## Change the title to your name, or your username, so we know who you are :) #title kinouchou ## Leave these ones as they are #format wiki #language en ## Change this to "on" if you want section numbers beside your titles #pragma section-numbers off || '''Country''': || France || || '''Launchpad''': || [[https://launchpad.net/~kinouchou|kinouchou]] || || '''E-Mail''': || kinouchou[at]gmail.com || || '''IRC''': || kinouchou [[http://freenode.net/|freenode]] || = About me = I heard about Linux several years ago but it was quite complex. In 2006 I wanted to learn more and discovered Ubuntu Edgy Eft in november. With the help of the Ubuntu-fr website and especially its documentation, I was able to install and use my own system alone. In 2008 I wanted to learn more about the community. So I decided to go to the parisian Ubuntu Party dedicated to the release of Intrepid Ibex. I discovered a world I barely knew and since then I'm caught in. We have a great OS based on a great code, but a great distribution is useless if nobody uses it. I am a end-user, not a developer. I have no coding skills, but I know how to talk to avergage users, making myself clear and how to share my knowledge about the hardware, the operating systems and floss in general. = Community Involvement = *I promote Ubuntu and FLOSS by orgainzing and runing booths at professional events (Solutions Linux), FLOSS events (LSM, Premier samedi du Libre), Ubuntu specific events (Ubuntu Party) and general public events (Braderie de Lille , Vieilles charrues, Fête de l'Humanité). *I helped to reestablish, with the help of LUG, and distributions user group (Fedora-fr and Mandriva-fr), the "Premier samedi du Libre". It is a fairly old project to promote FLOSS in Paris. We had to find volunteers for Ubuntu-fr, coming regularly, organized with the LUG, and to make new contacts with the French associations to invite them to participate. Today we have around 60 people each time and the 4 associations are represented. *I am one of the organizers of the Ubuntu Party in Paris. 5,000 visitors came to the last edition and we had about 100 volunteers to manage. *I Participate in the publication and write sections on the Ubuntu-party.org site, dedicated to the French events. *I'm the treasurer of the [[FrenchTeam|Ubuntu-fr]] association. [[http://blog.didrocks.fr/index.php/post/At-heart-of-the-French-Ubuntu-Party | At heart of the french ubuntu party]] [[http://www.davromaniak.eu/index.php?post/2009/06/25/Au-c%C5%93ur-de-l-Ubuntu-Party | au cœur de l'ubuntu party (french link)]] = LoCo Involvement = * I am vice-treasurer since July 2009 of the French LocoTeam association. I establish the Budget, and prepare projection. I am also in charge of our goodies and am responsible for the supply. * I help in the relationship with French LUGs to promote Ubuntu and the French LiveCD in particular. * I am the contact with the EnVEnteLibre shop for Ubuntu-fr association (online shop realised by Ubuntu-fr joint with Framasoft) for the management of our goodies, the revenue generated, and to answer to customer questions. * I help the bureau to take the decisions for the Ubuntu-fr association and its website. = Around Ubuntu = I'm involved in other projects around Ubuntu and the FLOSS ecosystem. * Proofreading of Framabook (a French collection of Free (as in Free Software ;-)) books about free software) including Didier Roche's "Simple comme Ubuntu", intended to help newcomers understand the world of GNU/Linux * Proofreading Translation French Full Circle Magazine. * Participation in Free Software Accounting Association Dollibarr * Participation in Womoz (group aimed to promote women's involvement in the FLOSS in general) * Participation in the "accessibility" group of April (French NGO about promotion and defense of Free Software in France). = Future Hopes = The bug # 1 is designed to make computing accessible to everyone. Nothing should make the usage of the command line mandatory. That's why it's essential to make free/libre software and Internet accessible to everyone. I try to take my share correcting this bug with my involvement in Ubuntu-fr and accessibility groups. * I'm willing to continue, and increase my participation in the projects in witch i'm involved. We plan to make the framabooks accessible to visually impaired people by using daisy format, make the website and especially the documentation accessible on ubuntu-fr.org. * I'm getting involved April's transcript group, aimed to make videos available to everyone. * Of course, I'll keep organizing events on French and around Ubuntu and FLOSS. * I'll continue and expand the actions undertaken by the association and become treasurer of Ubuntu-fr. = Testimonials = * ChristopheSauthier: Since the beginning of her involvement it is a real pleasure to work with her, she is always friendly, always willing to help out. She is now one of the very few key person of Ubuntu-fr. It is impossible to state all the areas where she is helping, since this is still growing weeks after weeks. I can clearly say that without her daily hard work, the ubuntu-fr LoCo wouldn't be as successful. That is why the loco leader that i am, strongly recommends her as an Ubuntu member. * NicolasBarcet: Kinouchou is one of the most involved member of the ubuntu-fr community. Always ready to help and even travel to represent the LoCo in distant places, she is also one of the key organizers of the Paris Ubuntu-Party. I would applause strongly her nomination as an Ubuntu Member and therefore recommend her to the Council. * DidierRoche: kinouchou is doing a bunch of ubuntu-fr related work, never tired of pinging people and launching new ideas and projects. She represents ubuntu-fr on a numerous events and communicate her passion for it. Therefore, I strongly recommend her to the Council as an Ubuntu member as she really deserves it. Keep up the good work! * [[gilir | Julien Lavergne]]: Kinouchou is doing a fantastic work in the French Loco team, and in the organisation of events in France for the promotion of Free Software. It's really a pleasure to work with her, always trying to improve the situation. I strongly recommends her to the Council as an Ubuntu Member. * [[Davromaniak | Cyril Lavier]]: Kinouchou is doing a good work in the French Locoteam in a widespread range of aspects, and month after month she became an important part in the organization of the parisian Ubuntu Party. Her enthousiasm and its serious is very important in his work. I strongly recommand her to the Council as an Ubuntu Member, she deserves it. * [[McPeter | Pierre Pavard]]: Kinouchou made a very big job for the organization of Ubuntu-Party. She involved a lot in free software and accessibility. It is a full member of the French locoTeam. Therefore I highly recommend her as UbuntuMember.