##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki #language en #title Akkana Peck ||<>|| Hi! I'm Akkana Peck, freelance programmer, writer and geek. I've been using Ubuntu as my primary platform since 2005 (Hoary Hedgehog). == Contact information == || '''Name''' || Akkana Peck|| || '''Email''' || akkana at shallowsky.com || || '''IRC''' || akk || || '''Launchpad''' || https://launchpad.net/~akkzilla/ || || '''Blog''' || http://shallowsky.com/blog/|| == Activities (not all directly related to Ubuntu) == * Contributor to Mozilla/Firefox and GIMP, as well as several smaller projects. * Frequent speaker at conferences and LUGs on Linux, GIMP, and programming topics. * Conducted a GIMP IRC class for Karmic Open Week; spoke at UbuCon Mountain View, lightning talk at SCALE UbuCon. * Active in Ubuntu-Women, mostly on the IRC channel (I'm also a coordinator of LinuxChix). * Member of California LoCo, on the IRC channel and at Silicon Valley meetups. * Bimonthly articles on http://linuxplanet.com on Linux-related issues, often with Ubuntu-specific suggestions. * Frequent Linux-related tips on my blog, http://shallowsky.com/blog/ * Filed lots of bugs with diagnostic information, sometimes with patches. * Author of "Beginning GIMP" (http://gimpbook.com). == Future Goals == I'd like to see a lightweight version of Ubuntu, something that runs well on low-powered machines and conserves battery power on laptops. I spend a lot of time optimizing my own Ubuntu machines toward that goal, and writing about what I've learned. I'd love to meet up with people or projects working on optimization. == Testimonials == (None yet, anyone feel free to jump in. :-) ) ---- CategoryHomepage