Contact and URLS

About Me

I am 35 born in Madrid (Spain). I started playing with computers 20 years ago!!! I'm a System and Network Engineer and I've been working with GNU/Linux for about 8 years. I knew Ubuntu 2 years ago, but I started to work with this nice distro every day (at least during 9 hours) from last year.

Now Ubuntu and me are totally tied together.

Contributions and future

9 articles in an European Linux Magazine. All the articles are based in Ubuntu. Latest three are available here. Right now, I'm preparing a new one titled - "Create your own and customized Linux CD with Ubuntu". It will be based in Ubuntu and will document most of the tips to create a Linux CD or DVD.

When I heard about the Ubuntu Members group, I wanted to take part to document and integrate (packaging or scripting). I think is very difficult to find Spanish people to be really involved with the Linux Community and in particular with the Ubuntu one and, if possible, I want to be one of those to have an intensive collaboration.

I still will try get the attention and interest of the Spanish people about Ubuntu with the Magazine.

I know is not too much after one year, but any bug found has been reported. I always try to find a work around or fix and share with the rest of the comunity.

I'm QA & Testing specialist so, I would like to be deeply involved in Ubuntu integration testing.

I will follow writting articles for the new Linux people, to get the interest of those that never heard about Linux or Ubuntu and improve, if possible the software that arrives to their hands.

I started to translate to Spanish different untranslated parts of different applications available in Launchpad. I will spend at least from 4 hours a week to review any of the translation available for Ubuntu in Launchpad.

Please, let me know how to be directly involved in documentation for Ubuntu in Spanish (or translate from English). As you can see, I'm very good documenting and I think I can help in this area too much.

I would like to be involved also in packaging, testing & QA.

Just member of the Ubuntu Spanish LoCo Team, the project I most like is C.U.P.I.E and I would like to be involved soon to share my knowledge and Ubuntu Phylosophy to the new Ubuntu people.

Also I'm awaiting for the approval in the Spanish Documentation Team. I want to create new docs, improve the old ones and put my bit in the project.

linux (last edited 2009-01-04 12:37:49 by 64)