##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki #language en ---- CategoryHomepage ## Picture not working anymore without U1?! {{https://www.dropbox.com/s/6v7iqomvrh9crbr/Neil.jpg?dl=0}} || '''Launchpad ID''': || [[https://launchpad.net/~nlsthzn/|nlsthzn]] || || '''Ubuntu Forums''': || [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=1209987|not found]] || || '''IRC''': || nlsthzn on Freenode || || '''Contact''': || [[https://launchpad.net/~nlsthzn/|Use launchpad contact form or my email ]]|| || '''More info''': || [[http://nlsthzn.com]]|| ## Add more than listed in table for contact if you like, such as IMs, or other social networks you frequent. If you prefer not to post publicly things like your email, you can list such contact information on launchpad a more private network. <> == About Me == My name is Neil Oosthuizen and I have been addicted to Ubuntu in some form or shape since I got my 6.06 discs via ship-it. Currently I like to hang out and give a helping hand when possible on IRC, I am part of a group trying to get a Loco established in the UAE and more often than not I will be found at the Ubuntu Forums. It was also my great privilege to be asked to assist as a moderator on the Ubuntu Forums, a chance I jumped at, and as it is early days yet I will start to play a bigger role in this capacity as I become more familiar with the culture, rules, etiquette etc. and the tools available on the forum. Oh, and a special mention to all the awesome work the super unofficial Ubuntu News Team does... when ever I can I try and lend them a hand with the awesome task of the weekly Ubuntu Newsletter... <> == Team Memberships == They have become numerous so I decided to just add this link [[https://launchpad.net/~nlsthzn/+participation]] <> == Future Plans & Projects == * Well, it is still early days but we are slowly building an Ubuntu community in the UAE - Plan is simple, become a recognized official Loco - [[http://ubuntu.ae]] * I will continue to be an active member (and now also staff member) of the [[http:/ubuntuforums.org|Ubuntu Forums]] as I see it as an awesome tool in bringing Ubuntu to the masses. <> == Programming languages == * Python print 'Hello world!' (Yup, that is about the extent of my programming powers...) * Python 3 print("Hello world!") (Still can't do much more but at least I am current :p) <> == Testimonials == * [[http://www.meetup.com/EmiratesLoCo/messages/boards/thread/16007212|Ubuntu Membership application thread]] for me on the Emirates LoCo Message Board *