#format wiki #language en #title Dan Fish || '''Launchpad ID''': || https://launchpad.net/~dan-fishms || || '''IRC''': || '''danfish''' on ''irc.freenode.net'' || || '''Email''': || <> || || '''Blog''': || http://www.ossmedicine.org/ || || '''Twitter''': || http://twitter.com/ossmedicine || == About Me == I'm a 37 year old married father of two lively boys living in Surrey in the [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK|UK]]. My background isn't in IT - I'm actually a GP (medical doctor) by day. I first got the IT bug when a undergraduate doing a thesis and rather enjoyed messing around with PC's. I spent many years on MacOS, though also messing around with linux since 2000 (and getting into a bit of bother when I installed redhat ?5 on a hospital PC!). I finally moved everything at home to ubuntu in 2007. I run the practice website from an ubuntu VPS - http://www.langleymedicalpractice.co.uk. Sadly there is little evidence of ubuntu within the NHS or UK healthcare, but who knows how the future will pan out. I suggest OSS and ubuntu where possible - to me the merits are a 'no-brainer' == Things I do for Ubuntu == === Community === * Started a project to evaluate distributed backup solutions for [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Projects/DistributedBackup]] === Development === * A django based project for community anticoagulation monitoring, which has recently morphed into a system for diabetes monitoring and may well morph into something bigger yet. === Support === * When I can I answer support questions (and ask many more!) in #ubuntu-uk == External Stuff == * I'm on a couple of medical IT committees and am trying to introduce the notion of open source software == Future Work == * Open to suggestions! * I'm watching the recent changed in NHS IT with interest (as of 9/8/10). The Microsoft tie-in has gone, leaving and area that floss can move into. == Testimonials == ---- [[CategoryUKTeamProfile]]