= Here are some steps to be performed in order to lockdown a gnome ubuntu desktop =
== Hide filesystem to nautilus ==
Open a terminal and execut "ls -1 / | sudo tee /.hidden"
Do "sudo chmod a+r .hidden"
== Disable CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE adding the following to xorg.conf ==
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "DontZap" "yes"
== Disable all shortcuts ==
== Disable log-out, swtich user, etc.. ==
gconf-editor -> apps -> gnome-session -> logout-prompt
== Disable "create laucher" from options when right clicking on desktop ==
Modify /usr/share/nautilus/ui/nautilus-desktop-icon-view-ui.xml
and add hidden="true" to line:
in this way:
== Use pessulus for other lockdown options" ==
== Disable mouse right click ==
Modify file /etc/X11/corg.conf and after line:
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
add the following line:
Option "Button Mapping" "1 1 1"
== Firefox ==
Install 'public fox' extension to lock down firefox
== Keyboard ==
Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:nocaps,compose:menu"
to xorg.conf under
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
in order to disable "context-menu" and caps-lock keys.
== Desktop ==
Delete any directory from desktop