Manuèla Popping, 37

Ureterp, the Netherlands

"All Days Dreaming" me


My slogan is nothing is impossible


Everyone has a talent, it is only the art of discovering it.

About me

Hello everyone, welcome to my profile page.

note: As common with wiki's, this page is not finished and to be checked for spelling errors.

I am a mother of 4 girls and have a very nice boyfriend.

My hobbies are:

Also I like to do research:

Handicaps in brackets, because it just is how you looks at things.

A little medical History about me

The following is just for practical information,

so you know how I collected all information

and what I know through experience.

I am born with brain damage:

  1. a part in the premator area
  2. primary motor cortex
  3. central sulcus
  4. primary somesthetic cortex
  5. anterieure cingulate cortex


  1. premator area is the part that causes dislectia and where the short-term memory disfunction comes from
  2. primary motor cortex causes dispraxie/apraxia and not working spatial awareness
  3. central sulcus and
  4. primary somesthetic cortex causus high sensibility for fabrics and very high pain threshold
  5. anterieure cingulate cortex is the part that causes A.D.D., it's not A.D.H.D., because there is just not enough hyperactivity in me for A.D.H.D.

One of these also causes auditive disorder

and this brain damage causes also epilepsia.

The strange thing is,

I received the diagnose for A.D.(H.)D. in April 2010

and have medicine for it.

Since that time a lot of symptoms have disappeared.

This is still in discussion by the doctors.

Fact is:

Since I was 12 years old, I have an eye disease named:

disease of Coats, which causes one eye blindness.

I was the first woman in Europe to get this, it is mainly a male disease.

The partial numbness in the fingers came after the hernia operation.


I am very interested in Accessibility and like to make things better for others and myself.

not know yet what i go do further. one wish is to learn more. and help others if i can

I have extended knowledge of:


contributes to the greater Ubuntu community by providing accessibility testing and resources for issues concerning accessibility.


. A strong committment to making Ubuntu useable by all.


You can find me on IRC as hajour

I hang out with #ubuntu-women and #ubuntu-accessibility .


Accessible Idea's


Favorite Poems


OMG Girlz Dont Exist on teh Intarweb

My Launchpad account is here


-- cprofitt 2011-01-11 00:04:46 I strongly recommend hajour for Ubuntu Beginners Team membership. She has shown a consistent presence in the teams channels and an amazing ability to learn. Her personality fits well with the Ubuntu community and she presents a positive role model to others who are in the process of adopting Ubuntu and need help. I think hajour will be an incredible resource for the UBT as she continues her involvement in the Ubuntu community.

hajour (last edited 2011-05-19 20:42:30 by D9784B24)