1 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 17:06:12] juju2143, I'm so sorry to be bothering you yet again but ping
   2 <juju2143>      [Jun 22 17:06:40] pong?
   3 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 17:07:40] well, to publicize the class, we need either a short description or even maybe something about your experience related to C#.. something to say, basically, to go towards publicizing
   4 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 17:14:53] juju2143, ^
   5 <juju2143>      [Jun 22 17:20:43] ah ok
   6 <juju2143>      [Jun 22 17:21:14] bah this is an introduction to C#
   7 <juju2143>      [Jun 22 17:22:11] learnt it at school
   8 <juju2143>      [Jun 22 17:22:13] etc.
   9 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:03:43] bgs100, was there any homework?
  10 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:04:28] one sec
  11 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 19:05:34] attempts to recall...
  12 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:06:04] pedro3005, Don't think so
  13 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:06:11] hah!
  14 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:06:17] Hiya seidos
  15 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:06:20] bgs100, did you continue the class after I left?
  16 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:06:52] Not really
  17 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:07:19] ok
  18 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:07:30] We talked about prine based number systems and binary
  19 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:08:15] hey seidos
  20 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:09:34] brb
  21 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:10:53] back
  22 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:10:55] Sooooooo
  23 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:11:06] Are we all ready to begin?
  24 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:11:08] seidos, pedro3005 ?
  25 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:11:21] ARE YOU READY
  26 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:11:27] :p
  27 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:11:29] ready
  28 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:11:31] TO ROCK?!
  29 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:11:47] noo... >:(
  30 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:11:57] I WANNA ROCK! YEAAHH ROCK YEEAHH ROCK YEEAHH
  31 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:12:02] DA NA NA
  32 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:12:11] bgs100, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JSgjQHPrTc
  33 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:12:12] *wicked guitar solo*
  34 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:12:27] oh
  35 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:12:29] :P
  36 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:12:46] seidos, ?
  37 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:14:00] .........
  38 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:14:12] I'll assume seidos will be here shortly
  39 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:14:16] Now
  40 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:14:23] Without Further Ado
  41 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:14:33] THE C CLASS
  42 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:14:54] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MAY ZE C CLASS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  43 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:15:02] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BEGIN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  44 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:15:29] So ya
  45 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:15:43] Now
  46 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:15:51] seidos, pedro3005 You pretty much know the base language
  47 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:16:01] So give yourself a hearty pat on the back
  48 *       pedro3005 [Jun 22 19:16:04] dances around the room
  49 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:16:09] or that
  50 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:16:22] whatever *float*s your boat xD
  51 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:16:48] Get it? Get it? *elbows pedro3005*
  52 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:16:54] you've used that one before
  53 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:16:59] No
  54 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:17:04] yes you have
  55 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:17:05] before I said No pun intended
  56 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:17:13] Thsi time it's completely intended
  57 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:17:14] well, still
  58 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:17:18] This*
  59 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:17:49] So
  60 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:17:55] Now, we will be focusing upon:
  61 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:18:05] ***THE STANDARD LIBRARY***
  62 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:18:09] *Angels sing*
  63 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:19:19] I read it more in a devilish frightening tone
  64 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:19:28] ...
  65 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:19:34] Well fix that
  66 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:20:11] The standard library is sort of like the modules that Python always comes with. If it's normal C (e.g. your not building stuff for a kernel or embedded device), you'll have the standard library.
  67 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:21:43] So
  68 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:21:57] As you (*pings pedro3005 and seidos again*) know,
  69 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:22:25] we have been using the standard library in every example thus far.
  70 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:22:32] yes
  71 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:23:05] There's not that much you can do without the standrad library, unless you use assembly with C.
  72 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:23:20] stdio.h is part of the standard library
  73 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:24:17] pedro3005, Your book should have a reference to the standard library in Appendix B
  74 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:24:43] yes
  75 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:25:07] For seidos: http://www.utas.edu.au/infosys/info/documentation/C/CStdLib.html looks pretty good
  76 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:25:25] stdio, ctype, string, math, stdlib, assert, stdarg, setjmp, signal, time, limits, float
  77 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:26:17] anyway.
  78 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:26:30] I was thinking that today, we would start with string.h
  79 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:27:11] string.h consists of functions useful for doing things with strings, as the name Oh-So-Discreetly implies
  80 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:28:05] So
  81 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:28:41] Allocating char pointers for strings yourself was mentioned yesterday.
  82 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:28:57] However,
  83 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:29:06] if you allocate it yourself and such,
  84 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:29:13] how can you assign it to a string nicely?
  85 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:29:23] If you do:
  86 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:29:37] char *string = malloc(5);
  87 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:29:46] later saying:
  88 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:29:52] string = "book";
  89 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:29:56] obviously won't work
  90 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:30:11] since it just changes the address string has.
  91 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:30:16] string = {'b', 'o', 'o', 'k'}
  92 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:30:17] ?
  93 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:30:21] it's rather not obvious at all
  94 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:30:26] no
  95 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:30:27] Same thing, except without a '\0'
  96 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:30:38] Snova, It's a reassignment.
