
Emesene is a python/Gtk Instant Messenger for the Windows Live Messenger network.

emesene can be used in both windows and linux, it is even possible to install it on a pendrive and run it off the pendrive.

As you have most likely chosen emesene as an alternative to your Windows Messengr Live Client it is going to need the features you are use to for it to be a suitable substation. Some of the features of emesene are not available in the Windows Messenger Live Client such as the google mail reader.

Features Included

To Install

Ubuntu 8.04 to Ubuntu 9.04 (will install version 1 - not all feautres available)

sudo apt-get install emesene

Ubuntu 9.10 (will install version 1.5)

sudo apt-get install emesene


If you want your emesene to be unique and look different to the default one or act slightly different this is what you need.

Plugin Manager

Plugins are a great way to add functionality to your emesene, there are many plugins such as:

Adding Plugins

Enabling Plugins


Additional Reading

emesene website

emesene (last edited 2009-10-07 00:00:42 by 89)