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My name is John Sonderegger. I'm a retired hydrogeologist living in Green Valley, Arizona.
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I started dinking with linux in 1996, burning out on Caldera and Corel distros. In 2001 I put one computer solely on linux because I needed a free drawing program for textbook figures. That computer later became the photo printer because HP's software for their photosmart printer was "erratic" under Windows 2000.
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<title>jsonder - Ubuntu Wiki</title> I had helped develop advanced Windows XP classes for the Computer Club of Green Valley, but became tired of the ongoing malware battles and started a Linux SIG with the club in 2004. We started there using Fedora Core (no numbers for core 1), and also supported Mepis and later Ubuntu.
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Currently I run Mint on a Dell Inspiron 1505 notebook and an HP Pavilion 724c desktop. On the Ubuntu forums, I am normally found in the PPC area, as I run the community supported version of Feisty (7.04) on a dual-booting Mac Mini.
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I also play with motorcycles, not always safely as indicated from the year old picture (Sept. 2006):
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<h1 id="title"><a title="Click to do a full-text search for this title" href="/jsonder?action=fullsearch&amp;value=linkto%3A%22br24%22&amp;context=180">jsonder</a></h1>
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<p> <strong>Ubuntu Forums</strong>: </p>
<p> <a class="external" href="http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=163112"><img src="/htdocs/ubuntu/img/u-www.png" alt="[WWW]" height="16" width="16"> jsonder</a> </p>
<p> <strong>Launchpad</strong>: </p>
<p> <a class="external" href="https://launchpad.net/~jsonder"><img src="/htdocs/ubuntu/img/u-www.png" alt="[WWW]" height="16" width="16"> jsonder</a> </p>
<p> <strong>IRC</strong>: </p>
<p> jsonder on <em>irc.freenode.net</em> </p>
<p> <strong>Email</strong>: </p>
<p> <a href="mailto:jsonder@yahoo.com"><img src="/htdocs/ubuntu/img/u-email.png" alt="[MAILTO]" height="13" width="23"> jsonder@yahoo.com</a> </p>


<h3 id="head-07d11e8f0a455c75684154d8a6791ef7a5668f7d">Personal Information</h3>

<p>My name is John Sonderegger. I'm a retired hydrogeologist living in Green Valley, Arizona. </p>

<p>I started dinking with linux in 1996, burning out on Caldera and Corel distros. In 2001 I put one computer solely on linux because I needed a free drawing program for textbook figures. That computer later became the photo printer because HP's software for their photosmart printer was "erratic" under Windows 2000. </p>

<p>I had helped develop advanced Windows XP classes for the Computer Club of Green Valley, but became tired of the ongoing malware battles and started a Linux SIG with the club in 2004. We started there using Fedora Core (no numbers for core 1), and also supported Mepis and later Ubuntu.</p>

<p>Currently I run Mint on a Dell Inspiron 1505 notebook and an HP Pavilion 724c desktop. On the Ubuntu forums, I am normally found in the PPC area, as I run the community supported version of Feisty (7.04) on a dual-booting Mac Mini.

<p> <a href="/CategoryHomepage">CategoryHomepage</a> <a href="/CategoryArizonaTeam">CategoryArizonaTeam</a> </p>
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<p id="pageinfo" class="info" lang="en" dir="ltr">last edited 03.08.2007 17:20:47 by <span title="ip68-231-131-152.tc.ph.cox.net"><a href="/br24">br24</a></span></p>

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e-mail: jsonder@yahoo.com

My name is John Sonderegger. I'm a retired hydrogeologist living in Green Valley, Arizona.

I started dinking with linux in 1996, burning out on Caldera and Corel distros. In 2001 I put one computer solely on linux because I needed a free drawing program for textbook figures. That computer later became the photo printer because HP's software for their photosmart printer was "erratic" under Windows 2000.

I had helped develop advanced Windows XP classes for the Computer Club of Green Valley, but became tired of the ongoing malware battles and started a Linux SIG with the club in 2004. We started there using Fedora Core (no numbers for core 1), and also supported Mepis and later Ubuntu.

Currently I run Mint on a Dell Inspiron 1505 notebook and an HP Pavilion 724c desktop. On the Ubuntu forums, I am normally found in the PPC area, as I run the community supported version of Feisty (7.04) on a dual-booting Mac Mini.

I also play with motorcycles, not always safely as indicated from the year old picture (Sept. 2006):


e-mail: jsonder@yahoo.com

jsonder (last edited 2010-01-25 03:37:12 by ip24-251-109-112)