  97 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:30:49] *shrugs*
  98 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:30:53] there is no way to assign to an array like that
  99 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:30:56] Also, hai
 100 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:31:01] hello
 101 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:31:06] did you read the malloc part earlier?
 102 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:31:12] uh, yes?
 103 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:31:43] malloc isn't relevant to this point; you can not assign the contents of an array except when initially declaring it
 104 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:31:44] still no way?
 105 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:31:50] Oh yeah
 106 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 19:31:55] facepalms
 107 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:31:59] i.e. int x[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; will work but you can't change the whole thing later on
 108 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:32:15] Well, now there's two reasons it would not work. xP
 109 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:32:41] Snova, isn't there someway to tell it to "forget" about the old x and just declare it again?
 110 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:32:42] "char* string = malloc(5); string = "book";" doesn't change the contents of the original allocation; it changes the pointer "string" to reference the constant string "book"
 111 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:32:45] it's also a memory leak
 112 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:32:48] pedro3005: no
 113 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:33:02] Snova, That was my point...
 114 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:33:29] god I hate C
 115 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:33:33] :P
 116 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:33:34] :|
 117 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:34:37] you can't do anything
 118 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:34:41] but go on
 119 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:34:43] ...
 120 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:34:56] C has been called a "portable assembly"
 121 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:35:17] pedro3005, Apparently, you can, considering many other languages' interpreters/compilers are written in it...
 122 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:35:46] But Aaaannnyyywaaayyy
 123 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:35:54] So yeah
 124 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:37:05] Anyway
 125 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:37:10] You could do this:
 126 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:37:21] char *string = malloc(5);
 127 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:37:36] strcpy(string, "book");
 128 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:37:40] Correct, Snova?
 129 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:37:52] yes
 130 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:37:57] Okay
 131 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:38:01] Good :p
 132 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:39:07] pedro3005, (since seidos doesn't seem to be present) strcpy take two char pointers/arrays and copies the contents of the second (including the '\0') into the first.
 133 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:39:38] so basically it does string[0] = 'b'; etc?
 134 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:39:46] strcpy = string copy, as you probably guessed.
 135 <Snova> [Jun 22 19:39:53] pedro3005: pretty much
 136 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:40:13] okay
 137 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:40:13] pedro3005, Or rather, string[0] = secondstring[0], but in this case yeah
 138 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:41:09] Also
 139 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:41:37] I should mention that for many str<blank> functions there are also strn<blank> functions,
 140 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:42:09] what does that mean?
 141 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:42:21] I'm typing :P
 142 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:42:37] Those take an extra argument that makes it only do whatever for n characters
 143 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:42:41] For example,
 144 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:43:04] strncpy will only copy n characters to the first string
 145 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:44:08] From the manpage for strcpy/strncpy: "The strncpy() function is similar, except that at most n bytes of src are copied."
 146 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:44:22] src being the second string
 147 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:44:28] pedro3005, Okay?
 148 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:44:31] example?
 149 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:45:05] char *string = malloc(4);
 150 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:45:17] strncpy(string, "book", 4);
 151 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:45:19] HOWEVER
 152 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:45:27] This will cut off the '\0' at the end
 153 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:45:57] oh, so always +1
 154 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:46:06] pedro3005, I might be used to make sure that the function doesn't copy past the first string's actual length.
 155 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:46:15] pedro3005, er that's not the point :p
 156 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:46:21] s/I/It/
 157 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:46:41] oh, ok
 158 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:46:52] this is somewhat confusing but alright
 159 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:47:34] Okay
 160 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:47:43] Next, we have strcat
 161 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:48:21] Example:
 162 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:48:46] char *string = malloc(9);
 163 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:49:00] strcpy(string, "book");
 164 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:49:09] strcat(string, "club");
 165 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:49:16] string ends up being "bookclub"
 166 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:49:54] so it adds it before the '\0' and makes sure there is not two '\0' at the end?
 167 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:50:25] Yeah, pretty much.
 168 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:50:41] Or rather just overwrites the first '\0' with the first character of the second string
 169 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:50:54] and then copies the second strings '\0'
 170 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:51:32] I see
 171 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:51:40] But yeah, it appends string2 to string1, and if they're "normal" strings there won't be two '\0''s
 172 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:51:47] So
 173 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:51:55] Oh
 174 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:52:02] And there's a "n" version of that too
 175 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:52:15] Where only "n" characters from string2 are appended
 176 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:53:17] Okay
 177 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:53:18] strchr
 178 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:53:18] ok
 179 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:54:38] char *string = malloc(7);
 180 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:55:09] strcpy(string, "cookie");
 181 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:55:31] char *otherstring = strchr(string, 'o');
 182 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:55:42] otherstring should now be the string "ookie"
 183 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:55:55] However
 184 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:56:01] Well
 185 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:56:02] First
 186 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:56:44] pedro3005, strchr returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the character ('o') in the string
 187 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:57:02] Okay?
 188 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:57:17] ...
 189 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:57:23] brb, I have to... brush my teeth
 190 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:57:27] ............
