##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki ||<>|| == About Me == I have Computer Technicians certificate from Control Data Corp and have been involved in IT for the past 20 years. I'm just embarking on a new business venture called WL ComputerWorx, opening date is August 1/2009. I first became interested in Linux in 1998 when I saw RedHat 5.2 advertised in one of my suppliers price lists. I ordered a copy and a few days later received my boxed copy, I've been using one distribution or another every since. I first tried Ubuntu when I saw an ad for it on a web page, I ordered a couple of copies and couldn't get it to run on my hardware. I installed Ubuntu when version 6.06 came out and have been running Ubuntu as my primary os ever since. I joined the [[http://ubuntuforums.org|Ubuntu Forums]] in March of 2006 and did quite a bit of lurking until the spring of 2008, when I decided to start helping users with their problems. I was asked to become a Moderator in April of 2009. == Contact Info == LaunchPad: [[https://launchpad.net/~cariboo|~cariboo]] UbuntuForums: [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=77104|cariboo]] Irc: cariboo907 on irc.freenode.net == Primary Interests == I spend most of my time in the next release section of Development & Programming sub-forum. I also monitor the Security Discussions sub-forum. I try to answer at least 5 unanswered posts a day in the Absolute Beginners Talk sub-form. == Goals & Aspirations == I would like to apply for Ubuntu membership in the next year or so. Since this page was created, I have put out feelers to see if there was any interest in starting a LUG/Ubuntu users group in my area. == Testimonials == See the Ubuntu Membership thread on the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1747633 ---- CategoryHomepage