= Ubuntu Education Programme : Planning : Overview = === [ purpose of this page ] === This is an overview page for the planning web area to keep track of the education programme revision initiative. It provides an overview of resources, documents and initiatives. == '''DRAFT : Mid Edit Save : DRAFT''' == ''' ''' ||||||||'''Web Sites'''|| ||~-'''Name'''-~||~-'''Location'''-~||~-'''Purpose'''-~||~-'''Status'''-~|| ||~-Canonical Web Site-~||~-http://www.canonical.com/ -~||~-Official Canonical Information-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu Web Site-~||~-https://www.ubuntu.com/ -~||~-Official Ubuntu Software Information-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Edubuntu Web Site-~||~-https://www.edubuntu.org/ -~||~-Official Edubuntu Product Information-~||~-existing-~|| ||||||||'''Wiki Sites'''|| ||~-'''Name'''-~||~-'''Location'''-~||~-'''Purpose'''-~||~-'''Status'''-~|| ||~-Canonical Wiki Site-~||~-https://wiki.canonical.com/ -~||~-Canonical Company Wiki-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu Wiki Site-~||~-https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ -~||~-Ubuntu Software Wiki-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Edubuntu Wiki Site-~||~-https://wiki.edubuntu.com/ -~||~-'''This is the same site as Ubuntu Wiki'''-~||~-'''^ see ^'''-~|| ||||||||'''Forums'''|| ||~-'''Name'''-~||~-'''Location'''-~||~-'''Purpose'''-~||~-'''Status'''-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - English-~||~-http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ -~||~-Home: English Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Chinese-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/ -~||~-Home: Chinese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Czech-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.cz/ -~||~-Home: Czech Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Dutch-~||~-http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/forum/ -~||~-Home: Dutch Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - German-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-de.org/ -~||~-Home: German Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Finnish-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fi.org/ -~||~-Home: Finnish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - French-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/ -~||~-Home: French Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Italian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/ -~||~-Home: Italian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Polish-~||~-http://www.forum.ubuntu.pl/ -~||~-Home: Polish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Portugese-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxval.org/ -~||~-Home: Portugese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Russian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.ru/ -~||~-Home: Russian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Serbian-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-cs.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Serbian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Spanish-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxforo.org/ -~||~-Home: Spanish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Swedish-~||~-http://ubuntu-se.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Swedish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-'''source-~'''||||||~-https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ -~|| ||||||~-'''comments'''-~||~-'''status'''-~|| ||||||~-x. -~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-'''actions'''-~||~-'''status'''-~|| ||||||~-1. Decide which initial Education specific forums are needed-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-2. Decide on a home for Education specific forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-3. Create Education specific forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-4. Visit each Ubuntu country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-5. Check if there is any Edubuntu forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-6. Check if there is any Education forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-7. Establish contact with each Ubuntu country / language forum team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-8. Identify the best Education contact for each Ubuntu country / language forum team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-9. Discuss the need for an Edubuntu forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-10. Discuss the need for an Education forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-11. Discuss linkage process with each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-12. Establish linkage process with each Ubuntu country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-13. Create a process / awareness for this list to be updated as new forums are added-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-14. Add RichEd to update notify for page modifications-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||||'''Mailing Lists'''|| ||~-'''Name'''-~||~-'''Location'''-~||~-'''Purpose'''-~||~-'''Status'''-~|| ||~-Edubuntu - Developer-~||~-https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/edubuntu-devel -~||~-Edubuntu - Developer Issues & Discussion-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Edubuntu - User-~||~-https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/edubuntu-users -~||~-Edubuntu - User Issues & Discussion-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-'''source-~'''||||||~-https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ -~|| ||||||~-'''comments'''-~||~-'''status'''-~|| ||||||~-1. The page http://www.edubuntu.org/help does not have any reference to edubuntu-user-~||~-to fix-~|| ||||||~-2. There is no http://lists.edubuntu.org : ensure there is consistency and no confusion-~||~-to fix-~|| ||||||~-'''actions'''-~||~-'''status'''-~|| ||||||~-1. Decide which initial Education specific lists are needed-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-2. Decide on a home for Education specific lists-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-3. Create Education specific lists-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-4. Mail invite to each Ubuntu list that might have members who are interest in education-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-5. Check with the Education contact for each Ubuntu country / language forum team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-6. Ask if there are any Edubuntu or Education lists in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-7. Post invite to each Ubuntu list that might have members who are interest in education-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-8. Discuss the need for an Edubuntu forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||||'''Loco Teams'''|| ||~-'''Name'''-~||~-'''Location'''-~||~-'''Purpose'''-~||~-'''Status'''-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - English-~||~-http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ -~||~-Home: English Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Chinese-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/ -~||~-Home: Chinese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Czech-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.cz/ -~||~-Home: Czech Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Dutch-~||~-http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/forum// -~||~-Home: Dutch Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - German-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-de.org/ -~||~-Home: German Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Finnish-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fi.org/ -~||~-Home: Finnish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - French-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/ -~||~-Home: French Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Italian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/ -~||~-Home: Italian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Polish-~||~-http://www.forum.ubuntu.pl/ -~||~-Home: Polish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Portugese-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxval.org/ -~||~-Home: Portugese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Russian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.ru/ -~||~-Home: Russian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Serbian-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-cs.