukui.org]]
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= What's new in Ubuntu Kylin 17.04 = == 新特性 ==
=== 桌面环境 ===
UKUI是基于 Mate 的定制桌面,从开始菜单、控制面板、桌面任务栏以及桌面主题图标等不同层面进行了重新设计和实现,让用户能够更方便快速的适应系统使用。其主要特色包括:
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We are glad to announce the Release of Ubuntu Kylin 17.04 (codename ZestyZapus), and in this release, the most worth expected part is that we launch the new desktop environment — UKUI, which provides a simpler and more enjoyable experience for browsing, searching, and managing your computer. for more details about ukui, please refer to: www.ukui.org (1)全新的主题风格和图标
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== Changes since 16.10 == {{attachment:ukui.png|| width=400}}
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=== Desktop Environment ===
UKUI is a customized desktop based on Mate, redesigning and realizing brand new start menu, control panel, desktop task bar and desktop theme and icons to allow users to adapt to system more easily and quickly. Its main features include:
(1) Brand new theme and icons
{{attachment:ukui-en.png|| width=400}}
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(2) A quick start menu
{{attachment:ukui-menu-en.png|| width=400}}
 * A simple and intuitive interface adapted to the habit of users.
 * Two-column design makes the content of menu apear clearer.
 * Unified icon form and color scheme shape an artistic interface style.
 * Files category speed up file searching.
 * Favorite apps shortcut makes starting up application more convenient.
 * User management makes a more concise and friendly interaction for system.
{{attachment:ukui-menu.png|| width=400}}
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(3) Easy-to-operate control panel
{{attachment:contro-center-en.png|| width=400}}
 * Shows function menu in category form. Frequently used functions are classified in every category according to user habit.
 * Supports multiple way to search functions.
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(4) Extensive file manager
{{attachment:peony-en.png|| width=400}}
 * File manager contains all operations for files, such as swicthing directories,quick searching, previewing directory, etc.
 * Frequently used operations are placed in most easily accessed position.
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=== Linux Kernel ===
This release is based on 4.10 linux kernel. prominent features:
 1. Virtual GPU support
 2. New 'perf c2c' tool, for cacheline contention analysis
 3. Detailed history of scheduling events with perf sched timehist
 4. Improved writeback management
 5. Hybrid block polling
 6. Better support for ARM devices such as Nexus 5 & 6 or Allwinner A64
 7. Allow attaching eBPF programs to cgroups
 8. Experimental MD raid5 writeback cache and FAILFAST support
 9. Support for Intel Cache Allocation Technology
{{attachment:ukui-control-center.png|| width=400}}
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=== Feature Apps ===


{{attachment:peony.png|| width=400}}


=== 系统内核 ===
本次版本基于linux kernel 4.10,主要特性包括:
 * 加入了 GPU 虚拟化方案 Intel GVT-g for KVM (a.k.a. KVMGT)的支持
 * 高速缓存块争用分析工具 perf c2c
 * 新的调度事件分析功能 perf sched timehist
 * 改进回写管理
 * 支持 Intel Cache Allocation Technology
 * 将 BPF 网络过滤器附加到控制组
 * 实验性的 MD raid5 回写缓存和 FAILFAST 支持
 * UBIFS 文件系统支持文件加密
 * 其它还有架构更新、硬件支持和驱动等等。

=== 特色应用 ===
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  * Added support in multi-screen.
  * Fix the bug that can’t be closed when apt-daemon exit.
  * Improve uksc self update.
  * 增加多屏支持
  * 解决当apt-daemon运行时无法关闭的问题
  * 优化内部更新逻辑
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{{attachment:youker-en.png|| width=400}}
 * Set launcher position.
 * Multi screen display normal.
 * Display virtual network card info.
 * Display right network info.
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 * Depend on gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 and python-gi instead of no longer used python-appindicator, python-gobject, and python-gtk2
{{attachment:youker.png|| width=400}}
 * 增加设置Launcher位置功能
 * 增加多屏显示支持
 * 增加虚拟网卡信息显示功能
 * 修复网卡信息获取错误问题。
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=== Customed Apps ===
Sogou Input Method fo Linux is co-developed by Ubuntu Kylin team and Sogou Corp.. It is based on Fcitx framework and supports the same user experience with Windows, Mac version.