 191 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:57:34] well okay then
 192 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:57:45] Don't take too long :P
 193 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:57:48] (jk)
 194 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 19:59:12] bgs100, back
 195 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:59:52] okay
 196 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 19:59:59] pedro3005, So Okay about strchr?
 197 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:00:09] so strchr copies it starting from 'o'?
 198 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:00:14] Uhh
 199 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:00:23] I was about to get to that...
 200 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:00:26] It doesn't copy it
 201 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:00:41] oh
 202 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:00:41] right
 203 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:00:45] it returns it
 204 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:00:56] If you changed string more than the first character, otherstring would change too
 205 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:01:01] And vice versa
 206 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:01:17] oh, because it returns a poinnnnnnter
 207 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 20:01:31] gives pedro3005 a star
 208 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:01:36] well
 209 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:01:38] not quite
 210 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:01:45] If it copied it,
 211 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:01:53] It would still be returning a pointer
 212 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 20:02:00] takes away half of the star
 213 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:02:02] just a different one
 214 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:02:15] Yea
 215 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:03:59] Also
 216 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:04:04] There is strrchr
 217 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:04:20] It returns a pointer to the *last* occurence of a char
 218 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:04:22] Like
 219 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:04:26] If we had said:
 220 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:04:35] char *otherstring = strrchr(string, 'o');
 221 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:04:37] instead
 222 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:04:44] otherstring would be "okie"
 223 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:04:52] BTW
 224 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:05:14] Both of these functions return NULL (secretly 0) if they can't find any of that character
 225 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:05:57] pedro3005, 'kay?
 226 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:06:00] okay
 227 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:06:29] good then
 228 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:06:34] On to strcmp
 229 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:07:07] String compare compares to strings
 230 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:07:47] two*
 231 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:07:53] lexicographically
 232 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:09:20] Which is a very fancy term that means something similar to alphabetical order
 233 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:09:28] pedro3005,
 234 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:09:57] If string1 is "less than" string2 (e.g. "a" < "b"), strcmp returns less than 0
 235 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:10:22] If string1 is "greater than" string2 (e.g. "z" > "y"), strcmp returns more than 0
 236 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:10:30] what about
 237 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:10:34] "2" - "a"
 238 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:10:37] which "wins"?
 239 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:10:49] If the two strings are equal (this is probably what strcmp is primarily used for), it returns 0
 240 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:11:09] pedro3005,
 241 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:11:27] I think it uses your character sets numbers for each
 242 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:11:51] pedro3005, 2 is less than a, methinks
 243 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:12:11] ok
 244 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:12:13] Ah crap
 245 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:12:17] I have to go for a few
 246 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:12:36] 8sigh*
 247 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:12:37] it's cool
 248 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:12:42] I'll program something
 249 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 20:12:47] shakes fist at parents :P
 250 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:12:52] bai
 251 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:12:57] bbs
 252 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:57:34] Baaack
 253 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 20:57:39] pedro3005, Ping
 254 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:57:50] hey
 255 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:57:53] seidos is here too
 256 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 20:59:55] ... I think
 257 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:01:19] bgs100, >:(
 258 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:05:37] HAI
 259 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:05:39] hey
 260 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:05:44] I'll have to read the logs of the class
 261 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:05:45] seidos, Read the logs :P
 262 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:06:09] 22 isn't posted yet
 263 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:06:13] but I'll check back later
 264 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:08:01] seidos, I have it
 265 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:08:04] i'll paste them for you
 266 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:08:50] seidos, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/228767/
 267 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:09:55] bgs100, do you intend to continue on strings?
 268 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:12:33] Yes
 269 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:12:42] But not right now, unfortunatley :/
 270 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:14:47] too bad there aren't videos on learning C
 271 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:14:55] seidos, there are
 272 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:14:57] too bad I can't just upload it all into my brain
 273 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:15:08] pedro3005, have you looked at any of them?
 274 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:15:17] nah
 275 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:15:24] but I intend to.. some day
 276 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:15:40] alright bgs100, bye
 277 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:15:50] Well
 278 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:15:52] Actually
 279 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:15:55] i may be able to cintunue
 280 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:16:00] continue*
 281 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:16:15] Anyway
 282 <Snova> [Jun 22 21:16:47] bgs100: it's been thirty seconds!
 283 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:17:09] ?
 284 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:17:19] strcmp is most often used for seeing if two strings are equal
 285 <Snova> [Jun 22 21:17:44] isn't that the only thing it does? :p
 286 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:18:04] I already talked about that
 287 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:18:32] Look up.
 288 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:19:54] I laready detailed the usage, I'm just adding on.
 289 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:19:57] already*
 290 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:20:02] Anyway
 291 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:20:10] Example:
 292 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:20:18] Ohwait
 293 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:20:25] I should also mention
 294 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:21:02] scanf can read in strings. It will continue until there is whitespace (a space, newline, or tab).
 295 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:21:11] Continuing with the example:
 296 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:21:40] char *string;
 297 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:22:30] er
 298 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:23:25] brb :p
 299 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:25:23] he'll be back by Christmas
 300 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:26:12] Back
 301 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:26:19] Merry Christmas all!
