1 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 16:53:38] juju2143, so hey, you ok if we schedule classes to start at #ubuntu-classroom this wednesday?
   2 <juju2143>      [Jun 21 16:53:54] yep
   3 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 16:54:00] I'll talk to them
   4 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 16:54:05] how many weeks do you think you'll need?
   5 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 17:02:27] juju2143, ^
   6 <juju2143>      [Jun 21 17:09:21] idk
   7 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 18:09:45] juju2143, sorry for all the annoying :P can you give a quick description of the class? like what you plan on covering? they'll be set up btw, it's all good
   8 <juju2143>      [Jun 21 18:23:48] hm
   9 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 18:44:37] hey bgs100
  10 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 18:44:48] shiiiiiiiit I didn't do my homework
  11 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 18:44:52] *sigh*
  12 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 18:44:58] You have 20 minutes :P
  13 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 18:46:16] yeah brb
  14 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 18:51:32] ok
  15 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 18:51:34] 10 minutes
  16 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:07:11] bgs100, I need help with it :/
  17 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:07:43] one sec
  18 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:11:43] I almost typed ./configure to compile my attempt at hw
  19 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:23:41] bgs100, you lie!
  20 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:23:48] No
  21 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:23:59] you told me there was no way to check the length of an unknown array
  22 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:24:08] uhhhhh
  23 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:24:25] Not unless you have some value marking the end
  24 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:24:39] pedro3005, What "way" are you talking about?
  25 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:24:50] I stole this trick from google
  26 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:24:53] #define arrayLen(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof *(x))
  27 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:24:59] ....
  28 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:25:09] ...
  29 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:25:19] That uses sizeof on the array
  30 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:25:25] That != good
  31 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:25:26] I see that
  32 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:25:35] why?
  33 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:25:44] pedro3005, It may seem to work, but it is not guaranteed and will not work in all cases
  34 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:26:07] The only reason it would work would be because gcc is a smart compiler.
  35 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:26:14] Snova, Ping
  36 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:26:26] Anyway
  37 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:26:32] pedro3005, Okay?
  38 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:26:41] I guess.. :/
  39 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:26:44] ...
  40 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:26:57] pedro3005, seidos Ready for the class to begin?
  41 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:27:21] I'm having a problem with the hw
  42 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:27:30] Well
  43 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:27:37] Let's start class and then do homework :p
  44 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:27:44] I guess I can work on it during class :D
  45 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:27:57] ================== C CLASS OFFICIAL BEGINNINGNESS =====================
  46 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:28:03] I think I'm close
  47 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 19:28:03] frowns at seidos 
  48 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:28:06] Okay
  49 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:28:13] pedro3005, seidos Pastebins from both of you?
  50 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:28:29] of?
  51 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:28:34] Homework
  52 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:28:40] it's not working
  53 *       pedro3005 [Jun 21 19:28:42] cries
  54 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 19:28:58] throws a kleenex made of aluminum foil at pedro3005 
  55 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:29:07] mine is close, it's just off by a factor of 2
  56 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:29:09] Pastebin anyway :P
  57 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:29:13] I think the problem is in the sum
  58 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:29:24] I'll just send you what I have
  59 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:29:35] bgs100, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/228239/
  60 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:30:03] bgs100: pong
  61 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:30:12] bgs100, http://paste.ubuntu.com/453127/
  62 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:30:31] Snova, Explain to pedro why his solution to getting the size of an array is bad please :P
  63 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:30:54] where?
  64 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:31:01] #define arrayLen(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof *(x))
  65 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:31:04] Look up just a bit
  66 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:31:41] well, it'll work, but only in cases you yourself already know
  67 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:32:23] pedro3005,
  68 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:32:33] Here's why your homework is broken
  69 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:32:43]       puts("Enter integers:");
  70 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:32:43]       for (count = 0; ((input = getchar()) != EOF); count++)
  71 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:32:43]               array[count] = input;
  72 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:33:06] You're assigning each part of "array" to the actual character
  73 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:33:26] '2' == 50
  74 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:33:58] bgs100, damn it...
  75 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:34:00] And newlines
  76 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:34:15] array[count] = *input ?
  77 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:34:27] ...
  78 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:34:37] input is not a pointer.
  79 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:34:40] well idk, what grabs the value?
  80 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:34:43] #
  81 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:34:48] %
  82 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:34:49] something
  83 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:34:50] pedro3005, You *have* a value
  84 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:35:00] That value is a literal character
  85 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:35:11] and we need to make it an int?
  86 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:35:19] errr
  87 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:35:28] It is an int
  88 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:35:42] everything is an int, it just doesn't mean what you think it does
  89 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:35:50] pedro3005, Remember when you asked me how to get a number from a character representing a number?
  90 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:35:55] yeah, it's the character code
  91 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:36:19] I see
  92 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:36:37] what's the fix? :p
  93 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:37:13] there's probably a character-to-integer function somewhere, but the quick way (not necessarily the correct way) would be input-'0'
  94 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:37:31] I would recommend checking if the character represents a number with isdigit(0 from ctype.h and then if so what Snova said
  95 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:37:35] isdigit()*
  96 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:37:47] of course it's a number
  97 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:37:56] we're asking for numbers >:(
  98 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:38:03] ...
  99 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:38:04] users suck
 100 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:38:04] Uh
 101 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:38:11] I just typed "haha" into your program; now what?
 102 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:38:16] Actually
 103 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:38:17] hey!  I'm a user!
 104 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:38:34] seidos: yes, and validating your input to make sure you aren't up to something is the bane of all programming
 105 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:38:46] There's still newlines, if you're going to separate the numbers.
 106 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:39:00] Actually, I would just reommend scanf'ing the numbers into your array :p
 107 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:39:04] recommend*
 108 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:39:09] Snova, the haha module will come out in version .02
 109 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:39:14] my program lets you do whatever you want... if what you wish is to break it, then go ahead.. it's not a bug, it's a feature
 110 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:39:19] lol
 111 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:39:46] pedro3005, BTW, "// Sums an array of ints;" is not actually standard C, although most compilers allow it
 112 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:40:02] bgs100, why?
 113 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:40:09] bgs100: // style comments
 114 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:40:12] er, pedro3005
 115 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:40:16] oh
 116 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:40:23] I'm not sure whether that was accepted into the C standard or not
 117 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:40:31] in any case it comes from C++
 118 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:40:34] Snova, No, but I think it will be in C99
 119 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:40:41] are // style comments standard c++?
 120 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:40:42] Or
 121 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:40:45] Fail, not will be
 122 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:40:48] is*
 123 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:40:57] seidos, Mhm
 124 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:40:57] ah nm, snova answered before I could even type the question
 125 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:41:04] bgs100, a problem though, it never stops asking for input
 126 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:41:10] pedro3005, Here:
 127 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:41:11] oh
 128 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:41:13] wait
 129 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:41:15] I can solve it
 130 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:41:15] shush
 131 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:42:22] damn
 132 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:42:55] It looks like I fixed the problem with my hw, bgs100, want me to send you my updated code?  or am I too late?
