= Accessible Idea's = My personal suggestions for improvement on accessibility: ---- || Installation || Video instruction and introduction with sign language || || || Nautilus || Tomboy notes integration into Nautilus for short-term memory assistance || || || Nautilus || Search contents of current and recursive directories for content || find . -name "?" -exec grep -ilr '?' {} \; || || || Spelling correction with AI that reads sentences and does replacements || || || || Voice notes for searching and note taking and can be spoken back to you || || || || Repeating tasks are recognized by the system and guides user through the process for faster execution || || || Gnome-Orca || Hard to understand, mechanical voice hurts your ears, lacking emotion || || || Gnome-Orca || Blind have more sensitive ears, audio must be better || || || OO.o || keystroke and voice commanded drawing of lines || || || || Icons should be scalable and re-sizable in all applications || || || krita || do not start on a new document with the colorful triplet, it is blinding, replace with Ubuntu appearance color selection || || || krita || checkered transparant background is making dizzy, should be changeable || || || || anti-aliasing on images at enlargements || || || deaf || http://goo.gl/4qRTp || || || reading difficultie s || Automatic breakup of long sentences in to smaller ones with correct punctuation. || || || blind combine with memory issue ||a pop up speak program for memory problems combine wit blind. || ||