 302 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 21:26:31] gives pedro3005 the gift of a bonk on the head
 303 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:26:42] :P
 304 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:27:21] Okay
 305 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:27:27] char string[21];
 306 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:28:00] printf("ENTER THE SUPER SECRET PASSWORD OR BE EXTERMINATED! ");
 307 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:28:34] scanf("%s", &string);
 308 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:29:04] if (strcmp(string, "happychristmas") == 0) {
 309 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:30:00] puts("CORRECT. YOU MAY NOW LIVE SO YEAH ANYWAY.");
 310 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:30:10] } else {
 311 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:30:29] puts("EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!");
 312 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:30:30] }
 313 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:30:45] sorry for being kind of slow.
 314 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:30:52] no problem
 315 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:31:02] So, that's strcmp
 316 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:31:26] Hmm
 317 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:32:04] doesn't C have classes?
 318 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:32:25] that's probably structs
 319 *       pedro3005 [Jun 22 21:32:30] fails
 320 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:33:36] Yes, pedro3005 does
 321 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:33:57] :(
 322 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:34:11] :p
 323 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:34:13] Well
 324 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:35:34] You know, I'm not going to go through every single function in the standard library...
 325 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:35:53] I suggest this:
 326 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:35:54] bgs100, is it or is it not?
 327 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:36:07] What?
 328 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:36:11] classes
 329 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:36:15] ...
 330 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:36:26] No, C does not have "classes"
 331 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:36:32] Anyway
 332 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:36:50] For learning about the standard library, I suggest this:
 333 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:37:01] Looking through this page: http://www.utas.edu.au/infosys/info/documentation/C/CStdLib.html
 334 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:37:06] And
 335 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:38:06] For more of an in-depth description of a function (usually), related functions, and sometimes examples of usage or implementation, I suggest consulting manpages:
 336 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:38:16] By running: man <name of function>
 337 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:38:18] bgs100, oh, so that's what stdlib means?
 338 <Snova> [Jun 22 21:38:18] pedro3005: no
 339 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:38:26] If that function happens to also be a command
 340 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:38:43] Snova, ... quick answer huh
 341 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:38:46] 1 second later
 342 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:38:48] :P
 343 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:39:09] pedro3005, stdlib does stand for standard library, but stdlib.h does not mean the whole library or any such thing
 344 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:39:26] Also
 345 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:39:31] so why is it called stdlib.h? they were running out of names?
 346 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:39:41] Uh sure we can go with that :p
 347 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:39:45] *shrugs*
 348 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:39:56] pedro3005, stdlib.h is utility functions
 349 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:40:24] ok
 350 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:40:29] Perhaps named because it was more in general than the other parts of the standard library
 351 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:40:34] Anyway
 352 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:41:34] If a function happens to have the same name as a command, I suggest trying the 3rd part of manpages: man 3 <functionname>
 353 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:41:37] Okay?
 354 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:41:51] okay
 355 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:42:27] okay
 356 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:42:33] I think that the final parts of this class will be taking questions, giving examples, and assigning, uh, assignments.
 357 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:42:34] so now we're on our own
 358 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:42:39] seidos, No.
 359 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:42:39] here are the resources for learning
 360 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:42:41] go read
 361 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:42:50] :P
 362 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:42:51] and implement some of these tools
 363 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:43:02] seidos, Class isn't over yet.
 364 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:43:05] :p
 365 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:43:08] oh
 366 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:43:20] There will be a few more
 367 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:43:38] Asking you guys if you have questions or want to go over something again
 368 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:43:49] Maybe a dip into 3rd party libraries
 369 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:43:56] Assignments.
 370 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:44:01] I'd think we'd benefit from exercising
 371 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:44:11] Yes, thus "Assignments" :p
 372 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:44:24] ...I should probably think of some beforehand
 373 *       seidos [Jun 22 21:44:36] can't wait until he's graduated from "assignments" to "projects"
 374 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:44:50] bgs100, maybe the UF beginner challenges?
 375 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:44:50] BTW, about manpages
 376 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:45:04] Yes!
 377 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 21:45:10] gives pedro3005 star
 378 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:45:12] In fact
 379 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:45:20] I shall link to those next class
 380 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:45:25] or this class
 381 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:45:28] :p
 382 <Snova> [Jun 22 21:45:41] seidos: it's coming up with stuff to write that's hard
 383 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:46:02] hopefully I can do it
 384 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:46:04] Snova, well, the hardest part is coming up with how to write it
 385 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:46:10] You can ask me questions about doing things for those, sending me your code that doesn't work/works, etc.
 386 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:46:18] And Snova too, methinks
 387 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 21:46:39] volunteers Snova :p
 388 <Snova> [Jun 22 21:46:43] "sending my your code that works" nothing odder than code that works when it shouldn't, eh?