 133 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:42:59] pedro3005, :|
 134 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:43:02] I'm not sure why it worked though
 135 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:43:06] seidos, Sure, send it
 136 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:43:12] I haven't seen yours yet :P
 137 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:43:25] will this damn thing work
 138 *       pedro3005 [Jun 21 19:43:29] slaps compiler
 139 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:43:32] pedro3005, Do you want the link to my modification?
 140 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:43:38] no
 141 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:43:42] ...
 142 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:44:01] bgs100, http://paste.ubuntu.com/453134/
 143 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:44:05] look
 144 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:44:08]       for (count = 0; ((input = getchar()) || count < size); count++)
 145 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:44:08]               array[count] = input-'0';
 146 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:44:11] it must be the i++, I can't move it to the bottom this time
 147 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:44:36] pedro3005,
 148 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:44:50] wait
 149 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:44:51] fail
 150 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:45:10] pedro3005, That would probably work for input like "123", but what if I wanted multi-digit numbers? :p
 151 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:45:13] seidos, Good,
 152 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:45:21] seidos, Your problem was,
 153 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:45:52] seidos, That you were trying to access input[10] when it's length is 10 and the first elemnt is at input[0]
 154 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:45:58] element*
 155 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:46:15] So you were going one space too far.
 156 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:46:20] oh, no, I think it was right
 157 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:46:32] In fact, you still are, in the first part
 158 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:46:32] hmmm
 159 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:46:36] wait
 160 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:46:37] bgs100, oh, I'll fix it using scanf.. But I don't have much time today.. I'll work on this again later, can we move on to the class? I must leave in ~30 minutes
 161 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:46:37] s/part/loop/
 162 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:46:38] crap
 163 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:46:52] pedro3005, Can I link you to the modification? :p
 164 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:46:59] Meh
 165 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:46:59] ok sure
 166 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:47:00] it should be adding input[0]...input[10]
 167 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:47:05] pedro3005, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/228243/
 168 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:47:11] when I added up the inputs manually though, I got 66, not 132
 169 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:47:22] Yeahhhh
 170 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:47:29] seidos, We'll get back to that :p
 171 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:47:30] yep, what I thought.. scanf
 172 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:47:33] Onto class
 173 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:47:47] So...
 174 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:47:56] We've learned a bit about arrays...
 175 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:48:26] :D
 176 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:48:31] I was thinking we might go on to strings (a special kind of array with functions that apply just to it)
 177 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:48:59] So, yeah
 178 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:49:12] First off: A string is just an array of characters
 179 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:49:29] There is a piece of the standard library dedicated to strings: string.h
 180 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:49:54] Now, with string.h, there's a function called strlen() that gets the length of a string.
 181 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:50:08] How could this work, since a string is an array?!
 182 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:50:11] !!!
 183 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:50:22] I know!
 184 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:50:22] Because, strings have a special character at the end...
 185 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:50:26] damn it
 186 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:50:31] lol
 187 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:50:35] NULL? "\0"?
 188 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:50:41] \0 , which is the integer 0 in ASCII
 189 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:50:50] probably everywhere else too :p
 190 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:51:04] pedro3005, yeah, except '\0', not "\0"
 191 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:51:17] bgs100, only char arrays end with null?
 192 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:51:26] Not char arrays, strings
 193 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:51:32] There is a tiny distinction
 194 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:51:48] With strings, you do have the \0 at the end
 195 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:51:53] char arrays = strings
 196 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:52:08] With char arrays, well, you can have whatever floats your boat (no pun intended)
 197 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:52:29] pedro3005, technically
 198 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:52:32] yes
 199 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:52:49] But you might say that not all char arrays are strings
 200 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:52:56] ok
 201 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:52:59] pedro3005,
 202 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:53:16] ohai
 203 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:53:21] When you take "Hello world" in C, you automatically have a \0 on the end
 204 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:53:33] But you could have a char array that did not
 205 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:53:35] So anyway
 206 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:53:36] hai Snova
 207 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:53:48] So yeah...
 208 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:53:56] seidos, pedro3005 Any questions?
 209 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:54:07] pedro3005: as arrays do not have a length, so called c-strings are initialized with a \0 at the end in the interests of string handling. only *initialized*; it's your job to maintain it
 210 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:54:24] no questions here
 211 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:54:32] Okay cools then
 212 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 19:54:53] yeah cool
 213 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:54:57] We've been using strings this whole time in calls to printf, fprintf, puts, and scanf
 214 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:55:06] Being arrays,
 215 <Snova> [Jun 21 19:55:11] all of which are implicitly assuming there is a \0 at the end
 216 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:55:18] You can access the members of a string and modify them
 217 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:55:48] But, as Snova said, it would probably not be good to replace the \0 without replacing it later
 218 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:56:37] Also, as with arrays,
 219 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:56:47] you can allocate them yourself.
 220 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:57:16] (and realloc them, etc.)
 221 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:58:24] If you want to declare a string (or rather char array/pointer in this case), you just take what you know with int pointers and arrays and swap int for char.
 222 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:58:38] char mychararray[10];
 223 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:58:55] However, you'll want to take care if using a number, because of the extra '\0'.
 224 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:59:03] You can also do things like:
 225 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:59:15] char mychararray[] = "Hallo world";
 226 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:59:17] bgs100, what do you mean by "using a number"?
 227 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:59:35] seidos, I mean the 10 in "char mychararray[10];"
 228 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:59:40] Sorry for unclear wording
 229 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 19:59:54] If you're declaring an array like that, is what I mean.
 230 <seidos>        [Jun 21 19:59:59] if you don't use a number, what else is there to use?
 231 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:00:05] ...
 232 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:00:10] char mychararray[] = "Hallo world";
 233 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:00:17] pedro3005, Thank you :p
 234 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:00:28] that works?  as like an "infinite" array?
 235 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:00:30] And of course pointers
 236 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:00:33] seidos, Uh no
 237 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:00:53] seidos, The size of the array is just the size "Hallo world" has
 238 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:01:16] but I could do char mychararray[] = "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk etc etc"
 239 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:01:30] char array[∞];
 240 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:01:31] Um, sure.
 241 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:01:43] pedro3005, Hahaha
 242 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:01:46] Nice
 243 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:02:05] pedro3005, you just solved the "matrix of reality".  We're in an infinite array!
 244 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:02:16] or...not
 245 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 20:02:24] gives pedro3005 the Neo badge
 246 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:02:32] haha
 247 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:02:36] :D
 248 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:02:43] pedro3005, Now do some backflips and shootings and stuff in slow-mo :P
 249 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:02:54] bgs100, only in Python
 250 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:02:55] I recommend practicing dodging bullets before actually trying it in real life
 251 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:03:15] seidos, No, just stop them with your hand :p
 252 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:03:22] better yet, teeth
 253 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:03:29] well, practice first
 254 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:03:34] ANYWAY
 255 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:03:41] don't be like those people on LSD that think they can fly...well
 256 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:03:44] yeah...anyway
 257 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:03:52] anyone have a gun I can borrow for practice?
