I, Nicholas Skaggs, apply for upload rights for package(s) juju-core, juju-core-1, juju-mongodb, juju-mongodb3.2, juju-mongo-tools, juju-mongo-tools3.2.


Nicholas Skaggs

Launchpad Page


Wiki Page


Who I am

I am Nicholas Skaggs. Man, thinker, dog-owner. I have a wonderful wife named Stacy, and live in sunny Florida, USA. I have run ubuntu since Hoary Hedgehog and ubuntu has been a key part of my growing up with linux and OSS. I lurked for awhile after installing, but joined ubuntu forums in 2006, and launchpad in 2007. I served as a Community Manager for Canonical to act as a liason to the greater ubuntu QA community and now work specifically on the juju project within the realm of QA.

My Ubuntu story

My involvement

I've been working within the juju QA team since April. This team historically has managed the set of packages juju needs with various help and sponsors over the years. Since joining the team, I've worked on making juju releases easier for juju, and to be a better upstream for the ubuntu source packages.

Examples of my work / Things I'm proud of

I'm super proud to say we've been uploading regular builds into xenial and yakkety of juju! I'm also proud of the creation of the juju-1-default package, and the packaging updates (including an adt test for LXD) to juju-core.

Areas of work

My primary area of work has been with juju-core and juju-core-1. With the wonderful help of the release team, especially Steve Langasek and Stephané Graber, I helped craft the solution to deal with the changes to juju-core for juju-2.0. This lead to a creation of juju-core-1 and a juju-1-default package to ensure seamless transitions for users between LTS versions, as well as users of the still beta juju 2.0.

My ongoing work includes continual packaging improvements and the addition of packaging snaps for juju.

Uploaded Packages




List of packages I have prepared which got sponsored by others

Juju Dependency Packaging

As part of solving https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju-core/+bug/1508120, I've worked on packaging juju's build dependencies, and created a set of gopackages to explore this;


SRU Exception

Juju has some special status given it's relationship with ubuntu. As such, I helped codify this relationship to make it easier to handle things like SRU's.


Things I could do better

Having a nice setup to build and test packages (and there adt tests) would be useful. I struggle when I'm away from home which contains this setup. Also, ensuring things work on trusty as well as xenial as required. Finally, being more careful with versioning numbers.

Plans for the future


I plan to address some of the longer standing issues within the juju set of packages, reduce friction, and enable juju to be a better upstream for distro. Part of this effort is in forming a delegated team for these packages, and instilling some distro perspective within the ecosystem.

I also hope to make releases in general easier for juju as well as distro.

What I like least in Ubuntu

Applications going stale! I'm excited to help make snaps a reality for allowing the perfect mix of a stable base, with updated, secure applications I love at my fingertips, always the latest versions.


If you'd like to comment, but are not the applicant or a sponsor, do it here. Don't forget to sign with @SIG@.


As a sponsor, just copy the template below, fill it out and add it to this section.

Martin Pitt

I haven't sponsored any packages (and in particular not Juju) for Nicholas, so I cannot vouch for his packaging skills. But I've known him for many years and confirm that he is aware of our freeze/SRU/QA and other important policies. He's an engaged "distro liaison" for Juju, and I would certainly trust him with uploading new Juju releases by himself. Thanks!

Adam Stokes

I've sponsored his Juju package and highly appreciate his attention to detail and responsiveness when making changes to match policy requirements. I have no issue at all trusting him to do his own releases/uploads of Juju.

Chris Arges

I've SRU reviewed some of Nicholas's juju uploads. He understands the SRU process, ensures that each bug has proper documentation, and ensures proper testing of the packages. In addition he has been good about any questions that arise in the process and addressing those issues in a timely fashion.


=== General feedback ===
## Please fill us in on your shared experience. (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality? How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?)

=== Specific Experiences of working together ===
''Please add good examples of your work together, but also cases that could have handled better.''
## Full list of sponsored packages can be generated here:
## http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?
=== Areas of Improvement ===

balloons/DeveloperApplication (last edited 2016-09-13 18:25:29 by localhost)