Who Is Adam Pope?

I'm the Lead DBA at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

- Oracle RDMS, RAC, Data Warehouse, OLTP and Reporting

- Oracle DBA for Development, QA & Production

- SQL Server 2005, 2000

- DB2 v9 and v8

- Unix: Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, AIX, Ultrix

- Extensive experience as a DBA, system administrator, project manager, project leader, systems analyst and programmer


I started using Ubuntu in August 2009 with a Jaunty (9.04) install on a https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/DellInspironE1505. My daughter got her Windows NT laptop infected with a very persistent trojan and that was the spark to put me on a mission to find a viable replacement Linux OS so I never had to disinfect a Windows system again.


e: adampope@yahoo.com

adampope (last edited 2009-11-11 04:00:47 by cpe-75-186-61-54)