I have been involved with Linux and Ubuntu since 2014. Not very long compared to others. I post on ubuntuforums.org http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=1924242 and askubuntu.com as Jeremy31 http://askubuntu.com/users/300665/jeremy31

I specialize in wireless and bluetooth troubleshooting. I got involved with bluetooth because of my own struggles with my Atheros bluetooth in Ubuntu 14.04

I work for a major glass manufacturer in the United States and now work as a laborer after stepping down from a lead position on a glass cutting line and like to spend my time away from work on the Wisconsin River

I also use Linux Mint and participate on their forum with 4000+ posts and try to help on answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu when I can

You can contact me at wa113y3s@yahoo.com

jeremy31 (last edited 2016-04-24 23:17:39 by wa113y3s)