|| {*} '''Official Ubuntu Member''' <
> * '''Iam one of the 8 Official Ubuntu Members from Ubuntu-AR Loco Team''' : <
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10913434#post10913434 <
> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-forum-members/+mugshots <
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1777628 || ----- || {*} '''Contributions''' <
> * [[https://launchpad.net/~juancarlospaco/+karma|Participate]] in Ubuntu on [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/~juancarlospaco|Bugs]]/Brainstorm/[[https://translations.launchpad.net/~juancarlospaco/+activity|Translation]]/Testing. <
> * I have also assisted in the development of [[https://launchpad.net/bleachbit|Bleachbit]], thanks to Andrew Ziem. <
> * I also created several apps for my [[http://ubuntu-ar.org/|Local Community]]. <
> * Provide technical support to via IRC ([[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-ar|#ubuntu-ar]] and [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu|#ubuntu]]) or [[http://uluga.ubuntuforums.org/|LoCo forum]]. <
> || ----- || {*} '''Thanks''' <
> * Thanks to [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mhoyos|MHoyos]] for Help and Support.<
> * Thanks to [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/unimix|Unimix]] for Help and Support.<
> * Thanks to [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EuzkoArima|EuzkoArima]] for Help and Support. || ----- || {*} '''Past''' <
> +10 Years of expecience with Linux, Python coding skills, i started on IT at 17.<
> {*} '''Present''' <
>Participate in more events as i can, make useful Python GPL software for the community, bring new people to the Argentina LoCo Team and Ubuntu.<
> {*} '''Future'''<
>I am planning to continue assisting users on the forums, and am planning to work on developing Python applications that still do not exist in the repository or Linux world, and packaging them into DEB format.<
>I like to improve Python coding skills to the most high level. || ----- || {*} '''Lastest Events''' <
>~- Note: this can be out-of-date or incomplete. -~<
> * I had bad luck when comes to Release Party, the last one i've to work, another can travel because of big storm without electricity :(<
> * Collaborated on Che Blender at Colegio Leon, CABA.<
> * Collaborated on Ubucon 2010 at Universidad de Palermo, CABA.<
> * Collaborated on Piratefest 2011 at Once Libre, CABA.<
> * Collaborated on CISL 2011 at Biblioteca Nacional Argentina, CABA.<
> * Organized the UbuConLA 2012, the first International Event like this. || -----