 389 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:46:50] Lol
 390 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:46:59] I meant just to inspect a nice working product :P
 391 <Snova> [Jun 22 21:47:10] I realized that shortly too late :p
 392 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:47:11] But that too, I suppose
 393 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:47:14] "You are not advanced enough to produce working code! *slaps with ruler*"
 394 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:47:16] Ha
 395 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 21:47:27] slaps pedro3005 with meterstick
 396 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:47:45] This is a multi-nation/timezone ordeal! :p
 397 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:47:59] bgs100, do we get bonuses for using 'goto' in every code we write?
 398 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:48:07] pedro3005, Yes!
 399 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:48:13] I will send you a nice present
 400 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:48:19] A hungy raptor.
 401 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:48:21] hungry*
 402 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:49:02] Anyway
 403 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:49:41] So yes, I suggest you try things on your own now, read about things, etc., and use the following lessons as a resource for help and additional learning.
 404 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:50:05] Instead of my lesson plan, it will now be more of *your* lesson plan.
 405 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:50:11] Okay?
 406 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:50:15] okay
 407 *       pedro3005 [Jun 22 21:50:20] shakes bgs100's hand
 408 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 21:50:31] hands pedro3005 a diploma
 409 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:50:44] :P
 410 *       pedro3005 [Jun 22 21:50:50] frames and hangs it on a wall
 411 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 21:51:17] says "Good work, pedro. Good work."
 412 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:51:20] :P
 413 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:51:25] Oh and seidos too :D
 414 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:51:28] bgs100, okay, now Lisp
 415 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:51:30] :P
 416 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:51:32] YAY
 417 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:51:51] ============ The History of Lisp ============
 418 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:51:53] :P
 419 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:52:01] But anyway
 420 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:52:13] pedro3005, seidos Do you currently have any questions vaguely related to C? :P
 421 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:52:25] what language is firefox written in?
 422 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:52:44] I asked in #firefox, but they told me to do a google search
 423 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:52:49] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox
 424 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:52:56] Written in    C++, JavaScript,[3]  CSS,[4][5]  XUL, XBL
 425 <seidos>        [Jun 22 21:52:56] and the question is *vaguely* related to C
 426 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:53:31] seidos, That's probably why they told you to search :P
 427 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:53:32] bgs100, how different is C++ from C?
 428 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:53:37] pedro3005, Hmm
 429 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:53:39] Well
 430 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:53:50] C++ has a lot of extra stuff
 431 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:54:11] Classes, Templates, The STL, and such
 432 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:54:27] They are close enough that you can use the C standard library in C++
 433 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:54:37] Lots of valid C code is also valid C++
 434 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:54:56] However, C++ does have a slightly stricter type system, so not all C code is valid C++.
 435 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:55:35] g++ (C++ compiler) is part of gcc
 436 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:55:48] alright
 437 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:56:00] The STL really does add some nice classes
 438 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:56:06] let me start the beginner's challenges then
 439 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:56:11] Like strings, which you can add to each with +/+=
 440 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:56:22] Er, a string class
 441 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:56:26] pedro3005, Okay
 442 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:56:37] pedro3005, Would you paste the link here?
 443 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:56:44] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5499486
 444 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:56:47] this has _some_ of them
 445 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:56:49] but not all
 446 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:57:00] the others you'll have to search for it because I am very lazy
 447 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:57:03] Yeah, some more were later created
 448 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:58:15] 2 looks interesting
 449 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:58:53] Also
 450 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:58:55] pedro3005, seidos
 451 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:59:04] Some functions I suggest you look up:
 452 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:59:06] fgets
 453 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:59:10] ungetc
 454 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:59:12] sscanf
 455 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:59:14] sprintf
 456 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 21:59:22] bgs100, oohhh yeah.. what about sockets?
 457 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 21:59:42] *whistles*
 458 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:00:04] thought you were getting away with it, huh!
 459 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:00:09] was that a "walking away whistle", or a "woooow, that's big" whistle?
 460 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:00:11] Those header files aren't part of the standard library
 461 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:00:19] seidos, walking away
 462 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:00:27] Those header files aren't part of the standard library, so I don't have to teach them! :P
 463 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:00:41] But, honestly
 464 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:00:51] you don't have to teach anything, for which I am grateful
 465 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:01:04] er, that is, I am grateful that you are taking your time to teach us
 466 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:01:08] I would suggest:
 467 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:01:09] http://www.linuxhowtos.org/C_C++/socket.htm
 468 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:01:12] seidos, Lol
 469 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:01:22] You can come to me with any questions
 470 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:01:38] There are man pages for the socket-related functions
 471 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:01:44] as well.
 472 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:01:49] oh good god
 473 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:01:52] what did I get myself into?
 474 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:02:00] holy f***
 475 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:02:26] .....
 476 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:02:30] it's like <God voice> The client server model </God voice>
 477 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:02:45] LOL
 478 *       seidos [Jun 22 22:03:05] cowers from *The client server model*
 479 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:03:12] Well, admittedly, "C_C" was in the URL
 480 <Snova> [Jun 22 22:03:22] the socket interface more or less comes down to; socket(), connect(), write()
 481 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:03:24] okay, that's enough cowering, better start reading
 482 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:03:27] ... who needs sockets anyway
 483 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:03:36] :P
 484 <Snova> [Jun 22 22:03:41] it's "complicated" to get around language limitations
 485 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:05:51] bgs100, I keep forgetting things
 486 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:05:56] :|
 487 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:06:05] pedro3005, Quick, where are your car keys?
