## page was renamed from Zied_ALAYA #format wiki #language en ||<>|| {{attachment:Ubuntu ID Zied_ALAYA.jpg|Ubuntu ID Zied ALAYA |align="left"}} <
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> = Short presentation = I'm « Zied ALAYA » from Tunisia.<
> I'm 29 year old and married.<
> I use Ubuntu since the summer of 2006 [[https://launchpad.net/~alaya-zied|(launchpad profile)]].<
> I exclusively a Ubuntu user {{attachment:IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png}} since October 2007 to prove to myself and to others that open source softwares can be used with same, or better, effectiveness that closed software. = Occupation = {{attachment:IconsPage/IconExample48.png}} <
> I'm now a trainer in a private high school [1]. = Contact = {{attachment:IconsPage/IconEnvelope.png}} * '''Official''': <> * '''Personnel''': <> ## add linkedin link as: Curriculum Vitae {{attachment:IconsPage/PicIRC.png}} * '''IRC''': '''ALAYA''' on network irc.freenode.net = Activities = * '''Software Freedom Day 2008''' (29 October 2008) * Visit the Software Freedom Day's website (http://www.sfdtunisia.org/) for more information. * [[http://www.esprit.ens.tn|esprit]], where I work, was one of the sponsors. * I took part with Ubuntu-tn in this event by a workshop on VirtualBox. <
> <
> * '''Godfather of "esprit libre" club''' * I'm one of two teachers who support and encourage the activity of the "esprit libre" club. ## * here some activities of 'esprit libre' club: install two Ubuntu Server 8.04 on a Debian etch host using Xen for visualization, the first server is used as ftp server for many distributions, the second server is a local mirror for Ubuntu 8.10 archive (with all packages for all softwares with updates), develop of a plugin for thunderbird (in progress), participation in SFD 08 ## add the logo of esprit libre * '''ENIS event 8.12 and migration project''' (20 and 21 Dec 2008) * ENIS is one of the most oldest and respectful high school in Tunisia (website). It's in Sfax (about 300 Km away from Tunis where I live). * I participate with Ubuntu-tn team in the install party and workshops of the first day. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/EventENIS|here]] our preparation for the event. * I participate with Ubuntu-tn team in the migration project in the second day. * [[http://picasaweb.google.com/Nizar.Kerkeni/EnisEvent#|here]] some photos of this two days event. ## add links to files you participate writing them * '''ENIS event 9.01 and migration project''' (23, 24 and 25 Jan 2009) * This three day was to ensure the success of the first ENIS event 8.12 * More then 200 machines was migrated successfully from Windows XP to Ubuntu 8.04 (this action was initied in the first ENIS event 8.12) * in the first day: I participate with a conference about the economic model in FOSS world and how he choice of open source software can be better. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/Presentations?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Logiciels+Libres-+c%27est+un+bon+choix.odp|Link to the presentation ]] * in the second day: I participate with a conference about C/C++ programming under Ubuntu. I spoke about GTK+ and Qt and how they are Cross-Platform. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/Presentations?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=programmation+C+Cpp.odp|Link to the presentation ]]<
> * more photos [[http://picasaweb.google.com/alaya.zied/ENISEVENT901#|here]] and [[http://picasaweb.google.com/ubuntu.tunisia/ENISEvent901#|here]] of this three day event. [[http://picasaweb.google.com/alaya.zied/ENISEVENT901#5296753704482026530|{{attachment:enis1_23-01-2009.JPG|Conference of the first day|align="left"}}]][[http://picasaweb.google.com/alaya.zied/ENISEVENT901#5296768975610058866|{{attachment:enis2_24-01-2009.JPG|Conference of the second day|align="left"}}]] [[http://picasaweb.google.com/alaya.zied/ENISEVENT901#5297041387730880642|{{attachment:enis3_24-01-2009.JPG|Conference of the second day|align="left"}}]] <
> * '''Prepare Ubuntu-tn as approved L''''''oCo Team''' [[http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_4LPBy9fOWpk/SP3I-KNBd_I/AAAAAAAAAH0/Cy4gSlICLEs/s1600-h/tunis_hebdo.JPG|{{attachment:tunis_hebdo_lower.JPG|article of newspaper "Tunis Hebdo"|align="right"}}]] * I was one of the active member who prepare the necessary details to push Ubuntu-tn (Tunisian Team) to be one of the approved L''''''oCo Team [[ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/ApprovalApplication | (approval process) ]]. * Our team was approved in '''[[ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncilAgenda/20080722 | 22 July 2008 ]]'''. * here an article of newspaper "Tunis Hebdo" which speaks about the approval of our team with a photo of some member who was present in the first physical meeting to prepare the approval and discuss our [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tn|committee management board]] jobs.<
> I am the third in top while counting starting from left ;) .<
> You can find more photos [[http://picasaweb.google.com/ms.fellag/UbuntuTnMeeting#|here]] and [[http://picasaweb.google.com/Nizar.Kerkeni/UbuntuTn#|here]]. <
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> * '''Other contributions''' * I participated in many meeting with the Secretary of Stat to discuss the situation of ubuntu-tn or FOSS: * A Breakfast discusses in 06.28.2008: I paid 20 dinars for the breakfast :) and I had the opportunity to introduce our team to the Secretary of State (at the time we wasn't an approved team yet). The Secretary was interested by our work and tell me that she's waiting a lot from us. [[http://paste.ubuntu.com/23331/|Here]] the invitation I recived and [[http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/free/2008/06/27/%23ubuntu-tn.html|here]] I spoke with other members about it (at the time I was using Zied as nick name). * Just after our approval (add details) * After the approval(add details) * 02.11.2009 (add details and photos) * I have some contributions on launchpad (some translation and bugs declaration) [[https://launchpad.net/~alaya-zied|(launchpad profile)]] * I have some contributions on doc.ubuntu-fr.org (take a look [[http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/xcache|here]] and [[http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/lamp|here]]) * I contribute in the redaction of wiki pages of our TunisianTeam. * I event contributed in [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth|Mark Shuttleworth wiki page]] by adding the table of contents :) ## add moodle: installed on a V20Z sun server with Ubuntu 7.10 ## add a tutorial about installing moodle on ubuntu = Blog = Here [[http://zied-alaya.blogspot.com/|my blog]] page. = I believe = I deeply believe in Free Open Source Software philosophy.<
> I believe that FOSS model is/can be a better business model and Ubuntu is on the right way to be a successful business model. = Testimonials = ... YourName [day month year] : Place your testimonial about me here. Thank you in advance :) = Links = [1]http://www.esprit.ens.tn <
> [2][[http://zied-alaya.blogspot.com/|My Blog]] <
> [3]https://launchpad.net/~alaya-zied <
> [4]https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tn-users <
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