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Serbian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Spanish-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxforo.org/ -~||~-Home: Spanish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Swedish-~||~-http://ubuntu-se.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Swedish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-'''source-~'''||||||~-https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList -~|| ||||||~-'''actions / comments'''-~||~-'''status'''-~|| ||||||~-1. Decide which initial Education specific forums are needed-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-2. Decide on a home for Education specific forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-3. Create Education specific forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-4. Decision on the home for these forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-5. Visit each Ubuntu country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-6. Check if there is any Edubuntu forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-7. Check if there is any Education forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-8. Establish contact with each Ubuntu country / language forum team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-9. Identify the best Education contact for each Ubuntu country / language forum team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-10. Discuss the need for an Edubuntu forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-11. Discuss the need for an Education forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-12. Discuss linkage process with each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-13. Establish linkage process with each Ubuntu country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-14. Create a process / awareness for this list to be updated as new forums are added-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-15. Add RichEd to update notify for page modifications-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||||'''Ubuntu 3rd party Distro Sites'''|| ||~-'''Name'''-~||~-'''Location'''-~||~-'''Purpose'''-~||~-'''Status'''-~|| ||~-Christian Distro-~||~-http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ -~||~-Home: English Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Chinese-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/ -~||~-Home: Chinese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Czech-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.cz/ -~||~-Home: Czech Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Dutch-~||~-http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/forum// -~||~-Home: Dutch Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - German-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-de.org/ -~||~-Home: German Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Finnish-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fi.org/ -~||~-Home: Finnish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - French-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/ -~||~-Home: French Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Italian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/ -~||~-Home: Italian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Polish-~||~-http://www.forum.ubuntu.pl/ -~||~-Home: Polish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Portugese-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxval.org/ -~||~-Home: Portugese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Russian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.ru/ -~||~-Home: Russian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Serbian-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-cs.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Serbian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Spanish-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxforo.org/ -~||~-Home: Spanish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Swedish-~||~-http://ubuntu-se.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Swedish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||||||~-'''actions / comments'''-~||~-'''status'''-~|| ||||||~-1. Decide which initial Education specific forums are needed-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-2. Decide on a home for Education specific forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-3. Create Education specific forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-4. Decision on the home for these forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-5. Visit each Ubuntu country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-6. Check if there is any Edubuntu forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-7. Check if there is any Education forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-8. Establish contact with each Ubuntu country / language forum team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-9. Identify the best Education contact for each Ubuntu country / language forum team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-10. Discuss the need for an Edubuntu forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-11. Discuss the need for an Education forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-12. Discuss linkage process with each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-13. Establish linkage process with each Ubuntu country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-14. Create a process / awareness for this list to be updated as new forums are added-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-15. Add RichEd to update notify for page modifications-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||||'''Ubuntu 3rd party Community Sites'''|| ||~-'''Name'''-~||~-'''Location'''-~||~-'''Purpose'''-~||~-'''Status'''-~|| ||~-Christian Distro-~||~-http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ -~||~-Home: English Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Chinese-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/ -~||~-Home: Chinese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Czech-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.cz/ -~||~-Home: Czech Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Dutch-~||~-http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/forum// -~||~-Home: Dutch Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - German-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-de.org/ -~||~-Home: German Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Finnish-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fi.org/ -~||~-Home: Finnish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - French-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/ -~||~-Home: French Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Italian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/ -~||~-Home: Italian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Polish-~||~-http://www.forum.ubuntu.pl/ -~||~-Home: Polish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Portugese-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxval.org/ -~||~-Home: Portugese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Russian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.ru/ -~||~-Home: Russian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Serbian-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-cs.