 258 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:03:59] Pshaw, I can fly *begins to levitate*
 259 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:04:14] import antigravity
 260 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:04:15] :p
 261 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:04:17] ANYWAY
 262 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:04:21] C
 263 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:04:21] ANYWAY
 264 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:04:24] D
 265 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:04:34] :p
 266 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:04:37] But seriously
 267 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:04:39] C-C-Combo breaker
 268 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:04:43] So yeah
 269 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:05:01] ...
 270 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:05:08] Any questions?
 271 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:05:11] none
 272 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:05:17] seidos ?
 273 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 20:05:32] assumes not
 274 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:05:37] ONWARDS
 275 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:05:42] you assume correct
 276 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:06:04] Okay
 277 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:06:17] Really quickly, 3 simple things that I did not mention earlier
 278 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:06:19] First:
 279 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:06:25] The dowhile loop
 280 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:06:29] do {
 281 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:06:33]     stuff
 282 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:06:41] } while (conditions);
 283 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:06:55] It is very much like a while loop,
 284 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:07:08] except the condition is checked after the body has been run
 285 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:07:17] So the body will always execute at least once
 286 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:07:34] Useful for when you have something like:
 287 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:07:37] dostuff
 288 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:07:43] while (condition) {
 289 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:07:49]     dotheexactsamestuff
 290 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:07:51] }
 291 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:08:01] Next
 292 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:08:05] The switch statement
 293 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:08:16] switch (variable) {
 294 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:08:24]     case somevalue:
 295 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:08:28]         dostuff
 296 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:08:34]         break;
 297 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:08:36] }
 298 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:08:41] Okay
 299 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:08:54] The switch statement checks if the variable is equal to a bunch of stuff,
 300 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:09:14] The break meaning it exits the switch and doesn't check for anything else
 301 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:09:29] You can also have stuff like:
 302 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:09:35] switch (variable) {
 303 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:09:44]     case value:
 304 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:09:48]     case othervalue:
 305 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:09:53]         dostuff
 306 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:09:57]         break;
 307 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:09:59] }
 308 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:10:08] do you have to put break;?
 309 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:10:15] In which "dostuff" will execute if variable is value or othervalue
 310 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:10:48] seidos, It makes sense to usually, since your variable probably isn't going to be two values at once.
 311 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:11:04] However, you could have a case that changes the variable for a further case.
 312 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:11:12] why do you put break; in the second case but in the 1st case?
 313 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:11:16] seidos, So, technically not, but usually you will.
 314 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:11:22] seidos, Because,
 315 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:11:30] s/but/but not
 316 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:11:47] We want "dostuff" to execute if the variable is either "value" or "othervalue"
 317 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:12:04] We don't want to break, then.
 318 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:12:14] Also
 319 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:12:24] The equivalent of an "else" in switch is "default:"
 320 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:12:30] switch (variable) {
 321 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:12:37]     case blarg:
 322 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:12:43]         dostuff
 323 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:12:49]         break;
 324 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:12:55]     default:
 325 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:13:03]         dostuff
 326 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:13:10]         break;
 327 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:13:11] }
 328 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:13:12] AND
 329 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:13:23] You do not have to put the break in the default
 330 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:13:29] However
 331 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:13:56] It is generally good practice in case you go back and change the default to a case or add another case or something
 332 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:14:05] (no pun intended)
 333 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:14:15] pedro3005, seidos Questions?
 334 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:14:25] just some thoughts
 335 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:14:29] Yes?
 336 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:14:33] it's interesting that the cases have multiple lines without {}
 337 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:14:39] Yeah
 338 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:14:44] and it's interesting break has a ; but not dostuff
 339 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:14:52] err
 340 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:15:12] seidos, That's just because I assumed you had ;'s in your dostuff :P
 341 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:15:23] dostuff just represents the main body
 342 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:15:29] ah okay
 343 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:15:32] Sorry if that caused confusion
 344 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:15:43] But anyway, about the first thought
 345 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:15:59] That is a good though... it's a depart from the normal syntax
 346 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 20:16:11] gives seidos the thinker badge
 347 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:16:22] Okay
 348 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:16:26] Maybe pedro3005 has left...
 349 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:16:29] no
 350 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:16:33] Oh Yay!
 351 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:16:41] Okay then
 352 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:16:46] pedro3005, no questions?
 353 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:16:49] none
 354 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:16:52] Okay
 355 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:17:01] I want to see Rodin's statue with the "thinker" badge on it.  that would be tight.
 356 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:17:02] I guess that's why you didn't respond earlier?
 357 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:17:09] seidos, Lol
 358 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:17:34] Okay
 359 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:17:38] Final 3rd thing
 360 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:17:51] The acursed "goto" statement.
 361 *       seidos [Jun 21 20:18:01] does the sign of the cross
 362 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:18:09] seidos, Good idea.
 363 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:18:42] The goto statement is often regarded as an evil beast, the god of spaghetti code, and in general acursed.
 364 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:18:55] sounds like I'll love it
 365 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:18:59] seidos, pedro3005 http://xkcd.com/292/
 366 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:19:07] It's the dinosaur one
 367 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:19:10] :P
 368 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:19:12] without looking
 369 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:19:20] yay!
 370 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:19:30] :P
 371 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:19:43] bgs100, where's the badge for knowing xkcd?
 372 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 20:19:50] gives that to pedro3005 
 373 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:19:55] Well
 374 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:20:08] I haven't read all of xkcd yet
 375 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:20:12] In all honesty there's a multiple dinosaur ones :P
 376 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:20:23] s/a//
 377 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:20:24] Okay
 378 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:20:30] So
 379 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:20:41] Here's how this demon spawn works:
 380 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:20:51] bgs100, I didn't get the alt-text
 381 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:21:02] pedro3005, Er, uh, google it
 382 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:21:08] alt-text?
 383 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:21:11] This isn't xkcd class :p
 384 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:21:15] oh boy
 385 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:21:18] seidos, However your mouse over the comic
 386 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:21:23] Hover*
 387 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:21:25] Fail
 388 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:21:42] ohhh
 389 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:21:56] seidos, Okay?
 390 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:22:00] that ones one obscure joke
 391 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:22:03] was*
 392 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:22:03] yeah
 393 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:22:10] See the text?
 394 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:22:35] ...
 395 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:22:41] yeah I'm looking it up
 396 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:22:44] I mean, I'm only really learning C so I can understand the jokes about C
 397 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:22:50] :P jk
 398 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:22:53] seidos, Hm?
 399 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:22:53] haha
 400 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:23:07] seidos, No, just hover your mouse over the comic
 401 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:23:16] pedro3005, lol :p
 402 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:23:34] bgs100, I hovered over and it said "Neal Stephenson thinks it's cute to name his labels 'dengo'.
