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Possible ways to land changes to ubuntu-rtm

Manual dual landings for both using source-package copies (default)

Who is it for?

This approach is perfect for those that want all of their changes in ubuntu-rtm. Perfect for projects that only want to have one branch (trunk) for both ubuntu and ubuntu-rtm.


Only one bzr development branch. Ubuntu and ubuntu-rtm in sync.

How to request such a landing?

Currently this will be the default approach, so any landing that's submitted for ubuntu will have an ubuntu-rtm silo prepared. We will make sure that the silo will be propagated with latest source packages from the ubuntu counterpart whenever requested. No additional action from the lander required. Please inform the trainguard whenever you want more up-to-date packages copied into the ubuntu-rtm silo.


This means that everything that you build in your ubuntu silo will be synced up into the ubuntu-rtm silo. With this, basically, both landings will happen more or less simultaneously. Currently this is sadly a manual process, but once the CI Train bits are ready, dual-landing support will be the way.

Separate branches, separate landings

Who is it for?

This approach is ideal for those projects that are not only focused on ubuntu-rtm or only some commits made to the development branch are safe enough for RTM.


A different bzr branch for ubuntu-rtm features. Common naming scheme: ubuntu -> lp:foo, ubuntu-rtm -> lp:foo/rtm-14.09

How to request such a landing?

Please mention explicitly in the landing that you do not want a source-copy ubuntu-rtm silo, and that you will fill in a separate landing with different MP for the ubuntu-rtm bits. 'Target distribution' field mentions if the landing is for ubuntu or ubuntu-rtm.


Dual synchronized landings (TODO)

Who is it for?

This approach is perfect for those that want all of their changes in ubuntu-rtm. Perfect for projects that only want to have one branch (trunk) for both ubuntu and ubuntu-rtm.


Only one bzr development branch. Ubuntu and ubuntu-rtm in sync.

How to request such a landing?

Currently in the works, not available yet. Landings will be marked as 'dual' in 'Target distribution'.


This is the currently worked-on approach that will become the recommended way soon. Every press of the 'Build' button on the ubuntu silo will cause the build of the very same sources in the ubuntu-rtm silo as well.