
Revision 17 as of 2011-06-22 23:21:16

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About me

My name is Marcelo Gutiérrez. I was born in Managua,Nicaragua, on july 26th 1984. I'm a Computer Engineer who loves FLOSS, I use Xubuntu and Drupal x)

Contact Information

What about Ubuntu?

I barely used 8.04, I really started using Xubuntu since 8.10 and began contributing to the community in April 2009.

My history inside the community || According to launchpad

Joined in 2008-09-24, became Miembros oficiales del Grupo Ubuntu Nicaragua since 2009-06-25 and was made Admin of Red de Grupos Locales Ubuntu en Centroamérica that very same day, 4 days later joined Ubuntu Latinoamérica, made Admin of Concejo Comunitario Ubuntu Nicaragua since 2010-05-30 and recently became Ubuntu Nicaragua Masters of the Web since 2011-03-23, did I mentioned I <3 drupal?

Behind the mic || My lectures

My UBUNTU Life || Things worth metioning <3

My work outside the Ubuntu community <3

My Plans for the Ubuntu Comunity


  • Sus aportes han sido valiosos para la comunidad y ha demostrado determinación y empeño en su labor. -JorSol

  • Nicaraguan community has played a really important role on Central American integration. Thanks to Marcelo and the rest, some big projects with a huge impact were possible. I fully support his membership; and I know that, with his help, Ubuntu will grow even more in Central America. - elopio

Still working in my info x)
