== About Me == Hello my name is Matt Bruzek a Linux enthusiast since 1999. Started with Mandrake Linux (now called Mandriva) using many different distributions leading up to Ubuntu. Active member of the local Linux User Group (LUG) giving several technical presentations. Using Ubuntu exclusively since 2009 at work and at home (over 5 years now). I would be honored to be a part of the Ubuntu community as an Ubuntu Member. == Contact Information == || IRC || mbruzek || || Email || mbruzek no spam at gmail.com || || Website || http://bruzer.net || || AskUbuntu || mbruzek || || Launchpad || [[http://launchpad.net/~mbruzek|~mbruzek]] || || Current Ubuntu versions || 14.10 Utopic Unicorn x2, 14.04 Trusty Tahar x3, 12.04 Precise || == Contributions == * Created and presented a Linux Introduction class to the [[http://www.rochesterce.org/|Rochester Community Education]] department in February 2006. * Instructed a Linux Introduction class at the Rochester Public Library in 2006. * Member of the Rochester Linux User Group (K-LUG) http://k-lug.org * Presented on Backtrack Linux and file recovery with scalpel. * Presented on the 2013 Maker Faire * Created a [[http://prezi.com/7xgiezaajjek/juju/|Prezi on Juju]] and presented it to K-LUG on January of 2014. * Active member on Ask Ubuntu (mbruzek) * A Juju charm author: * openmrs * tomcat * An active Juju charmer contributing to the Juju Charm Ecosystem * Quality reviews * Updating charms, or fixing broken ones. * Finding and creating bugs to help improve the Juju software * Contributed updates and corrections to the Juju documentation (even before it is hosted on on Github) * Attended and contributed to several Charm school videos to educate the public on Juju. * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuqFaTASBTE * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d5KdQjXCBs * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYpnQI6GZTA * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75gKKnv_ze8 * Attended the spring 2014 Ubuntu Online Summit (UOS) / Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) video sessions: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByHDXFcz9Nk * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND-vmtCOEjY * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlTeRjGv4E4 * Presented the fall 2014 Ubuntu Online Summit (UOS) / Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) video sessions: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZmH3DpCh2Y * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ_blv9JhCs * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8hhaX07V44 * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NHhLF9uewU * Active with the local makerspace where I lead software based projects using Ubuntu: * http://www.instructables.com/id/IRC-laptop-for-hackerspace/ == Future Goals == I really believe in the Ubuntu distribution. I plan to continue promoting the Ubuntu at the makerspace for the computer related projects. I plan to be more active with the Ubuntu MN LoCo chapter, I already contacted the MN LoCo team admin Tony Yarusso about upcoming events. I plan to continue my activities as a Juju Charmer, by reviewing charms, mentoring new charm authors, and helping out on IRC in #juju where I can. My goal is to bring quality to the charm store by holding thorough reviews and keeping charms compliant with policy. I will continue to use social media to promote the Juju Ecosystem to everyone who will listen! == Testimonials == '''Note:''' If you have anything nice to say about this person, please do add it below along with @ SIG @ (no spaces). The @ SIG @ command will sign your name and date/time it after you "Save Changes". Matt has been an awesome new contributor. He's mostly been concentrating on delivering workloads to Ubuntu, especially on POWER8. You can see the result of his work here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b03UR0hJeGg Thanks to him we also finally have a Tomcat development story for Ubuntu that actually works! An area for improvement I'd like to see is more involvement in your local Ubuntu community. +1 -- [[LaunchpadHome:jorge]] <> Matt has been an excellent community ambassador. His work in the Charm Audit, Charm Review Queue, and assistance in IRC is an exemplary display of his craftsmanship, attention to detail, and level of care in having a great all around Juju experience. His drive to learn more about Ubuntu technologies is an inspiration. He receives my resounding thumbs up. -- [[LaunchpadHome:lazypower]] <> Matt has been an excellent asset inside the Juju team. Interactions with him have always resulted in a successful piece of work, even though he n'acked many of my merge proposals! Going serious, Matt has done an awesome work inside the Juju community and I feel and believe his contributions are pretty much valuable for the Ubuntu Community as a whole. I can proudly say I've learnt a lot from you, mbruzek. Hope to see you as a Member soon! -- [[LaunchpadHome:jose]] <> == Comments == It sounds like Matt has been approved for a community member [congrats], but I still wanted to leave my +1/affirmation. I work with Matt on the Juju Solutions team. Matt is not only willing, but has a passion to help others get their problems resolved. You can commonly find Matt helping others in #juju, mailing lists, or AskUbuntu to get their worklolads deployed on Ubuntu. Matt ensures folks ''understand'' the solution and feel comfortable with the resolution thereby enabling them to help others with similar questions. In addition to Matt's technical contributions to the Ubuntu community working to deploy workloads Matt is patient, listens, and you if you have had the opportunity to join him in a G+ Hangoug (VUDS) you'll quickly note his kindness and Bruzek smile. A great addition to the Ubuntu community.