About me


Name: Juan Marquez Ruiz
Email: juanmarquez@ubuntu.com
Gmail or Gtalk: juanmarquezr@gmail.com
OpenPGP key ID: 36B8E413
IRC: JuanMarquez
Launchpad: juanmarquez
Location: Barranquilla, Atlantico, Colombia
My Web: http://www.binariolibre.com
Cell Phone: Cod country +57
TIGO Cell Line: 3015571100
BlackBerry PIN: 289FDEFE

I'm Ubuntu member and Systems Engineer, Telecommunications Engineer and Software Developer (Transactional servers, Web services). I'm from Colombia and I use Unix and Linux since 1995

I love Ubuntu

I am especially active in contributing to Edubuntu, Gnome applications and libraries for server-related software.

Ubuntu Member since Nov. 2009


Saludos, Soy Juan Marquez, profesional como Ingeniero de Sistemas, Telecomunicaciones y Desarrollador de Software (Servidores Transaccionales, Servicios WEB). Naci en Colombia, uso Unix y Linux desde 1995 (Ubuntu KEY user 36B8E413 ).

Professional Profile - Perfil Profesional



Ability to lead projects of organization, educational and research purposes institutional improvements, social and cultural rights.Great sense of leadership, adaptability in different work environments, skills, creative and futuristic.

Outstanding performance in group work, readiness for a continuous, permanent and looking for change.

Working under pressure but with a serene view to solving problems in the scope of accomplishments and goals.

Specific experience in the field of corporate finance and operational management. Passion for the development of mathematical models.

Expertise in design and project development, financial management and implementation of quality systems.

Passion for the development of mathematical models. Expertise in design and project development, financial management and implementation of quality systems

Capacidad de liderar proyectos organizacionales, educativos e investigativos con propósitos de mejoramientos institucionales, sociales y culturales.

Gran espíritu de liderazgo, adaptabilidad en diferentes ambientes de trabajo, habilidades creativas y futuristas.

Magnífico desempeño en trabajo en grupo, buena disposición para un trabajo continuo, permanente y en busca del cambio.

Trabajo bajo presión pero con una visión serena a la solución de problemas en el alcance de logros y objetivos.

Experiencia específica en el sector de finanzas corporativas y gestión operativa.

Pasión por el desarrollo de modelos matemáticos. Conocimientos en el diseño y desarrollo de proyectos, gestión financiera e implementación de sistemas de calidad.

Objectives in Ubuntu - Objetivos en Ubuntu



1.Spreading free software communities, friends, acquaintances, etc...

2.Create diffusion events and creation of new communities in the world of free software / Ubuntu.

3.Position the Ubuntu LoCo Colombia in free software communities.

4.Organize with this in my power to communities that participation and leadership.

1.Difundir el software libre a comunidades, amigos, conocidos etc..

2.Crear eventos de difusión y creación de nuevas comunidades en el mundo del Software Libre/Ubuntu.

3.Posicionar el LoCo Ubuntu Colombia dentro de las comunidades de software Libre.

4. Organizar con lo que este a mi alcance las comunidades a las que participo y lidero.

Plan and vision in Ubuntu - Plan y vision en Ubuntu



1. Contribute to all teams in which I participate busgs reporting, translating, answering questions ... 

2. Participation and collaboration with all the new users. 

3. Involve the community Ubuntero friends and relatives. 

4. Working and creating new research projects and development. 

5. Comply with and meet my goals and objectives with the community.

1. Contribuir en todos los teams en los que participo reportando busgs, traduciendo, respondiendo preguntas...

2. Participación y colaboración con todos los nuevos usuarios.

3. Incorporar a la comunidad ubuntera amigos y allegados.

4. Trabajar y crear nuevos proyectos investigativos y de desarrollo.

5. Cumplir y satisfacer mis metas y objetivos propuestos con la comunidad.


I work a lot with my local support, support for businesses and consumers, training and courses, I teach school in which I use Ubuntu as base system, online support via the IRC channel # ubuntu-co, and mail list Ubuntu-Co and Ubuntu-Es.

other contributions:


Regularly organizes lectures, hacklab, events on free software and Ubuntu, these are just some of them:

Teams (Grupos)



Ubuntu Colombian Team


Ubuntu spanish


Team support U-co


Plans for Ubuntu

Promotion, provide training and support on:

Testimonials for Membership Application

excellent support and very helpfull for the Ubuntu-co on mailing list, concilio and the IRC. --HollmanEnciso

Juan gives an incredible support to Ubuntu users in general, promotes Ubuntu as a viable choice and works hard for the team. --AndresMujica

"A BIG fan of Ubuntu, and a person who have a great energy and patience to held Ubuntu Conferences and events, he is the main person of one region (Atlantic Coast) of Colombia" --JulianAlarcon

my Interesting Web Sites

tags in my page

ubuntu ingenier support training server desktop analyst trainer technical free software install management fsf fslcol fsfla linux gnu contact me ingeniero soporte cursos barranquilla bucaramanga bogota cali cartagena medellin asesoría libre instalacion administrador colombia contactarnos google yahoo ebox squid samba edubuntu gcompris educación ldap openldap engineer

juanmarquez (last edited 2012-05-04 20:34:22 by 1901424292)