'''Install and Overwrite''' A method for installation where the installer boots off of a cd and asks for a partition to install too. Detecting a previous Ubuntu (or Linux?) install it asks if you want to overwrite and save files or just wipe it clean and re-install. This allows the user to install a new version of Ubuntu with clean configuration files while at the same time keeping their home directory and files. --- The install would mount the partition, and then manually {{rm -rf}} all directories except /home/$USER or USERS. It would then chroot and install it's deb's like normal. This has the advantage of keeping the users files. As they may not have media big enough to back them up on, or the time, or the bother. It also wipes all the configuration files getting rid of any cruft that may have built up over the previous install. Dissadvantages: per-application configuration files are still left in $HOME, also the filesystem is never truly cleaned. ---- CategoryBrainDump CategoryLookMergeDelete