 403 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:23:39] Yes
 404 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:23:43] That is alt-text
 405 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:23:44] but it made no sense to me, so I'm looking it up
 406 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:23:47] o
 407 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:23:49] oh*
 408 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:23:51] pedro3005, Well,
 409 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:23:54] That's okay
 410 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:23:56] bgs100, ONTO C
 411 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:24:10] Because all of this C that everyone has taught to you is a lie.
 412 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:24:17] GCC is an elaborate joke
 413 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:24:29] I've been PMing seidos the real lessons
 414 *       seidos [Jun 21 20:24:43] checks for a pm from bgs100
 415 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:25:31] maybe irc is an elaborate joke, because I never got any pms...ermmm, I mean, there they are, I just haven't had time to read them
 416 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:25:35] odd, didn't see them before
 417 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:25:40] ...
 418 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:25:52] let's just go on then
 419 *       seidos [Jun 21 20:25:54] gives his most convincing smile
 420 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 20:26:04] gives seidos the Joke Ruiner badge
 421 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:26:10] (jk :p)
 422 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:26:29] I am "the joke ruiner!"  The Joker's archnemesis
 423 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:26:31] ONWARD
 424 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:26:39] seidos, rofl
 425 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:26:48] The was pretty good xD
 426 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:26:51] That*
 427 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:27:17] ONWARD, huzzah to onward!
 428 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:27:22] and thank you
 429 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:27:28] STUPID KEYBOARD
 430 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 20:27:28] burns keyboard
 431 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:27:28] OW CRAP MY HANDS
 432 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:27:28] ONWARD
 433 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:27:29] So
 434 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:27:33] Back to goto
 435 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:27:38] goto goto
 436 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:27:47] So, you make a label like this:
 437 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:27:50] pedro3005, har har :p
 438 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:27:58] Let's say you have your code:
 439 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:28:01] int main() {
 440 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:28:05]     blarg;
 441 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:28:09]     sillystuff;
 442 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:28:19] thisisalabel:
 443 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:28:25]     morestuff;
 444 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:28:28]     return 0;
 445 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:28:29] }
 446 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:28:38] Alright?
 447 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:28:44] no {}?
 448 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:28:50] Nooope
 449 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:28:57] how do we determine the end of a label then?
 450 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:29:02] you don't
 451 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:29:09] there isn't one
 452 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:29:30] Ohai Snova
 453 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:29:32] >.>
 454 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:29:40] what's the point then?
 455 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:29:50] ordinarily C code proceeds from statement to statement, making exceptions only when if/while/for denote otherwise. goto allows you to break this rule.
 456 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:30:07] it simply sets the next statement to be executed to the one after your target albel
 457 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:30:07] Yep
 458 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:30:13] be it going backwards or forwards
 459 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:30:15] I see
 460 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:30:33] then if you go backwards, it'll execute all the way up to the goto again
 461 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:30:34] Here's how you use goto (assuming you have a label):
 462 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:30:35] right?
 463 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:30:39] pedro3005: and then what?
 464 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:30:44] goto somelabael;
 465 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:30:52] goto somelabel;*
 466 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:30:54] :p
 467 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:30:54] Snova, infinite loop?
 468 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:30:57] pedro3005: exactly
 469 *       seidos [Jun 21 20:31:39] thinks sentience is an infinite loop
 470 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:31:43] Brb, with an example.
 471 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:31:44] it's the complete lack of structure therein that is why many languages today don't even have a goto statement; it's considered *very* poor form to use except in certain circumstances
 472 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:31:56] Linux actually uses it a fair bit, but you'll note it's only to ensure cleanup code gets run
 473 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:32:10] Linux uses it?
 474 *       seidos [Jun 21 20:32:25] eyes his computer suspiciously, afraid it might crash at any moment
 475 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:32:37] Lol
 476 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:32:46] yes, they put some cleanup code at the bottom of a function and "goto it" as a means of simplifying the code
 477 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:32:51] seidos, Quick, cross yourself some more!
 478 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:32:54] :p
 479 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:32:56] seidos, watch out for the dinosaur
 480 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:33:00] that's about the only reason you'd want to use it, ever
 481 *       seidos [Jun 21 20:33:08] says an incantation
 482 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:33:24] better yet, just don't; if you think you have an opportunity to make good use of it, chances are you don't
 483 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:33:36] ok
 484 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:33:40] pedro3005, does the raptor get you even if you weren't the one who used the goto statement?
 485 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:33:57] aw crap
 486 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:34:17] I just realized I might be attacked by a velociraptor for making this example
 487 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:34:29] seidos: it's the spaghetti raptor, and you aren't at fault, so probably not
 488 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:34:39] it's okay if you don't compile it
 489 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:34:48] http://www.u.arizona.edu/~rubinson/copyright_violations/Go_To_Considered_Harmful.html
 490 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:34:55] lolwut, odd url
 491 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:34:56] Snova, is the spaghetti raptor and the flying spaghetti monster in cahoots?
 492 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:35:09] seidos: worth investigating
 493 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:35:29] Indeed
 494 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 20:35:35] dons detective cap
 495 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 20:35:50] dons raptor defense bat
 496 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:36:31] Pastebining
 497 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:36:50] http://paste.pocoo.org/show/228260/
 498 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:37:00] Prepare to be murdered by raptors
 499 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 20:37:17] holds raptor-defense-bat tighter
 500 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:37:46] hold it
 501 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 20:37:48] notices his raptor-defense-bat is just a plastic toy nightstick
 502 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:37:58] why am I risking death?  I mean, will I die a noble death?
 503 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:37:59] I think you need to be more worried about Dijkstra...
 504 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:38:03] seidos, pedro3005 SCRO while keeping lookout
 505 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:38:11] Snova, Lol
 506 *       pedro3005 [Jun 21 20:38:20] locks door
 507 *       pedro3005 [Jun 21 20:38:23] closes window
 508 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:39:00] ...
 509 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:39:08] Jjst hurry up and tell em the output :p
 510 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:39:10] Just*
 511 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:39:30] i is 1..4
 512 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:39:36] errr
 513 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:39:37] what pedro3005 said
 514 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:39:41] Don't you mean 0...4?
 515 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:39:46] oh yeah
 516 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:39:47] 0-4
 517 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:39:54] *rolls eyes*
 518 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:39:55] yeah, 0, 1, all the same
 519 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:40:03] uhhh
 520 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:40:09] shush
 521 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:40:10] *Universe Asplodes*
 522 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:40:11] on with the C
 523 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:40:13] 0 = 1, that's Zen
 524 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:40:32] seidos, No, I think that's just fail :p
 525 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:40:38] ANYWAY
 526 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:40:41] VERILY ONWARD
 527 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:40:50] So basically, this code is equivalent to a for loop
 528 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:40:53] yes, kind sir
 529 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:40:59] for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
 530 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:41:08]     printf("i is %d\n", i);
 531 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:41:30] That's what this is doing
 532 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:41:54] I see
 533 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:41:58] Interestingly, you can also have a label after a goto.