 488 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:06:06] :p
 489 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:07:43] nowhere
 490 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:07:46] I don't have a car
 491 <Snova> [Jun 22 22:08:20] you lost that too?
 492 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:08:23] Well, good, at least you remember were those are.
 493 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:08:26] where*
 494 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:08:34] Hahaha
 495 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:09:04] Snova, :P
 496 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 22:09:44] gives Snova humo[u]r badge
 497 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:09:54] er
 498 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:09:58] yeah
 499 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 22:10:07] has unilimited badge supply
 500 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:10:11] unlimited*
 501 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 22:10:24] gives self the keyboard failure badge
 502 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:11:32] I forget things && I have a difficult time understanding things
 503 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:11:45] *shrugs*
 504 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:11:47] <C3PO voice> I'm doomed </C3PO voice>
 505 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:11:54] bgs100, I don't know how to use scanf anymore
 506 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:11:55] :P
 507 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 22:11:55] teaches seidos how to fix that
 508 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:11:59] Ohwait
 509 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:12:03] That might not work
 510 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:12:12] *dad da dum*
 511 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:12:17] pedro3005, :|
 512 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:12:22] pedro3005, Seriously?
 513 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:12:26] bgs100, not really
 514 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:12:33] Oh, good
 515 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:12:35] to use it to get things like a name, we should use strings?
 516 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:12:38] I think I still remember scanf
 517 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:12:46] Oh
 518 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:12:54] i remember we used ints to get characters anyway
 519 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:12:54] now sscanf, different story
 520 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:13:00] pedro3005, scanf isn't good for all input.
 521 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:13:05] seidos, man sscanf
 522 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:13:05] server.c doesn't really make sense
 523 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:13:07] ah ha!
 524 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:13:10] I'm going to compile it
 525 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:13:22] right-o gotta' "man up"
 526 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:13:31] xD
 527 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:13:38] Was that pun intended?
 528 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:13:45] indeed
 529 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:14:34] pedro3005, e.g. the %s directive gets a string up to a whitespace. You can't easily use it to get, for instance, a line of text
 530 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:14:37] okay, i'll use strings
 531 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:14:41] Did you look up fgets? :P
 532 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:14:48] no :p
 533 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:14:54] Well do that :|
 534 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 22:15:21] ssh's into pedro3005's computer and pipes man fgets | wall
 535 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:15:37] hey why won't this work?
 536 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:15:40] char *name[];
 537 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:15:41] What
 538 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:15:45] ...
 539 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:16:09] pedro3005, because if you don't give it a value at declaration you can't use []
 540 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:16:18] oh
 541 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:16:26] Also
 542 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:16:31] man, I bet the error catching code in firefox is awesome
 543 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:16:34] Why do you want an array of char*'s?
 544 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:16:43] I don't know
 545 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:16:43] for the input at the URL box
 546 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:16:55] pedro3005, :|
 547 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:17:07] :P I need to grab a name as input
 548 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:17:18] I'll just use getchar()
 549 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:17:32] why use getchar() instead of scanf()?
 550 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:18:43] damn, I wish I still had my getchar program
 551 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:18:53] bgs100, I forgot  how to use getchar.... :p
 552 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:19:04] .......
 553 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:19:06] I think I have mine somewhere
 554 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:19:10] *sigh*
 555 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:19:13] I just don't know what I called it :o
 556 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:19:17] pedro3005, What exactly are you trying to do?
 557 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:19:20] how do you search inside a file?  grep right?
 558 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:19:26] bgs100, challenge 2
 559 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:19:29] seidos, mhm
 560 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:20:36] pedro3005, scanf won't do well if you're trying to get a name that might have spaces... getchar() gets one individual char.
 561 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:20:47] Just call it like so: getchar()
 562 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:21:00] It will return EOF (-1) upon, well, EOF
 563 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:21:15] pedro3005, Type this into your shell:
 564 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:21:17] man fgets
 565 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:21:19] Okay?
 566 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:21:27] pedro3005, I found this:  while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
 567 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:21:27]         putchar(toupper(c));
 568 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:21:27]         if (c == '!')
 569 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:21:27]             printf("!!!");
 570 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:21:27]     }
 571 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:21:45] yeah but then I need to store this entire name
 572 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:21:52] getchar() gets just one char
 573 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:21:53] pedro3005, Yes...
 574 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:21:58] If you wanted
 575 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:22:07] You could build up into a char array.
 576 <Snova> [Jun 22 22:22:13] getline
 577 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:22:14] And add the '\0' yourself.
 578 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:22:49] bgs100, btw the name can't have spaces so scanf() might be good.. but I suppose it needs to detect the presence of spaces and complains
 579 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:22:58] complain*
 580 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:23:07] Snova, Although it isn't standard :P
 581 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:23:11] argh I just want raw_input() :(
 582 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:23:20] pedro3005, man fgets
 583 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:23:25] I did that
 584 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:23:29] ...and?