{{attachment:indicator-china-weather.png|| height=250}}
 * 使用新的gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1和python-gi工具,删除依赖python-appindicator, python-gobject和 python-gtk2

=== 商业软件 ===

搜狗拼音输入法Linux版由Ubuntu Kylin团队与搜狗公司联合开发,具有智能拼音、自动匹配、多样化皮肤支持等功能。
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Domestic text processing tools, compatible with Microsoft Office file formats, powerful typesetting features and extensive online resources.
{{attachment:uk1704_wps-en.jpg|| width=400}}
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Wendu foxit reader
Wendun Foxit Reader is a PDF viewer based on Linux version of Foxit Reader. For Chinese users, it is easier to install and utilize. In Wendun Foxit Reader, not only PDF viewing is supported, but also bookmark, comment, print, etc.
{{attachment:foxit_en.png|| width=400}}
WPS是国际领先的桌面办公套件,可以实现办公软件最常用的文字、表格、演示等多种功能。Ubuntu Kylin团队与金山公司合作,继续为优麒麟个人用户免费提供WPS for Ubuntu Kylin使用。
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= Support = {{attachment:wps_ch.jpg|| width=400}}
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 * Website: http://www.ubuntukylin.com
 * Project page: http://www.launchpad.net/ubuntukylin
 * Bug tracker: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntukylin
 * IRC channel: [[https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntukylin-devel|irc.freenode.net #ubuntukylin-devel]]
 * Mailing list: [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntukylin-devel | ubuntukylin-devel]]
 * Chinese QQ Group:
  * Developers
: 125729037
  * Users 1: 262012757
  * Users 2: 306929327
  * Users 3: 75642661
  * Users 4: 398104181
  * Users 5: 8010855
 * Weibo: http://weibo.com/u/3265288504
 * Wechat:


{{attachment:foxitreader.png|| width=400}}

= 社区支持 =

 * 官方网站
: http://www.ubuntukylin.com
 * 项目管理: http://www.launchpad.net/ubuntukylin
 * Bug跟踪: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntukylin
 * IRC 频道: [[https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntukylin-devel|irc.freenode.net #ubuntukylin-devel]]
 * 邮件列表: [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntukylin-devel | ubuntukylin-devel]]
 * QQ群:
  * 开发群
: 125729037
  * 用户群 1: 262012757
  * 用户群 2: 306929327
  * 用户群 3: 75642661
  * 用户群 4: 398104181
  * 用户群 5: 8010855
 * 官方微博: http://weibo.com/u/3265288504
 * 微信:
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 * Business Email: contact@ubuntukylin.com  * 业务联系: contact@ubuntukylin.com
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= Download = = 下载 =
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The Release ISO can be downloaded from [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntukylin/releases/zesty/release/ | here]]. 你可以在[[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntukylin/releases/zesty/release/ | 这里]]下载到发布版的ISO。
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= Known Issues = = 已知问题 =
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Below is the list of prominent bugs that are existing in 17.04:
 * The CandidateView of Chinese input method obscured by the Dash page.(LP: #[[https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1465512|1465512]])
 * The Fcitx input method only existing the input method enngine of “pinyin” by default.(LP: #[[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntukylin/+bug/1612129|1612129]])
虽然我们很努力地为用户打造一个最好用的Ubuntu Kylin,但系统仍有一些小问题没有解决,主要的问题列举如下,请同时参考[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZestyZapus/ReleaseNotes#Known_issues | Ubuntu的已知问题]]
 * Dash中输入法候选词面板被覆盖 (bug #1465512)
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For issues related to Ubuntu itself, please refer to the Ubuntu project at Launchpad.