 534 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:42:01] Like so:
 535 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:42:04] int main() {
 536 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:42:20]     if (idontwanttorunsomecode)
 537 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:42:30]         goto tthheeefffuuuttuuureee;
 538 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:42:34]     somecode;
 539 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:42:38]     somemorecode;
 540 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:42:49] tthheeefffuuuttuuureee:
 541 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:43:06]     puts("WHHHOOOAAAA We're in the fffuuutttuurreee");
 542 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:43:09]     return 0;
 543 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:43:10] }
 544 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:43:20] Okay?
 545 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:43:23] makes sense
 546 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:43:27] Good
 547 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:43:28] seidos ?
 548 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:43:50] yeah, clear as mud
 549 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:43:51] as usual
 550 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:43:58] ...
 551 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:44:03] seidos, You have questions?
 552 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:44:33] I guess it makes sense
 553 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:44:39] just had to find which one was the label
 554 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:44:47] Snova, why that link you sent as in a folder called copyright_violations on a directory of University of Arizona's department of sociology is beyond me
 555 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:44:52] was*
 556 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:45:03] seidos, there was only one label :p
 557 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:45:09] And it was not indented
 558 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:45:25] yeah tthheeefffuuuttuuureee: is the label
 559 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:45:29] mhm
 560 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:45:45] Snova, Ping
 561 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:45:59] so tthheeefffuuuttuuureee;
 562 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:45:59] <bgs100>     somecode;
 563 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:45:59] <bgs100>     somemorecode;
 564 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:46:04] is skipped, right?
 565 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:46:09] Yes!
 566 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:46:11] Good
 567 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:46:15] also, at a picture of a kid flipping the camera off is present in the directory
 568 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:46:18] a*
 569 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:46:27] pedro3005, lolwat
 570 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:46:35] bgs100, indeed
 571 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:46:41] verily
 572 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:46:47] I'm going to study sociology at Arizona now
 573 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:46:53] xD
 574 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:46:55] I wonder what kind of crazy shit they smoke
 575 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:47:02] so.
 576 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:47:06] moving on.
 577 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:47:14] young claude.  ha
 578 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:47:29] Now, pedro3005, seidos, you know most of C The Language.
 579 *       pedro3005 [Jun 21 20:47:44] celebrates
 580 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:47:49] bgs100, then why can't I speak c?
 581 *       pedro3005 [Jun 21 20:47:59] goes to program a new operating system
 582 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:48:01] Hmm
 583 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:48:23] maybe it's because I don't understand Dijkstra
 584 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:48:35] Wait
 585 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:48:37] does that mean that all that's left are projects using C to solve problems?
 586 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:48:42] Were you joking, or what?
 587 *       pedro3005 [Jun 21 20:49:01] grabs C book
 588 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:49:05] Hey, I'm going to have to go for a few minutes soon.
 589 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:49:07] there must be something here we don't know
 590 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:49:15] pedro3005, Wait :p
 591 *       seidos [Jun 21 20:49:25] thinks of something
 592 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:49:27] bgs100, assign homework and dismiss class then
 593 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:49:38] well specific functions that exist in the many include files
 594 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:49:44] No, I don't have time
 595 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:49:59] okay... farewell
 596 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:50:07] I guess I can work on problem 2 of projecteuler
 597 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:50:07] You know about data types, functions, pointers, and a lot of other stuff
 598 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:50:22] And some of the standard library
 599 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:50:28] We will cover more of that later
 600 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:50:28] thank you bgs100
 601 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:50:30] bbs
 602 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:50:35] Clas isn't over :p
 603 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:50:38] Class*
 604 <mohi1> [Jun 21 20:50:42] :o
 605 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:50:54] class is perpetual
 606 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:50:57] Lol
 607 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:50:58] but just because you're in class
 608 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:51:01] doesn't mean you have class
 609 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:51:01] Bye
 610 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:51:04] bye
 611 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:51:05] Be back in a few
 612 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:51:10] I won't
 613 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 20:51:14] seidos, That was zen-ish :p
 614 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:51:21] bye until tomorrow
 615 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:51:30] well, i'll hang out until 22
 616 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:51:47] already procrastinated the fuck out of studying for a test anyway
 617 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:52:29] what test?
 618 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:52:36] history / sociology
 619 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:53:27] ah
 620 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:53:45] whoa
 621 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:53:49] this is weird
 622 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:53:55] I think I'm actually disappointed class is over
 623 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:54:01] mohi2911, put the logs online
 624 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:54:02] I don't think that's ever happened before
 625 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:54:20] seidos, hey, do you know this book? http://www.amazon.com/Sophies-World-History-Philosophy-Classics/dp/0374530718/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1277167733&sr=8-1
 626 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:54:57] never heard of it
 627 <Snova> [Jun 21 20:55:15] bgs100: pong
 628 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:55:50] seidos, I was reading some of it at the library today
 629 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:55:52] interesting things
 630 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:55:56] pedro3005, do you know this book:  http://www.amazon.com/Cartoon-History-Universe-Vol-Pt-1/dp/0385265204/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1277167914&sr=8-1
 631 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:56:01] I read about Hume and remembered of that buddhism thing you said
 632 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:56:04] the doctrine of no-self
 633 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:56:08] Hume did have that
 634 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:56:20] Hume believed in no-self?
 635 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:56:40] yes
 636 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:57:18] To Hume, the self is constantly bombarded by events and changes, and it does not have an immutable always-present essence, but changes itself fundamentally over time
 637 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:57:40] so there is no essential immutable notion of self to Hume
 638 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:58:08] a self that changes doesn't necessarily mean a self that isn't
 639 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:58:38] depends on your concept of self, I guess
 640 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:58:41] the Buddhist stuff is pretty dense.  The monk that I talk to on facebook just linked me a bunch of stuff to read when I questioned his beliefs
 641 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:59:17] seidos, it is definitely an interesting book, although it's a little too simple and detached
 642 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:59:33] I don't know what the self is, it certainly appears to be intimately dependent on the brain
 643 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:59:42] my question is "how did I get here?"
 644 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 20:59:54] your mom and dad conceived you
 645 <seidos>        [Jun 21 20:59:57] I didn't ask to be born.  My nightmare is that I'll be born again, just like I was born this time
 646 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:00:16] After studying religion my hope has started to become that death is the end
 647 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:00:39] nobody asks to be born, because life exists randomly, and not on a purpose... As Sartre would put it, "existence precedes essence"
 648 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:00:52] that's what I say... I hope this is it
 649 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:01:04] but the only way I can be certain that I won't get born again, is if I can maintain awareness.  Problem is, awareness goes away at death
 650 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:01:08] the infinite is sickening
 651 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:01:26] some guy in #jesus was telling me "eternity is awesome"
 652 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:01:29] you cannot be certain
 653 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:01:35] I asked him if "hell was awesome"
 654 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:01:38] he said no.