 585 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:23:46] pedro3005, are you working on the program challenges?
 586 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:23:54] I'll try to do it with fgets() then
 587 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:23:56] seidos, yes
 588 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:23:58] Wait
 589 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:24:04] pedro3005, The name can't have spaces?
 590 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:24:05] I should do the same
 591 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:24:10] Go ahead and try scanf.
 592 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:24:20] See if it works.
 593 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:24:35] so wait, a quick reminder.. should I do like
 594 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:24:42] int name;
 595 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:24:49] ...
 596 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:24:51] No.
 597 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:24:52] scanf("%d",&name);
 598 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:25:07] Unless someone's name is "57"...
 599 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:25:19] :P
 600 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:25:52] waait
 601 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:26:04] pedro3005, Where in the challenge does it say the name can't have spaces?
 602 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:26:29] oh wait
 603 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:26:35] it can't _begin_ with spaces
 604 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:26:37] failure
 605 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:27:03] ....
 606 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:27:06] Indeed.
 607 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:27:28] and I thought this was hard on Python some months ago
 608 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:28:10] pedro3005, Do something like:
 609 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:28:14] char input[21];
 610 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:28:25] fgets(input, 20, stdin);
 611 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:28:46] bgs100, but then the input is limited :|
 612 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:28:53] And I would uggest seeing if the last non '\0' character is a newline and if so replace it with '\0'
 613 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:29:13] pedro3005, That's okay.
 614 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:29:31] "To make this simpler, I will not enter a string bigger than 20 characters for valid data, but larger strings shouldn't cause problems. Truncate them.)"
 615 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:29:50] is -- an operator?
 616 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:29:57] Yes
 617 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:29:59] don't you mean fgets(input, 21, stdin) ?
 618 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:30:02] The opposite of ++
 619 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:30:06] pedro3005, No.
 620 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:30:16] Errr
 621 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:30:18] Yes :P
 622 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:30:20]  fgets() reads in at most one less than size characters
 623 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:30:25] yeah
 624 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:30:28] bgs100, please do man fgets
 625 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:30:29] :P
 626 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 22:30:31] gives pedro3005 the correct badge
 627 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:30:37] pedro3005, Oh Har Har Har
 628 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 22:30:50] whacks pedro3005 with meterstick
 629 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:31:01] er
 630 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 22:31:05] notices time
 631 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:31:09] CLASS DISMISSED
 632 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:31:10] bgs100, but wouldn't there be a way not to limit the input?
 633 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:31:15] pedro3005, Yes
 634 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:31:17] In fact
 635 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:31:28] pedro3005, I was annoyed by exactly the same thing before.
 636 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:31:38] How hard it was to get not-so-limited input
 637 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:31:47] I ended up just writing a function :P
 638 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:32:38] int fuck_scanf() {
 639 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:33:00] because that's what I feel like
 640 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:33:08] ...
 641 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:33:26] I wrote this a while back, it may not be totally correct (pings Snova), but:
 642 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:34:07] hey I could actually use goto in this
 643 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:34:50] http://paste.pocoo.org/show/228775/
 644 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:35:48] ugh
 645 <Snova> [Jun 22 22:36:01] eh?
 646 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:36:04] getline() should be used similarly to raw_input() (without optional text to print)
 647 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:36:24] Snova, Mind checking code I wrote a long time ago? :P
 648 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:36:35] brb
 649 <Snova> [Jun 22 22:38:37] interesting
 650 <Snova> [Jun 22 22:39:23] it's fairly dense, but seems to work right
 651 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:39:32] yaaay
 652 <Snova> [Jun 22 22:39:34] barring tricksy little off-by-one errors
 653 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:43:11] gah
 654 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:43:16] } while ((isspace(char[0])) || !(char[0]));
 655 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:43:16] pedro3005, ?
 656 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:43:19] er
 657 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:43:19] why doesn
 658 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:43:25] I mean
 659 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:43:25] it work
 660 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:43:32] I'll be taking questions next class :P
 661 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:43:42] Snova? :p
 662 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:43:50] Uh
 663 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:43:54] I was kidding :|
 664 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:44:02] oh
 665 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:44:07] *sighs*
 666 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:44:25] pedro3005, What is that } about?
 667 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:44:29] do while
 668 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:44:44] Could I see the do? :P
 669 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:45:22] do {
 670 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:45:22]               puts("Enter your forum name.");
 671 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:45:22]               fgets(input, 21, stdin);
 672 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:45:22]       }
 673 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:45:32] ...
 674 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:45:34] what is char?
 675 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:45:49] hm?
 676 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:46:04] You take it into input, then use "char"
 677 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:46:12] ...
 678 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:46:50] bgs100, oh failure
 679 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:46:53] my god
 680 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:46:56] how did I..
 681 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:46:58] *facepalm*
 682 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:47:08] is there a way to put a text file into the paste buffer via the command line?
 683 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:47:16] like sample.txt > paste
 684 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:47:18] or something?
