
About Me

My internet alias is Dr Small. I only go by that name on the internet, because occasionally I am the prey of a predator, so I wish him not to know my real name. The name derived from an old book, thence I took it.

I run ArchLinux on my desktop and have several other machines running Linux in the household. Most notably, they running some form of Ubuntu. My server (Mycroft) currently runs Debian Stable for MySQL, Apache, Postfix, FTP, SSH, Openfire, Squid, DansGuardian and stores all my backups along with other unimportant tasks.

I am a Geek that is highly interested in cryptography, security and server maintenance. Since I run my own server, I have learned alot from managing SSH to setting up Webmail. It is still an ever learning process for me. My latest tackle for security has been configuring FWKNOP (FireWall KNock OPerator) for portknocking -- Thanks to kevdog for writing the Howto.

I use GPG for signing and encrypting messages. I may not be technically inclined with it, but I do use it, and have shared the object of encryption on with my internet friends, of which we all use GPG now.

I am currently using Openbox on ArchLinux with Conky, Feh and Pypanel for extra added components to Openbox, since it comes with no panel, no wallpaper application. Openfire runs on my server for Jabber so I can host my own Jabber Server, and save myself bandwidth.

As much as others may disagree, I do love chatting on IRC. But due to my bandwidth restrictions, I rarely get on anymore. I try to attend the Beginners Team meetings when I can. The other instant messaging protocol that I use is Jabber, the simple and decentralized alternative to MSN.

I am a Dvorak User, and currently learning Sign Language in my spare time.



I have written a few different guides. You can find them here:


A list of different teams that I participate in:


IRC Channels

I frequent these channels, when I am online:

  • #ubuntuforums-beginners
  • #ubuntu-us-va
  • #grubbn


This section compiles a list of different scripts I have written:

  • Ged

    • GnuPG Editor. Simplifies editing GPG encrypted files from the command line. GPG + Password file + GED = CLI Password Safe
  • IceWall

    • An easier way to change wallpapers in IceWM.
  • NetUsage

    • Monitors your network usage in real time from a terminal.
  • Westminster Chime

    • If 'beep' is installed, it plays the Westminster chime.

      It is fun to set this thing up @hourly with cron Smile :)

  • Run Dialog

    • A simple run dialog that gets the job done. I made this for IceWM.
  • Gsudo

    • I couldn't find 'gksudo' for Arch, so I made a simple substitute.
  • GTK-Xephyr

    • A Simpler way to use Xephyr.

Frequently Used Apps


  • Launchpad:



    <drsmall AT mycroftserver DOT homelinux DOT org>


    <drsmall AT mycroftserver DOT homelinux DOT org>

    OpenPGP Key:



    DrSmall on irc.freenode.net

    Ubuntu Forums:

    Dr Small


A nice, helpful, and mature person. -- NathanGrubb

drsmall (last edited 2009-03-08 01:07:05 by 70-41-142-176)