 655 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:02:01] but they never actually acknowledge their mistaken views
 656 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:02:19] the problem with randomness, is cause and effect
 657 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:02:24] I think eternity of the self is despairing
 658 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:02:29] look
 659 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:02:43] an eternity free from suffering is by definition not despairing
 660 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:02:49] let's first assume heaven is constant and immutable
 661 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:03:35] Your presence of heaven over time would obviously diminish your happiness as time passes
 662 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:03:43] to this problem, there are two solutions:
 663 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:03:54] 1. there is no notion of time in heaven
 664 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:04:35] this is a problem in itself, because self-consciousness only exists within time.. "the self is nothing but its act of synthesis sublime. this act must be the same to be self-conscious over time" (remember Kant?)
 665 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:04:40] it follows then that:
 666 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:04:46] 2. heaven must be changing
 667 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:05:36] being infinite the time spent at heaven and arguably finite the number of possible states, heaven must at some point run out
 668 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:05:43] following that
 669 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:06:01] actually, heaven changing is consistent with scripture
 670 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:06:18] Adam and Eve were perfect before they fell, implying a "heaven like perfect state"
 671 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:06:38] and the mainstream xian belief of satan's fall, with 1/3 of the angels, also implies heaven is not immutable
 672 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:06:39] but the movement of heaven is absurd
 673 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:06:45] for heaven is perfect, and there can only be one perfect
 674 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:07:03] I disagree that there is not notion of time in heaven
 675 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:07:10] if there is motion, there is a notion of time
 676 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:07:15] me too
 677 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:07:37] but if there is motion, there is a change of state, say state A and B
 678 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:07:38] it kind of makes me wonder, "If you can imagine it, does that mean that it exists"?
 679 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:07:59] s/not/no
 680 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:08:17] the idea of heaven is absolutely perfect
 681 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:08:27] maybe the flying spaghetti monster is floating around the planet out in this very Universe
 682 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:08:32] this follows that A and B are both absolutely perfect and thus alike
 683 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:08:39] and if not this one...oh right, sorry I'm digressing
 684 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:08:54] so the notion of change is incompatible with the notion of perfect
 685 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:09:09] ah, I see your question
 686 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:09:25] is it possible for two systems, A and B, both to be perfect, and different?
 687 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:09:42] heaven cannot exist
 688 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:10:02] perhaps there is only one perfect "system" A, that has subworlds A1, A2, A3 ... Ainfinite
 689 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:10:11] I don't have the infinity symbol
 690 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:10:11] if it's immutable, there is no self; if it is mutating, it is not perfect, therefore not heaven
 691 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:10:35] hey, I kind of liked this argument of mine
 692 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:10:46] I don't understand your logic
 693 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:10:55] what do you mean by "it's"?
 694 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:11:02] heaven
 695 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:11:05] just take out the "its" and put in the noun
 696 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:11:12] if heaven is immutable, blabla
 697 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:11:28] if heaven is immutable, there is no self, if heaven is mutating, heaven is not perfect, therefore not heaven
 698 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:11:39] I don't get what heaven has to do with self
 699 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:11:55] if something is immutable, there cannot be a notion of time
 700 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:12:05] the notion of self only exists within time
 701 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:12:31] I dunno
 702 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:12:37] I'm not ready to accept it
 703 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:12:53] that the notion of self can only exist with time?
 704 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:12:59] this reminds me of when I asked in #jesus if I got tired of being in heaven if I could just kill myself
 705 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:13:04] religion is absurd though
 706 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:13:13] that's what I want to show
 707 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:13:16] oh, right
 708 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:13:37] but this derives the old darned question of "where does the notion of self come from?"
 709 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:13:47] I think "if something is immutable, there cannot be a notion of time" is an a priori statement, that may or may not be true
 710 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:14:00] I depends how immutable
 711 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:14:06] s/I/it
 712 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:14:19] of course.. the mere passing of time is already a mutation
 713 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:14:24] suppose you bring your clock to heaven
 714 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:14:28] it will change
 715 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:14:43] in Buddhist cosmology, even heavenly beings die
 716 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:14:49] the absurd is in implying here that there is a notion of "perfect" within a watch
 717 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:15:23] now play devil's advocate
 718 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:15:30] I don't know
 719 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:15:36] I don't think it's ironclad
 720 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:15:46] it all depends on the premise that something immutable can't have time
 721 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:15:50] what about something eternal?
 722 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:15:54] hmmm
 723 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:16:04] eternal is not necessarily defined as heaven
 724 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:16:25] actually the definition of heaven in the bible doesn't say there won't be any suffering
 725 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:16:29] 'eternal' is an idea with no known real correspondent
 726 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:16:31] it implies it
 727 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:16:36] but doesn't say it explicitly
 728 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:16:43] in revelation it says there won't be any night
 729 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:16:49] and no that God will wipe people's tears
 730 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:16:50] hey
 731 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:16:56] yeah
 732 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:16:57] maybe we should make this argument in #jesus
 733 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:17:06] you will be disappointed
 734 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:17:12] why?
 735 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:17:33] it just will get crazy with their apologetics
 736 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:17:42] but I'd like to see you try, it is a noble effort
 737 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:17:45] For truth!
 738 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:17:51] hey, I know who I can argue this with
 739 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:18:09] damn it
 740 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:18:11] he's not here
 741 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:18:23] I can present it in #jesus if you don't do it
 742 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:18:43] heck, I'll do it
 743 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:18:43] but I don't believe in it as much as you do, so may not do the presentation justice
 744 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:18:54] s/may/my
 745 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:19:23] pedro3005, you could also try presenting the argument in #philosophy
 746 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:27:07] BAAAACKKKKK
 747 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:27:54] CLASS DOTH NOT BE OVER!
 748 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:27:57] wb bgs100
 749 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:27:58] VERILY!
 750 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:28:15] "<seidos> I think I'm actually disappointed class is over" aww :D
 751 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:28:57] Hmm
 752 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:29:13] pedro3005 and seidos, you two should start a philosophy class
 753 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:29:23] like anyone would come
 754 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:29:24] :P
 755 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:30:13] we could just talk in #philosophy
 756 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:30:24] same diff as a class, sorta' kinda'
 757 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:30:56] I would come
 758 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:31:12] :p
 759 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:31:24] "bgs100 teaches C and pedro3005 and seidos discuss philosophy related to C daily at 23:00 UTC"
 760 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:31:45] related to C?
 761 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:31:49] not really
 762 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:31:49] well, sometimes
 763 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:31:55] it seems to start there
 764 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:32:02] well, I guess there's no goto in heaven
 765 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:32:39] lol
 766 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:32:43] no goto in heaven
 767 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:32:45] damn it
 768 *       Snova [Jun 21 21:32:49] goes back to not being here
 769 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:32:57] I need an objective perfect to disprove heaven
 770 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:33:00] >:(
 771 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:33:06] no raptors either
 772 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:33:20] bgs100, continue, then?
 773 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:33:32] bgs100, goto continue:?
 774 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:33:56] how did the conversation on heaven relate to C anyway?