 685 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:47:20] Paste buffer?
 686 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:47:29] copy buffer?
 687 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:47:34] frame buffer?
 688 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:47:38] ...
 689 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:47:39] bgs100, it works bitches!!!
 690 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:47:41] :P
 691 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:47:45] I'm not sure what it's called
 692 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 22:47:48] slaps pedro3005 
 693 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:48:07] pedro3005, Also, I am not plural :P
 694 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:48:17] why doesn't this loop go negative for(i=99; i>=0; i--)?
 695 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:48:18] I AM THE COLLECTIVE
 696 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:48:26] I was referring to the bitches in general
 697 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:48:31] oh
 698 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:48:36] I AM THE COLLECTIVE!
 699 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:48:38] :P
 700 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:48:51] seidos, Errr
 701 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:48:54] bgs100, I excluded you out of niceness, be grateful
 702 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:48:59] Are you sure it isn't?
 703 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:49:11] pedro3005, *rolls eyes*
 704 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:49:42] bgs100, you'll have to explain your code next class :p
 705 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:49:49] :|
 706 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:49:53] ...okay :P
 707 *       bgs100 [Jun 22 22:50:07] goes off to do other computer stuff
 708 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:50:30] pedro3005, can you see why my loop doesn't go negative so it will stop?
 709 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:50:45] if I set it >=1 it stops, but >=0 it just loops forever
 710 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:51:04] hmmm
 711 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:52:57] here it works
 712 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:53:07] int main() {
 713 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:53:07]       int i;
 714 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:53:08]       for (i=10; i >= 0; i--)
 715 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:53:08]               puts("Hello.");
 716 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:53:08]       return 0;
 717 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:53:08] }
 718 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:53:25] it prints 10 times
 719 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:53:33] no more
 720 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:53:35] no less
 721 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:53:38] :p
 722 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:54:47] hmm
 723 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:54:54] seidos, is i a normal int?
 724 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:54:59] yeah
 725 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:55:01] int i;
 726 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:55:04] hmm
 727 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:55:06] long int?
 728 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:55:10] what are you doing in the loop?
 729 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:55:53] printf's
 730 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:56:10] Paste?
 731 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:56:44] http://paste.ubuntu.com/453703/
 732 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:56:54] seidos, ##philosophy gets quite... interesting
 733 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:56:56] to say the least
 734 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:57:06] someone pm'ed earlier
 735 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:57:19] was trying to say that suffering is what humans crave
 736 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:57:30] because it gives them/us "individuality"
 737 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:57:37] :|
 738 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:57:37] he said happiness was overrated
 739 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:57:43] Uhhh
 740 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:57:45] seidos,
 741 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:57:46] I said individuality is overrated
 742 *       seidos [Jun 22 22:57:51] hides
 743 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:57:55] well that's okay
 744 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:58:01] I think you want == in those if's
 745 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:58:06] not ='s
 746 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:58:10] Those assign i...
 747 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:58:10] <Kjixill> i need to cut down on my masturbation habits
 748 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:58:14] however..
 749 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 22:58:15] :P
 750 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:58:21] Not check if it is a value..
 751 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:58:31] yes.  that was an epic fail.
 752 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:58:49] thank you
 753 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:58:53] I do that to damn much
 754 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:59:00] s/to/too
 755 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 22:59:07] :p
 756 <seidos>        [Jun 22 22:59:51] no wonder I got a warning from the compiler :/
 757 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:00:03] man
 758 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:00:25] hindsight is miraculous
 759 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 23:00:28] seidos, Pay attention to those
 760 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 23:00:51] When you have a problem, paste the warnings (if there's only a few on IRC)
 761 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:00:55] I'll do my best
 762 <bgs100>        [Jun 22 23:01:55] :)
 763 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:12:00] I don't get how can I take chars using scanf
 764 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:12:10] "%d" is for ints
 765 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:12:18] but I don't know what to use for chars
 766 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:12:25] man scanf doesn't seem to say
 767 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 23:12:39] %c?
 768 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:13:27] I don't know, I still get some warnings
 769 <pedro3005>     [Jun 22 23:13:40] me neither
 770 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:13:50] but I think that fixed some of them maybe
 771 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:16:18] I like this warning "comparison with string literal results in unspecified behavior
 772 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:16:19] "
 773 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:16:26] I mean, what is "unspecified behavior"?
 774 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:16:29] let's find out!
 775 *       seidos [Jun 22 23:16:33] executes binary
 776 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:17:01] it wouldn't execute :(
 777 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:18:07] compiling to a text file using > doesn't work to grab the warnings into a file
 778 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:18:40] ah, wasn't seeing an error
 779 *       seidos [Jun 22 23:18:56] facepalms himself *thwap*
 780 <seidos>        [Jun 22 23:19:07] stdio.c?  no!  stdio.h
 781 *       seidos [Jun 22 23:19:19] bangs his head and chants "stupid, stupid, stupid"
 782 <bgs100>        [Jun 23 00:51:52] Night

learners/22062010 (last edited 2010-06-26 04:59:32 by 117)