= Mikaela = == About me == I am interested a little of everything software-related and I have vocational qualification in business information science. I have used Ubuntu since 2008 (8.04) and I have also used other distributions such as Fedora, Debian, Linux Mint Debian Edition and Antergos. Currently I am waiting for my gender to be legally recognized before continuing studying which should happen in winter. I am not fully sure where I will apply, but I know that it won't be in Kotka. I wish I can go to Helsinki, but I don't know what to study there yet. I know a little of HTML which I use mostly with markdown and also little of C# and VBA, which I have had courses about at vocational college. I have probably mostly been in Supybot (IRC-bot that multiple Ubuntu bots use) IRC-support and I have helped a little with administrating meetingology which means upgrading it to current Limnoria (most popular Supybot-fork nowadays) and setting it to use CertFP and SASL to identify to NickServ. Recently '''I left the project [[https://mikaela.info/english/2015/03/25/leaving-bots-life.html|as I am unwanted there.]]''' I am still on many channels and networks though helping when I can. At freenode you can see the public channels that I am on with `/whois Mikaela`. I have been contributing to Ubuntu community in IRC channel of Ubuntu Youth (since 2010) and and I think I also have been at IRC channels of Ubuntu Finland around the same time. I started contributing at IRC channels of Ubuntu Women in June 2014. At vocational college we have sometimes encountered Ubuntu in various tasks and I have helped others with it when they have had issues. I also have done [[http://linux.fi/w/index.php?title=Toiminnot%3AMuokkaukset&tagfilter=&contribs=user&target=Mkaysi&namespace=&year=2014&month=-1|some contributions]] at Linux.fi wiki, which is freely editable Linux help site in Finnish. I am also moderator on their forum. I was also at Ubuntu (Finland) community meeting & 15.04 release party at Happy Hacking Day even if I was mostly just listening === Other things === I have Aspergers syndrome (where special interest is computers and mostly software (which probably is obivious from higher of this page)) and I am trans woman. Oh, and it could probably also be said that I am planning to learn Python (3) at some point, but that is probably long-time target. === Links === * Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~mikaela * Reported bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~mikaela/+reportedbugs * Limnoria etc. translations: https://translations.launchpad.net/~mikaela/+activity * IRC: Mikaela * Open HUB: https://www.openhub.net/accounts/Mikaela * GitHub: https://github.com/Mikaela * Reported issues: https://github.com/issues?q=author:Mikaela%20is:issue * Opened pull requests: https://github.com/issues?q=author:Mikaela%20is:pr == Testimonials == [[CoevoetNicolas]] : Mikaela is always present and active as a good helper in supybot/limnoria's channels, i don't know her too much from ubuntu's channels, but i'm pretty sure her behaviour is the same. I support her membership. [[AlanBell]] : Mikaela suggested some improvements to the way some of the IRC bots could be set up and then volunteered to get on and make it happen, which is great. [[ValorieZimmerman]] : Mikaela is so dedicated to making IRC work for everyone. She is an inspiration to me almost daily as she contributes technically while dealing with online harassment far too often. [[LaunchpadHome:valorie-zimmerman]] <>