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Serbian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Spanish-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxforo.org/ -~||~-Home: Spanish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Swedish-~||~-http://ubuntu-se.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Swedish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||||||~-'''actions / comments'''-~||~-'''status'''-~|| ||||||~-1. Decide which initial Education specific forums are needed-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-2. Decide on a home for Education specific forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-3. Create Education specific forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-4. Decision on the home for these forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-5. Visit each Ubuntu country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-6. Check if there is any Edubuntu forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-7. Check if there is any Education forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-8. Establish contact with each Ubuntu country / language forum team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-9. Identify the best Education contact for each Ubuntu country / language forum team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-10. Discuss the need for an Edubuntu forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-11. Discuss the need for an Education forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-12. Discuss linkage process with each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-13. Establish linkage process with each Ubuntu country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-14. Create a process / awareness for this list to be updated as new forums are added-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-15. Add RichEd to update notify for page modifications-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||||'''Ubuntu Blog Sites'''|| ||~-'''Name'''-~||~-'''Location'''-~||~-'''Purpose'''-~||~-'''Status'''-~|| ||~-Christian Distro-~||~-http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ -~||~-Home: English Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Chinese-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/ -~||~-Home: Chinese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Czech-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.cz/ -~||~-Home: Czech Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Dutch-~||~-http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/forum// -~||~-Home: Dutch Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - German-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-de.org/ -~||~-Home: German Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Finnish-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fi.org/ -~||~-Home: Finnish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - French-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/ -~||~-Home: French Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Italian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/ -~||~-Home: Italian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Polish-~||~-http://www.forum.ubuntu.pl/ -~||~-Home: Polish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Portugese-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxval.org/ -~||~-Home: Portugese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Russian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.ru/ -~||~-Home: Russian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Serbian-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-cs.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Serbian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Spanish-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxforo.org/ -~||~-Home: Spanish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Swedish-~||~-http://ubuntu-se.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Swedish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||||||~-'''actions / comments'''-~||~-'''status'''-~|| ||||||~-1. Decide which initial Education specific forums are needed-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-2. Decide on a home for Education specific forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-3. Create Education specific forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-4. Decision on the home for these forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-5. Visit each Ubuntu country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-6. Check if there is any Edubuntu forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-7. Check if there is any Education forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-8. Establish contact with each Ubuntu country / language forum team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-9. Identify the best Education contact for each Ubuntu country / language forum team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-10. Discuss the need for an Edubuntu forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-11. Discuss the need for an Education forum in each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-12. Discuss linkage process with each country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-13. Establish linkage process with each Ubuntu country / language forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-14. Create a process / awareness for this list to be updated as new forums are added-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-15. Add RichEd to update notify for page modifications-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||||'''Other Related Web Sites'''|| ||~-'''Name'''-~||~-'''Location'''-~||~-'''Purpose'''-~||~-'''Status'''-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - English-~||~-http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ -~||~-Home: English Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Chinese-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/ -~||~-Home: Chinese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Czech-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.cz/ -~||~-Home: Czech Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Dutch-~||~-http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/forum// -~||~-Home: Dutch Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - German-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-de.org/ -~||~-Home: German Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Finnish-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fi.org/ -~||~-Home: Finnish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - French-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/ -~||~-Home: French Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Italian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/ -~||~-Home: Italian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Polish-~||~-http://www.forum.ubuntu.pl/ -~||~-Home: Polish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Portugese-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxval.org/ -~||~-Home: Portugese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Russian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.ru/ -~||~-Home: Russian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Serbian-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-cs.