 775 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:33:56] goto class
 776 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:34:06] ha
 777 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:34:09] I still don't really get classes
 778 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:34:14] recursive functions are also a trip
 779 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:34:19] seidos, it didn't, I abruptly changed it to Hume
 780 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:34:29] recursion is easy; making it stop is somewhat harder :p
 781 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:35:38] Wait
 782 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:35:42] Almost done reading logs
 783 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:35:49] hmmm, I wouldn't say it's easy.  I'll have to review code presented in class to attempt construction a recursive f(x)
 784 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:36:16] This amused me: "<seidos> this reminds me of when I asked in #jesus if I got tired of being in heaven if I could just kill myself"
 785 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:36:22] :p
 786 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:36:34] sadly, they said yes
 787 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:36:40] ...
 788 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:37:06] I have the log, maybe I'll go back and reread my conversations in there for kicks
 789 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:37:12] or...not
 790 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:37:25] xD
 791 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:37:57] Well
 792 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:38:05] We've covered most of the actual language
 793 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:38:18] We're going to continue with more of the standrad library
 794 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:38:45] standard*
 795 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:38:47] >:P
 796 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:39:02] I'm with ya'
 797 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:39:04] I think I've been punished for using goto via my keyboard
 798 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:40:09] hmm
 799 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:40:21] pedro3005, seidos What are you impressions of C and this class?
 800 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:41:26] oh sure, so talkative 8 minutes ago :p
 801 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:42:08] well, some thoughts off the top of my head.  I really didn't think I could even get the basic ideas of C, but after the classes, and the hw, it looks like I actually was able to piece together some *very* basic programs
 802 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:42:35] which has left me feeling more confident to tackle more challenging problems
 803 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:42:46] :D
 804 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:42:55] I still don't get the result in one of my hw assignments though, even after beating my head against over and over
 805 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:42:58] Well that's good :)
 806 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:43:08] s/against/against it
 807 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:43:10] seidos, Okay, which assignment?
 808 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:43:20] the array assignment
 809 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:43:25] where we were supposed to sum
 810 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:43:45] I extrapolated out the summation (at least I think), but I got a totally different answer
 811 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:43:54] Okay, can you re-link to the pastebins?
 812 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:44:12] if I drop the i's top value, it turns out to be the right answer when I do it manually on a calculator
 813 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:44:14] yeah
 814 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:44:43] Also
 815 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:44:45] http://paste.ubuntu.com/453127/
 816 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:44:54] okay
 817 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:45:04] seidos, Here is the problem
 818 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:45:12] int input[10];
 819 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:45:18] I don't feel safe with structs
 820 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:45:22] You declare input to have a length of 10
 821 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:45:25] I don't think I can use them quite well
 822 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:45:28] pedro3005, Okay, one sec
 823 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:45:31] looping from 0 to 10 inclusive will iterate ELEVEN times
 824 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:45:38] Yeah
 825 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:45:40] your loop conditions should be < 10
 826 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:45:47] seidos, And thus you try to access input[10]
 827 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:45:58] remember in an array of length 10, the indexes are 0-9 inclusive
 828 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:46:04] When your elemtns only go from input[0] to input[9]
 829 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:46:13] elements*
 830 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:46:31] but shouldn't both loops have the same number of iterations?
 831 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:46:36] seidos, Yes
 832 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:46:47] yes. and they should be running 10 times each, but they're running 11 iterations
 833 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:47:00] So replace "i<11" with "i<10" in both of them
 834 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:47:02] which is, at the least, one problem
 835 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:47:21] ah
 836 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:47:34] Besides that it looks fine
 837 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:47:37] wait, I still don't get
 838 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:47:38] it
 839 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:47:51] What don't you get?
 840 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:47:55] but you're saying if I change both loops to i<10 then it will work?
 841 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:48:06] maybe, maybe not, but it's a bug nonetheless
 842 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:48:09] I take in 11 inputs
 843 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:48:15] then it adds 11 times
 844 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:48:21] but your array only has 10 elements
 845 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:48:22] it should come out to the right value
 846 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:48:22] Yes, because that way you won't be trying to access input[10]
 847 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:48:29] ohhhhh
 848 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:48:30] crap
 849 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:48:33] :P
 850 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:48:43] so it's 0 to 9
 851 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:48:44] dang it
 852 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:48:51] Yes
 853 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:48:57] seidos, Get it now?
 854 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:49:19] I won't believe until it's compiled and shows the right answer :P
 855 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:49:30] seidos: also, something worth mentioning is there is a shorthand for "sum = sum + input[i];", the += operator. "sum += input[i]" is equivalent, and there are many other compound operators like this (+=, -=, *=, /=, etc.)
 856 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:49:57] I don't think it will change the fact that it's wrong, unless you're trashing the stack somehow...
 857 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:50:09] but there's no obvious problems; it's a simple sum
 858 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:50:20] Compiled the fix and it works
 859 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:50:25] I never would've found that problem
 860 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:50:40] I was looking in the loops for the problem when it was in my array declaration :(
 861 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:50:45] Er
 862 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:50:52] well, I guess it could have been the loops if I reduced both of them to 10
 863 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:50:56] I would say it was a problem with your loops :p
 864 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:51:02] but that didn't make sense without knowing why
 865 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:51:09] bgs100: only if 10 is necessarily better than 11 somehow :p
 866 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:51:11] Well, now ya know why
 867 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:51:21] Snova, Pshaw, of course it is
 868 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:51:25] Well
 869 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:51:29] not in base 11!
 870 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:51:33] Except for 11 being a number-palindrome
 871 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:51:38] and it's prime
 872 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:51:41] Mm
 873 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:51:45] hmmmmm
 874 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:51:45] Good point
 875 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:51:51] number systems based on prime numbers
 876 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:52:01] And there's a multiple of it in "1337"
 877 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:52:17] Yeah, 11 is pretty awesome
 878 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:52:35] Oh, and we're up to the 11th Doctor :p
 879 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:52:38] the += operator is a trip
 880 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:52:56] lol
 881 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:52:59] Snova, Your arguments have changed my mind!
 882 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:53:00] it's easy
 883 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:53:03] 11 pwns 10
 884 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:53:05] bgs100: :|
 885 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:53:06] x = x + y
 886 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:53:09] x += y
 887 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:53:12] Snova, What? :p
 888 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:53:25] there's a variable in that +=
 889 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:53:29] that's weird
 890 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:53:34] bgs100: nothing. there should be a number system based on primes though, instead of the arbitrary "ten"
 891 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:53:35] :D
 892 <pedro3005>     [Jun 21 21:53:51] Good night.
 893 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:53:55] a number system based on primes?
 894 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:53:56] g'night
 895 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:53:57] Night pedro3005
 896 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:53:58] night pedro3005
 897 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:54:06] ah
 898 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:54:08] 2 is prime
 899 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:54:09] Snova, Ten isn't arbitary! It's ten in base ten!