= Thanks =
Thanks to everyone involving in the development of Ubuntu Kylin, the success of Ubuntu Kylin 17.04 would the result of our joint efforts.
If you want to be a contributor of Ubuntu Kylin,see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuKylin/NewContributorGuide and https://developer.ubuntukylin.com.
= 感谢 =
感谢所有参与17.04版开发的朋友:优麒麟开发者,测试人员,美工和用户体验设计者,社区工作者,QQ群和IRC参与者,论坛参与者… 优麒麟17.04 发布版的成功将是大家团队协作的结果!
欢迎大家参与贡献优麒麟,如何参与请看: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuKylin/NewContributorGuide 和 https://developer.ubuntukylin.com.





今天,优麒麟开发团队很高兴地宣布发布17.04正式版(版本代号Zesty zapus),而此次发布最让人期待的是,优麒麟将会默认搭载全新的桌面环境——UKUI。UKUI是一款基于MATE的轻量级桌面环境,可用于Linux和其他类Unix分支发行版,使用GTK和Qt开发,内容丰富,界面清爽。多年来,优麒麟研发团队秉承“做最有中国味的操作系统”的理念,希望用匠心打造出既能与时俱进,又能迎合普通大众使用习惯的操作系统,UKUI就是其核心之一。 关于UKUI,更多详情请关注UKUI官网: www.ukui.org




UKUI是基于 Mate 的定制桌面,从开始菜单、控制面板、桌面任务栏以及桌面主题图标等不同层面进行了重新设计和实现,让用户能够更方便快速的适应系统使用。其主要特色包括:













本次版本基于linux kernel 4.10,主要特性包括:

  • 加入了 GPU 虚拟化方案 Intel GVT-g for KVM (a.k.a. KVMGT)的支持
  • 高速缓存块争用分析工具 perf c2c
  • 新的调度事件分析功能 perf sched timehist
  • 改进回写管理
  • 支持 Intel Cache Allocation Technology
  • 将 BPF 网络过滤器附加到控制组
  • 实验性的 MD raid5 回写缓存和 FAILFAST 支持
  • UBIFS 文件系统支持文件加密
  • 其它还有架构更新、硬件支持和驱动等等。




  • 增加多屏支持
  • 解决当apt-daemon运行时无法关闭的问题
  • 优化内部更新逻辑



  • 增加设置Launcher位置功能
  • 增加多屏显示支持
  • 增加虚拟网卡信息显示功能
  • 修复网卡信息获取错误问题。



  • 使用新的gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1和python-gi工具,删除依赖python-appindicator, python-gobject和 python-gtk2



搜狗拼音输入法Linux版由Ubuntu Kylin团队与搜狗公司联合开发,具有智能拼音、自动匹配、多样化皮肤支持等功能。



WPS是国际领先的桌面办公套件,可以实现办公软件最常用的文字、表格、演示等多种功能。Ubuntu Kylin团队与金山公司合作,继续为优麒麟个人用户免费提供WPS for Ubuntu Kylin使用。









虽然我们很努力地为用户打造一个最好用的Ubuntu Kylin,但系统仍有一些小问题没有解决,主要的问题列举如下,请同时参考Ubuntu的已知问题

  • Dash中输入法候选词面板被覆盖 (bug #1465512)


感谢所有参与17.04版开发的朋友:优麒麟开发者,测试人员,美工和用户体验设计者,社区工作者,QQ群和IRC参与者,论坛参与者… 优麒麟17.04 发布版的成功将是大家团队协作的结果! 欢迎大家参与贡献优麒麟,如何参与请看: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuKylin/NewContributorGuidehttps://developer.ubuntukylin.com.

ZestyZapus/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuKylinChinese (last edited 2017-03-27 03:45:42 by feng-kylin)