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Serbian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Spanish-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxforo.org/ -~||~-Home: Spanish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Swedish-~||~-http://ubuntu-se.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Swedish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||||||~-'''comments'''-~||~-'''status'''-~|| ||||||~-1. Decide which initial Education specific forums are needed-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-2. Decide on a home for Education specific forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-3. Create Education specific forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-4. Decision on the home for these forums-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-5. Establish contact with each Ubuntu labguage forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-6. Establish linkage process with each Ubuntu labguage forum-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-7. Create a process / awareness for this list to be updated as new forums are added-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-8. Add RichEd to update notify for page modifications-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||||'''IRC Channels'''|| ||~-'''Name'''-~||~-'''Location'''-~||~-'''Purpose'''-~||~-'''Status'''-~|| ||~-Christian Distro-~||~-http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ -~||~-Home: English Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Chinese-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/ -~||~-Home: Chinese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Czech-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.cz/ -~||~-Home: Czech Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Dutch-~||~-http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/forum// -~||~-Home: Dutch Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - German-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-de.org/ -~||~-Home: German Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Finnish-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fi.org/ -~||~-Home: Finnish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - French-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/ -~||~-Home: French Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Italian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/ -~||~-Home: Italian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Polish-~||~-http://www.forum.ubuntu.pl/ -~||~-Home: Polish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Portugese-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxval.org/ -~||~-Home: Portugese Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Russian-~||~-http://forum.ubuntu.ru/ -~||~-Home: Russian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Serbian-~||~-http://www.ubuntu-cs.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Serbian Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Spanish-~||~-http://ubuntu.linuxforo.org/ -~||~-Home: Spanish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||~-Ubuntu forums - Swedish-~||~-http://ubuntu-se.org/forum/ -~||~-Home: Swedish Ubuntu Forums-~||~-existing-~|| ||||||~-'''actions / comments'''-~||~-'''status'''-~|| ||||||~-1. Decide which initial Education specific IRC channels are needed-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-2. Decide which other *buntu channels are relevant to Ubuntu and Education : on freenode-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-3. Decide which other software channels are relevant to Ubuntu and Education : on freenode-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-4. Decide which other Education channels are relevant to Ubuntu and Education : on freenode -~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-5. Locate any other IRC networks which might be relevant to Ubuntu and Education-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-6. Decide which other *buntu channels are relevant to Ubuntu and Education : on other IRC networks-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-7. Decide which other software channels are relevant to Ubuntu and Education : on other IRC networks-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-8. Decide which other Education channels are relevant to Ubuntu and Education : on other IRC networks-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-9. Create Education specific IRC Channel : on freenode : #ubuntu-education-~||~-'''done'''-~|| ||||||~-10. Discuss logging bot with Fabio for #ubuntu-education : logbot-~||~-'''to do'''-~|| ||||||~-11. Discuss factoid bot bots with Seveas for #ubuntu-education : ubotu-~||~-'''to do'''-~|| ||||||~-12. Discuss bug track + meeting schedule / world clock + optional fun with Seveas for #ubuntu-education : Ubugtu-~||~-'''to do'''-~|| ||||||~-13. Define stats feature addition for Seveas for #ubuntu-education : Ubugtu-~||~-'''done'''-~|| ||||||~-13. Add bots to #ubuntu-education-~||~-'''to do'''-~|| ||||||~-14. Create Education specific IRC Channel : on other IRC networks-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-15. Visit each existing IRC channel that is relevant to Ubuntu and Education-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-16. Establish contact with existing IRC channel team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-16. Identify the best Education contact for existing IRC channel team-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-17. Discuss referral / linkage process with each existing IRC channel Education contact-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||~-18. Create a process / awareness for this list to be updated as new IRC channels are added-~||~-to do-~|| ||||||||'''Initiatives'''|| ||~-'''Name'''-~||~-'''Location'''-~||~-'''Purpose'''-~||~-'''Status'''-~|| ||~-Profiling-~||~-https://wiki.edubuntu.org/education/planning/profiling-~||~-Profile User and Stakeholders-~||~-editing-~|| ||||||||'''Documents'''|| ||~-'''Name'''-~||~-'''Location'''-~||~-'''Purpose'''-~||~-'''Status'''-~|| ||~-Education Wiki Landing Page-~||~-https://wiki.edubuntu.org/education/ -~||~-Landing page for Education in Wiki-~||~-add content-~|| ||~-Education Planning Page-~||~-https://wiki.edubuntu.org/education/planning/planning-~||~-Planing of revision exercise-~||~-living-~|| ||~-Education Planning Comments-~||~-https://wiki.edubuntu.org/education/planning/comments-~||~-Comments to take into account-~||~-living-~|| ||~-Education Page Template-~||~-https://wiki.edubuntu.org/education/planning/template-~||~-Template for document layout-~||~-done-~|| === [ comments ] === To add: * Help Sites * Community Sites * Forums * Mailing Lists === [ glossary ] === * '''done''' * complete * '''existing''' * already exists - not under our direct control * '''living''' * created - and changes when needed === [ document details ] === This page is a planning and discussion document for open discussion. * Author * Richard Weideman * Education Programme Manager * IRC #edubuntu * richard@ubuntu.com * Editing * Please sugest changes to the author via email rather than modifying directly