 900 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:54:14] :P
 901 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:54:38] so base 2 is a number system based on a prime number
 902 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:54:44] Whatever base 10 may happen to be
 903 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:55:03] not quite what I meant... I don't really know what I mean
 904 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:55:08] Lol
 905 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:55:13] they wouldn't be primes anymore
 906 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:55:19] 0_0
 907 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:55:33] wwhhoooaaaa
 908 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:56:36] Actually
 909 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:56:47] Why wouldn't they be?
 910 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 21:56:54] <mathclass>
 911 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:57:35] because as soon as you count to four in your prime-based number system, you meet a number that isn't prime
 912 <Snova> [Jun 21 21:57:39] </mathclass>
 913 <seidos>        [Jun 21 21:59:16] does that mean the primes are different based on the base?
 914 *       seidos [Jun 21 21:59:45] shakes head
 915 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:00:11] :/
 916 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:00:22] I was thinking of counting in primes
 917 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:00:23] Oh
 918 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:00:27] I misunderstood
 919 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:00:31] instead of 1,2,3,4,5 we'd go 2,3,5,7,11
 920 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:00:43] Ah...
 921 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:00:45] except those numbers are only primes in base ten
 922 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:00:50] Yeah
 923 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:00:52] 7 would be 4, and not prime
 924 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:00:52] Also
 925 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:00:56] FRREEE UNNIICOODEEE
 926 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:00:59] І wіη, ⅿυаҺаҺаҺа. Моаr соⅼօrѕ!
 927 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:01:01] also, I have no idea what the heck it would be useful for
 928 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:01:13] so it would be different, but not really
 929 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:01:26] I mean 7 is still 7, even if it's represented as a different number in a different base
 930 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:02:13] yes, but the fourth number in any number system is divisible by the second number
 931 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:02:17] 3 * 3 = 7
 932 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:03:03] & * & = (((
 933 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:03:05] :p
 934 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:03:18] Hmm
 935 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 22:03:39] imagines a number system where O + M + G = 0_0
 936 *       seidos [Jun 21 22:03:46] tries to count in binary
 937 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:03:56] I have to convert it to count
 938 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:03:58] 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111
 939 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:04:03] not hard
 940 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:04:20] Just carrying some numbers every other time :P
 941 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:04:24] so 0100 is divisible by 0010
 942 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:04:29] crap, I almost said visible
 943 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:04:30] yes, lots and lots of carrying
 944 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:04:32] hmmm that works
 945 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:04:36] and I can't do anything in it except count :p
 946 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:04:53] well, I can see that, since if only one bit is set it's a power of two
 947 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:05:36] 111 + 10 = 1001
 948 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:05:40] I think? :p
 949 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:05:52] I don't know how to add in binary without converting
 950 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:05:59] hrm
 951 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:06:04] to base 10...well, or using a calculator
 952 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:06:07] 1101?
 953 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:06:18] no, bgs was right
 954 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:06:21] Yeah
 955 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:06:27] I could probably do it on paper
 956 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:06:31]  yes
 957 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:06:33] Like:
 958 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:06:37]  111
 959 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:06:39] ah, carrying
 960 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:06:40]  010
 961 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:06:42] +
 962 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:06:45]  ___
 963 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:06:56] 1001
 964 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:07:10] right
 965 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:07:15] makes sense
 966 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:07:21] now how do you multiply?
 967 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:07:22] mhm
 968 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:07:26] ...
 969 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:07:32] 111
 970 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:07:33] *
 971 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:07:35] 010
 972 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:07:37] ____
 973 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:07:58] 1110?
 974 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:08:12] I dunno, I just keep anding it basically
 975 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:08:20] Let's convert and see if I'm right
 976 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:08:31] 7 * 2
 977 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:08:34] yeah
 978 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:08:40] 14
 979 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:08:41] Yes
 980 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:08:44] I am right :D
 981 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:08:44] I used the binary calculator in gnome
 982 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 22:08:58] does a little dance
 983 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:09:10] how'd you do it?
 984 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:09:14] what is 1 * 0 if not 0?
 985 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:09:14] Well
 986 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:09:18] seidos,
 987 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:09:24] 0 * 111 = 0
 988 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:09:41] ah
 989 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:09:42] 1 (in the next place) * 111 = 111 (one place up)
 990 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:09:45] which is 1110
 991 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:09:49] ah distributing it
 992 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:09:52] forgot to do that
 993 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:09:53] and add
 994 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:09:56] It was literally 10 * 1111
 995 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:10:01] er
 996 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:10:03] 111*
 997 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:10:08] now do 100/10
 998 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:10:18] never mind
 999 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:10:21] 10
1000 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:10:32] amiright? :p
1001 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:10:43] annoyingly enough you're right in both base 2 and base 10 :p
1002 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:10:51] :D
1003 *       bgs100 [Jun 21 22:11:07] declares himself binary expert! :p
1004 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:11:26] still don't get the division
1005 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:11:31] Well
1006 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:11:35] can't do it on paper, get the * though
1007 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:11:40] Do it like in decimal
1008 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:11:56]   ___
1009 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:12:04] ha!
1010 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:12:05] 10|100
1011 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:12:11] 6 + 6 = C
1012 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:12:20] 10 goes into 1 zero times
1013 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:12:28] 10 goes into 10 1 tim
1014 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:12:32] time*
1015 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:12:38] 10 goes into the next 0 0 times
1016 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:12:40] thus 010
1017 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:13:01] Snova, :p
1018 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:13:22] 10000000/10 = 100000
1019 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:13:46] I'm doing it on paper to help me visualize it
1020 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:13:51] I remember for you fathers day I got some hexadecimal numbers and got my Dad to add them. The answer was DAD
1021 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:13:57] s/you/one/
1022 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:14:14] heh
1023 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:14:40] geek seems to run in the family
1024 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:14:42] This year I made him decode some various ciphertext :p
1025 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:14:49] hahaha
1026 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:15:17] I just sent my Dad an email
1027 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:15:28] Although I basically had to spell out for him how to use the Vignere cipher even though I had told him before :p
1028 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:15:56] The key was the answer to some other ciphertext :p
1029 <Snova> [Jun 21 22:16:02] haha
1030 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:17:02] Snova, But yeah. My Dad is very much into math.
1031 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:17:59] my Dad isnt really into math
1032 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:18:10] the only person really into math are my brother and I
1033 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:18:16] Ah
1034 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:18:34] my brother specialized in AutoCAD, and makes a living at it
1035 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:18:59] I have no specialty
1036 <bgs100>        [Jun 21 22:20:50] Sometimes my dad drags me over to him and attempts to teach me some math, and occasionally I try to teach him some Python/C/Common Lisp/Shell/Various other stuff :p
1037 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:21:41] my Dad has tried to teach me anthropology, I think
1038 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:22:02] trying to remember the stuff he's talked about
1039 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:23:09] he did a study on left vs right handedness
1040 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:23:16] not sure what the hypothesis was
1041 <seidos>        [Jun 21 22:24:03] I should call him and ask someday

learners/21062010 (last edited 2010-06-22 11:44:38 by 117)